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NOT looking forward to the new system of acquiring content

NOT looking forward to the new system of acquiring content

2 фев. 2023, 07:5202.02.23

NOT looking forward to the new system of acquiring content

Progress path was far from perfect and it needed replacing as a system of obtaining content. What I'm not looking forward to is how devs try to monetize it. Devs have shown they're very good at coming up with ways of trying to pressure the player to pay. So good in fact that I've never accurately predicted the next monetization practice.

What I'm trying to say is, I'm scared how devs could this up. I don't want to find out. But I'm going to. I'm afraid I'm going to be begging with the community for it to be fixed as devs insist the system isn't problematic even though it very clearly is. I'm not looking forward to it.

[Edited] Dear Player, your post violated our Forum Rules & Guidelines (1.2), so your message was edited a bit. Please make sure to follow the forum rules in future. This time it's just a warning. More serious measures might be taken in future. Thank you for your understanding!  

FlooCommunity Manager
13 фев. 2023, 18:1613.02.23

BAAB, thank you for sharing your concerns! 

15 фев. 2023, 01:0115.02.23

BAAB, thank you for sharing your concerns! 

Always glad to.

I'd also like to remind you I've made it clear several times I don't violate your arbitrary rules for no reason. Often times, I'm venting frustration. Pent up frustration. I don't feel heard. I'm far from the only person who doesn't feel heard. I understand these words are offensive, BUT I'M OFFENDED AT THE STATE OF THE GAME AND THE CHOICES DEVS MAKE AND THEIR RELUCTANCE TO EVEN TRY TO MAKE US FEEL HEARD.

I'd also like to inform you I've already made several new accounts on this forum. You're going to know just how frustrated I am, whether you like it or not.

At this point, I don't have hopes another community manager will change things. I've been misled over and over again as to whether or not positive changes were coming to the game. It's worse by the day, and I'm getting tired.

But I've been angrier on these forums than I'm showing now. I'm keeping far more anger to myself as well. I've tried my very best to keep it contained out of respect for the fact that you care more about rules infractions than the feelings of player, to no avail as well though I always knew asking nicely because you want me to would never actually yield results.

So I'll let you know one more thing. I'm prepared to shake the community with unprecedented rage. I'm not the only one frustrated with the game, but I am one of few insistent upon getting mad. The more people frustrated with the game, the longer we go unheard the madder I get, the more I insist on venting my anger how I see fit, the more I insist on other players getting mad.

I said I wouldn't quit the game because it doesn't do a thing. I'm going to quit if devs don't start listening to us, but I'm also burning this game down with me.

23 фев. 2023, 21:3323.02.23

Cool the new system of acquiring content will have every mech and weapon. Too bad I won't be able to get anything good because I have no fucking a-coins.

24 фев. 2023, 14:5524.02.23

There will be huge barriers in the new path