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Can we talk about bots and matchmaking?

Can we talk about bots and matchmaking?

3 нояб. 2022, 04:0403.11.22

Can we talk about bots and matchmaking?

Fun game and all, but that matchmaking is crap.

Not really sure why EVERY winning bot ALWAYS scores higher than EVERY losing bot.

A lot of matches are basically 1 vs 1 with bots as filler. Both humans will usually score the highest, but after that.. the bot scores are sorted, ALL the highest scores are ALWAYS on the winning side

Its statistically improbable; and makes me think more tomfoolery is afoot. Probably preordained crapbots to coerce you into paying more money. Mmmmm.. gotta love the whale-fishing algorithmic nonsense..

4 нояб. 2022, 12:1104.11.22
4 нояб. 2022, 12:29(отредактировано)

I don't know about always or even often that I see ALL the best scores on the enemy team. I have noticed quite often on the losing side every bot in each placement on a team will be outperformed by a bot of the same placement on the other team. And I even had a game where neither of these was the case. However, it does seem unrealistic the amount of times it happens. Every plarium rep vehemently denies the matches are rigged though. They even tell you they don't lie to you. I'd like to believe it, but I find it hard because I've been told the devs aren't straining the flow of a-coins to f2p players.

4 нояб. 2022, 12:5104.11.22

Its only the best BOT scores. The human players will inevitably score much higher, maybe; but the remaining bots (like 7 or 8) will be organized in this manner.

it's fishy and like you said, unrealistic; thats about all it is right now.

I suspect its somehow the end result of the programming trying to stay just ahead of me, so as to entice me to spend money.. LOL.. great game, here's some money initially; but now that I see games might be rigged.. yeah no

"Pssst.. You're algorithm is showing"

8 нояб. 2022, 15:4508.11.22

This is a hint to a bigger issue - the forced advancement into higher brackets when you haven't unlocked better mechs. Higher score shouldn't equal a forced advancement into a division where you are outclassed every match because the mechs/weaponry are all advanced.

The chats and games are OVERFLOWING with people who are AFKing in matches just to have their divisions reduced to where they can have fun again instead of being destroyed every match when they get shoved up into a new division.

9 нояб. 2022, 03:3109.11.22

The matchmaking is definitely rigged, that much is very obvious .

10 май 2023, 10:5810.05.23


"Mech Arena is a fast-paced PvP mech shooter with competitive mayhem for everyone"

Under these circumstances, I spent money on mechs, weapons and pilots.

For a PvP game it is also ok. But for a PvE game I wouldn't spend a cent.

You advertise with PvP. In your "Terms of Use" there is nothing about bots or PvE!

It is hereby a non-observed feature under the circumstances of which NO purchase would have taken place.

If this does not change, I will make all purchases willy-nilly undone because my purchase decision was deceived.

You can't just advertise PvP and then it's a simple PvE game where for one thing the AI opponents are so lame and your own are even annoying. Why should you spend money on it.

The current status of the "Terms of Use", the website at the current time, this contained game description are backed by me (subsequent adjustments do not change the fact that I was deceived in the purchase decision).

This in the forum is only my opinion for now. If the bots do not change, an official mail goes to the sales/support with a deadline to remove the flaw. If nothing happens, legal action will be taken to void the in-game purchases.