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Is MA non-functional in an Android simulator for anyone else?

Is MA non-functional in an Android simulator for anyone else?

6 март 2023, 18:1506.03.23

Is MA non-functional in an Android simulator for anyone else?

Been playing MA w/ BlueStacks for a long time - no problems (once I got the key mapping working for me). Now, with this latest update, things have gone down the proverbial tube. Almost always I need to tap a key twice to take some action (moving, reloading, firing 1 wep, etc.). Worse is that the mouse regularly stops working so I can't turn/swivel, making me a sitting duck as I need to hit Alt-Tab to regain control (for sometimes only 2 sec before it happens again). Although, I have gone a full battle with it happening once or twice https://192168ll.link/ https://routerlogin.uno/.

I did try 2 alternate Android simulators and had the same problem, so it's not Blue Stacks!

6 март 2023, 20:2806.03.23

I play on pc since they started doing 

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
7 март 2023, 13:2807.03.23

Hello! We don't cooperate with any third-party emulator providers, so we can't answer what kind of issues they have.
However, we'd like to recommend you to try our Plarium Play version of Mech Arena for PCs. It's our official version, so our developers are fixing any bugs and issues asap just like in the Android version. Moreover, it's cross-platform, so you can play with players using the mobile version. Besides, you can reach your account from the Android version by following these steps

8 март 2023, 15:1708.03.23

Yep, I had also experienced this same problem like a week back on bluestacks, so I decided to play on Plarium play and not on bluestacks. I just use MA on bluestacks to claim rewards by ads, as there is no pc version of the same

8 март 2023, 15:1808.03.23

So, its not only u suffering from the problem. i'd suggest to play on plarium play itself rather than any third party emulators