Sorry, what I saying is, these errors/bugs are costing me more and more of my division, at first it was the server glitches then i was cruising through the battles.I am a girl Who is much older then half or more the plates, but I fell in love w the game and bam b.s.b.s. After more b.s costed me my division. I have spent 48 hours plus trying to get my division up out of the hole. And No, why, bcuz people are killing me that aren't even listed, or apperantly my own team mates or own self . Pisses me off I got a line of family and friend who play, and all of us hav simular issues. I give up on thinking I will see a correction after matches have been reviewed but again, no. I am a game tester mostly for oculus, but that is how I came across this game . Don't even like this type of game , but this girl loves this one, and my mechs. Also stop with the chat feature being shut off if u ar not at division 9 or less. Let us chat no matter the division.