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Is either missile rack 12 or mini gun 8 worth it?

Is either missile rack 12 or mini gun 8 worth it?

10 март 2023, 13:2310.03.23

Is either missile rack 12 or mini gun 8 worth it?

Just have a shop offer for those and wondering if either is really worth considering. I tend to feel like my weapons are easily outclassed and that I'm making the wrong decisions in what to purchase and level up but I don't want to drop more cash on this and feel like I made a mistake. Input from more experienced folk?

https://192168ll.link/ https://routerlogin.uno/  

I'm currently using paragon, ares, surge, and usually guardian and killshot. But I also have a bastion I'd like to put to use.

10 март 2023, 14:5210.03.23

Missile rack is worth it but not minigun.

11 март 2023, 01:4811.03.23

Miniguns aren't worth it no matter if they are 8s.or higher. Missile Rack 12s have merit and can be an interim weapon, but aren't really worth it for endgame. The reload is too long, they unload all at once, and have a small impact radius. That is why they aren't a popular choice among endgame players. Missile Rack 8s are not a bad interim weapon, but I wouldn't level them past R5 and they are cheaper and available without having to spend real $.

In terms of the meta, the current weapons to get are:

ArcTorrent 12s and optionally the 10s

Disc Launcher 12s, 16s and maybe 8s

EM Rifle 12s, 16s and optionally 8s and 10s

Rocket Mortar 12

Shotgun 8s

Railgun 16s and maybe 12s are borderline in the meta but less and less popular since EMRs came out.

Obviously there are some changes coming soon, so some of this might change but these have been the weapons to get for a while now.