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Daniel Alt VikingsDaniel Alt Vikings

Get Vikings: War Of Clans
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Daniel Alt Vikings

Jan 28, 2022, 13:0201/28/22

Daniel Alt Vikings

The original author's spelling is retained.


See the Fighting of the Jarls,
He finds it hard to see the Wars,
I think he's angry at the Guards.
Overshadowed by the Palace’s Snowy backdoors.

Who is that Winning the Clans Battle?
Our troop’s arrows are ready,
There swords appear to be making a rather loud rattle,
So, let’s fire them already!

Our Caste is Lost,
Will we tear chief from head to toe?
Oh, no we shall not, for he is one of us lot!
Let us rejoice, begone from this land, row, row, row, row!

We will rebuild,
Though the battle is lost,
Or be killed,
Our members hearts are still embossed.
