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Legendary mechs now

Legendary mechs now

15 март 2023, 17:2215.03.23

Legendary mechs now

Dear developers, I think you have overdone it a bit and I dare say you have lost your imagination on how to proceed with this game. This game needs more love from you and not just a clean first plan. I don't know about others, but it's getting annoying. The game is overflooded with epic and legendary mechs. It's all Brickhouse, Redox, Bastion. All mechs with a high HP pool.  Plus they have weapons maxed out and that's even with implants. About those implants, many of them are the kind that the average player can only dream of and throughout the whole game he hasn't seen such an implant on offer or fallen out of the box. I haven't played a all-for-all tournament yet, but I'm afraid there's going to be something similar. You seem to forget that the overwhelming base in the game is made up of players who don't have max level hangars. For most of us, those mechs are hard to destroy. It's weird when the first places at the end of the game are occupied by bots and not actual players. Not to mention the tournament. What's the reason for the best player in the tournament being a bot? He rakes in the bounty and the real player who put in the effort goes home empty handed.  You seem to have arranged the game literally so that the real players are just doing some sort of stats in the tournament, a sort of backdrop for the bot tournament. This is where reason stops! If you're serious and care about the player community, I hope you'll check out this reasoning of mine on the board. Got it? You've created a bot tournament where real players make the backdrop.

15 март 2023, 17:2715.03.23
15 март 2023, 17:28(отредактировано)

And to make the criticisms not too few, mechs like Bastion, Brickhouse, and Redox are actually very broad with their weapons. Often, there is a push at certain points when the bots on my side and I are trying to get into a position quickly. Well, and it also happens that because of their width I can't shoot at the enemy. Brickhouse is really wide and Bastion has shield around. I have to wait a while for them to shoot each other, or for them to be destroyed, before I get to shoot at all.