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What to upgrade?

What to upgrade?

20 апр. 2023, 06:1920.04.23

What to upgrade?

Hello fellow Mech Arena enthusiasts!

I am at a loss on what to upgrade.  I guess I have accumulated too much stuff lol

I have 8k a-coins to spend and way too many choices (took me forever to save these up).

These are the mechs and weapons that I have, I listed the rank and level as well.

I just recently got Redeemer and Surge, and Bastion


Surge 3-star, lvl 1

Bastion 3-star, lvl 1

Onyx 2-star, lvl 6

Gatecrasher 3-star, lvl 7

Redeemer 3-star, lvl 4

Panther 3-star, lvl 7

Killshot 4-star, lvl 7

Zephyr 3-star, lvl 7

Sentinel 2-star, lvl 7

Aegis 3-star, lvl 5

Guardian 3-star, lvl 7


EM Rifle 16 3-star, lvl 7

Railgun 16 4-star, lvl 2

Graviton Beam 16 3-star, lvl 7

Disc Launcher 16 3-star, lvl 7

EM Rifle 12 3-star, lvl 7

EM Rifle 8 3-star, lvl 6

Disc Launcher 8 5-star, lvl 7

Missile Rack 12 3-star, lvl 7

Missile Rack 8 4-star, lvl 7

Arc Torrent 12 4-star, lvl 4

Arc Torrent 6 4-star, lvl 7

Javelin Rack 16 3-star, lvl 7

Javelin Rack 8 3-star, lvl 8

Rocket Mortar 8 3-star, lvl 7

Minigun 8 3-star, lvl 5

Current hangar (but I do switch it up frequently):


Also, is it better to get all the stuff that use most often to at least 4-star first, or is it better to focus on one mech/weapon and upgrade it further?

Thanks for any input!

20 апр. 2023, 06:5020.04.23
20 апр. 2023, 06:51(отредактировано)

For mechs Gatecrasher, Redeemer, Panther or Killshot and Zephyr. Maybe upgrade Sentinel to tank some damage.

For weapons upgrade all the Em rifles, Missile rack 8 or 12, Disc launcher, Arc Torrent 12 and maybe Jav 16 too.

20 апр. 2023, 11:5620.04.23

Upgrade everything that is legendary and epic. Everything else is garbage now.

21 апр. 2023, 11:5421.04.23

Pick one mech that you like and are good while playing, as in you can stay alive a long time. Level it and it's weapons as high as possible so you can compete in tournaments, etc. You need to win a lot, kill a lot, capture a lot, etc. That is your best path to the resources available. 

Obviously as you have extra resources, you will fill up your hangar. 

Meta Mechs: Surge, Redeemer, Panther, Bastion 

Still Good ones:  Stalker, Guardian, Orion, Killshot, Brickhouse, Gatecrasher

Meta weapons: EM Rifles, Disc Launchers, Rail Guns

Still good ones: Arc Torrent, Grav Beams

Okay ones: Shotgun 8, Javalins, Helix, Mini Gun, Mortars

Play style and ability almost always prevails. I've seen a dude wrecking people with Longarms on a Killshot and I've seen a Surge with Carbines get 25 kills in a FFA. Make sure you like the mech/weapon combo and it fits your play style. I see too many new players with a Surge think they can surge into any situation and kill everyone. 

Some maps are friendly to different weapons and to excel you will unlikely stick with one particular setup.