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real spider robot idea

real spider robot idea

16 март 2023, 23:1016.03.23

real spider robot idea


a Spider Robot that climbs freely on the walls and ceiling small the size of a mech explored its ability would be a web that thrown at the mech would reduce its speed paralysis of arms for 3 seconds and being thrown at the walls allows the mech to school building, similar to that of the Spider-Man, with a range of 30

a Spider Robot that climbs freely on the walls and ceiling small the size of a mech explored its ability would be a web that thrown at the mech would reduce its speed for 3 seconds and being thrown at the walls allows the mech to school building, similar to that of the Spider-Man, with a range of 30meters and a cooldown of 5 seconds, the speed of the mech would be 29 km, he would have 20 energy

16 март 2023, 23:2216.03.23

this mech would be ideal for maps with a lot of buildings and roofs much better than the bid already imagined you shoot upside down or walk freely through the buildings jump from one building to another

16 март 2023, 23:2416.03.23

would be an ideal mech to provide cover or warn of the position of other mechs

19 март 2023, 01:5119.03.23

Hi Marcos, good thinking! I was about to suggest a spider bot also. But the ability would be to shoot a spider web that inmobilises the victim for 5 seconds. Both ideas would be great together! I don't think Aracnos makes a good interpretation on spiders since he is too slow. However, like I said before to a peer, speed can be aranged to 25km unti it gets upgraded. If you don't have a name for it, I suggest "Spido".

19 март 2023, 02:4719.03.23

Hi Marcos, good thinking! I was about to suggest a spider bot also. But the ability would be to shoot a spider web that inmobilises the victim for 5 seconds. Both ideas would be great together! I don't think Aracnos makes a good interpretation on spiders since he is too slow. However, like I said before to a peer, speed can be aranged to 25km unti it gets upgraded. If you don't have a name for it, I suggest "Spido".

good name

19 март 2023, 02:5019.03.23

Hi Marcos, good thinking! I was about to suggest a spider bot also. But the ability would be to shoot a spider web that inmobilises the victim for 5 seconds. Both ideas would be great together! I don't think Aracnos makes a good interpretation on spiders since he is too slow. However, like I said before to a peer, speed can be aranged to 25km unti it gets upgraded. If you don't have a name for it, I suggest "Spido".

i had this idea because of the very bad lancer that mech you need to have a real climbing mech would be very good

19 март 2023, 02:5119.03.23

to op.

20 март 2023, 12:1220.03.23

i think it's like a kind of robot in WAR ROBOT

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
20 март 2023, 14:5520.03.23

Hi! The idea is really great, but I guess the Ability to climb on the walls is quite hard to implement in the game as it's completely different apart other Mechs move

20 март 2023, 18:4220.03.23

Since he can't walk on walls. Give him a web to pull enemies to you where you and your team can wreck them.

20 март 2023, 23:2520.03.23

HI, I like the idea of a web wraping the victims for 5 seconds. For a story, lets say a secret organisation is using Mech Arena to test their experiments on robotics. More new mechs are expected to arive!