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Make stalker legendary already.

Make stalker legendary already.

23 фев. 2023, 15:0323.02.23

Make stalker legendary already.

Stalker should be promoted to Epic in the new update, maybe even (If minorly buffed) Legendary, as it has an very powerful ability, above average movement speed (22), the highest health out of all Assault mechs (49900 at tier 4), and a Medium energy capacity, which while not the best, definitely facilitates powerful weaponry.

Update: Even after the update, my points still remain. Even in lower ranks, with proper weaponry it nails anyone in it's sight, and, while not having the best hp anymore, it definitely still has the highest survivability, with it's high damage, and ability to renove all damage in a couple shots. Yeah, to become legendary, he'd probably want a ability buff (Something minor like every other rank ability cooldown is reduced by a second or something, or maybe increasing its movement speed.Buffing the health would just make him downright unfair), but still.

23 фев. 2023, 16:3923.02.23

For context(All at tier 4): The average stats of Attacker mechs is 18km 36,600Hp, though all other attackers have 32 top energy.

23 фев. 2023, 17:5123.02.23

They should have just done away with the tiering system entirely and tried to instead to bring everything to a relative balance. There's going to be more updates that directly or indirectly affect the viability of mechs and weapons to different degrees and over time it will again be less intuitive. There's not a lot you can do about that except update the grade of items over and over.

There's always going to be some items that are better than others. But it used to be that there wasn't such a big difference between the best items in the game and the rest, with few exceptions. Now that's not so true, and unfortunately it seems devs are leaning even further into that. Which can really only mean pay to win ahead. Some mechs now might just have no hope for a buff. It feels really shitty because sticking true to a tiering system feels like the devs are pointing at some mechs and saying "don't bother using these guys" which just overall makes the game less fun.

23 фев. 2023, 20:5423.02.23

It's definitely one of if not the most powerful mech in the game. It doesn't really shine until R6, but it's one of the highest priorities to max. With DL12s it can easily rack up 600 or more points per tournament match. Hasn't really been popular for EMR12s, but I know one skilled player who runs it in tourney and just heals all match while annihilating the other team.