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FFA thoughts

FFA thoughts

12 янв. 2023, 00:2212.01.23

FFA thoughts

     I think it is a great gamemode. It is a real test of strength and skill instead of the 5v5 deathmatches where if you get stuck with a sucky team then you get less than 200 points. For FFA the best mech win, and you don't have teammates to mess you up. Also rocket mortars don't work well so all those rocket mortar users can go cry in a hole. 

     Some problems I would like to see fixed in it is that I'm being matched with people 4000+ power level and I'm only 2800 power level. Also, even though the first map is great, the second one is not great in my opinion. 

     Just my thoughts,

     N8 _

12 янв. 2023, 01:1412.01.23

This mode in it's current state is trash! Ten players is about 5 too many. The maps are way to crowded. Causes issues locking on to targets. 

12 янв. 2023, 04:3012.01.23

You definitely have to be ready out the gate. It would be not so frustrating if you have more area or block walls when spawning from chambers. Often it takes 2 mechs to get out to achieve a kill. I do enjoy the comradery of others in your team battles in death matches. Just saying......... eXuQ

12 янв. 2023, 13:0312.01.23

I love FFA 


12 янв. 2023, 16:2212.01.23
12 янв. 2023, 16:24(отредактировано)

I like the mode (but that doesnt even matter) and i am skeptical about whather its too many or not.

i think its a good mode. And by this i am a game designer and can like good design despite not liking playing and such, but when i say i like the desingn, or mode, im saying more like its well done then i like it. Like the mode is a different story.

I love that the rocket morter crap simply doesnt work well.

honestly, both the comment anout out the gate, and five players two many is probably wrong.

I have done well just by waiting a few seconds and fighting after a little bit.

second, there are times where many players is really helpfull. The caos prevents four players teaming up on you being effective if you dont run away and let the rest of the map shoot at idiots not paying attention. Aslo, if a tema of freinds comes in, and there only five players, get trolled bro. Its a just that suck and have no skills, not that five people are litterally obviously helping eachother. Your just an easy target and they realized that they are picking on noobs and ignoring eachother. You know, animals avoid fighting close battles.

13 янв. 2023, 00:1313.01.23

What is most fun in FFA is getting matched up with players who have 1200 points more in their hangar. When I have 1900, that is about 2/3 as much as I field. 

Also, it is too crowded. Maybe 5-8 is the sweet spot.  Also a bit more space at the spawn points so that a Zephyr does not have auto-kills.

FlooCommunity Manager
13 янв. 2023, 13:4413.01.23

Guys, thank you all very much for sharing your thoughts. Our team keeps collecting all players' feedback on the new game mode and I will make sure to pass on your comments as well 👌

13 янв. 2023, 23:0713.01.23

I don't know if 10 players is too much or just right. It feels like both sometimes. Some mechs that were strong in team based modes are even stronger in FFA though. And other mechs that aren't so strong in the team modes are much stronger in FFA.

EMP mechs are a pain in the backside on FFA and stealth is a great ability to have because it's virtually impossible to not be seen hiding behind walls. That might be a problem actually. Yeah surge has both of these too it's nasty in FFA. But because EMP is so strong so is redeemer's ability but only at max level because devs are greedy. Otherwise guardian is good because it lets you disable multiple foes at once. Panther and Aegis can force 1v1s though Aegis has much higher HP so it's probably much more viable. Tanks overall are great because just not dying is so helpful you're less likely to become HP for your opponents. Though they'll get a lot back as soon as you die. Since bastion is an EMPing tank it should be especially good and vulnerable to few mechs.

14 янв. 2023, 03:2414.01.23
Randy Shelton

This mode in it's current state is trash! Ten players is about 5 too many. The maps are way to crowded. Causes issues locking on to targets. 

Remember Quake Arena or Unreal Tournament?  Having a crap load of players in a small room is tons of fun.  Plus the fact that this game moves slower than most fps.  Plus there is a skill/trick to winning FFA (if you know, you know).

14 янв. 2023, 03:2914.01.23

I don't know if 10 players is too much or just right. It feels like both sometimes. Some mechs that were strong in team based modes are even stronger in FFA though. And other mechs that aren't so strong in the team modes are much stronger in FFA.

EMP mechs are a pain in the backside on FFA and stealth is a great ability to have because it's virtually impossible to not be seen hiding behind walls. That might be a problem actually. Yeah surge has both of these too it's nasty in FFA. But because EMP is so strong so is redeemer's ability but only at max level because devs are greedy. Otherwise guardian is good because it lets you disable multiple foes at once. Panther and Aegis can force 1v1s though Aegis has much higher HP so it's probably much more viable. Tanks overall are great because just not dying is so helpful you're less likely to become HP for your opponents. Though they'll get a lot back as soon as you die. Since bastion is an EMPing tank it should be especially good and vulnerable to few mechs.

Yeah, Shadow is so good in FFA!  I don't have him, but his stealth makes him ideal.

14 янв. 2023, 13:2414.01.23

Shadow is not really that great. He is an easy kill because he has the lowest health of any mech in the game. 

14 янв. 2023, 19:0214.01.23

The mode is fun, but not fun when a mech is on the map that can just freely walk around killing everything in sight. I understand players can have a good round, but when a player just goes left and doesn't stop racking up the kills... There is some kinda of missmatching going on. 

15 янв. 2023, 15:4015.01.23

     There are two problems with FFA. The second map. Need I say more? The second problem is Zephyrs and Surges. I have them andeven I think they need a big nerf. Instead of max energy of 24, it should be 16. This nerf would balance the game. Surges could have shotgun 8s and Zephyrs could have MR 8s.

     n8 _

16 янв. 2023, 17:3516.01.23

     Can we have more FFA maps? We should have one that is taking place in an abandoned mall with escalators to get from one floor to another. There can be two floors, the first one is a food court with different restaurants and the second one can be a clothing store or something. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

     n8 _

25 янв. 2023, 14:4825.01.23

The map today is trash.

25 янв. 2023, 23:1425.01.23

I think FFA is really good as is. It's far more exciting than 5v5 or even 2v2 and cpc. Maybe disable cycling though as people just seem to nuke their non preferred mechs to get to their top mech quickly. Maybe each time you change mech rather than die in battle you lose a kill? Unless that already happens and I'm too into it to notice lol 

29 янв. 2023, 06:1929.01.23

FAA being forced as the primary tournament in its current state seems like a horrible punishment on the player base that has put a lot of time and effort and in many cases money to have thier mechs leveled up part of the way. I was able to win a some brackets, but even when I was doing well I found it to be a terrible gaming experience. The players I saw capable of untouchable scores where mostly using some kind of hanger manipulation to face much lower level opponents than thier one primary mech, and used mechs with very little investment in the game.

30 янв. 2023, 05:3130.01.23


Match Matching is trash, 3- 4 star can match with 7 

30 янв. 2023, 10:5630.01.23

It´s horrible right now. Confusing, senseless and unjoyful. Umless they came up with a better map please stop developing the ffa-mode.

1 фев. 2023, 03:2701.02.23
1 фев. 2023, 16:55(отредактировано)

I think you should add gatecrasher with 12 energy and mingun 6 to the progress path.

1 фев. 2023, 16:4701.02.23

I love FFA