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Mark StewartMark Stewart

Get Vikings: War Of Clans
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Mark Stewart

Jan 28, 2022, 12:4801/28/22

Mark Stewart

The original author's spelling is retained.



In the frozen North long long ago
The story of a glorious Shaman is told
A Viking Shaman and many he did save
This Shaman was known as Ulf the Brave
Banishing ghosts was Ulf’s favorite deed
So he would boast over horns of mead
When defending the stronghold he was fierce like wolf
Many was the warrior of Jotunheim who died by Ulf
The Clan Chief was stricken by a recurring dream
Until Ulf banished the Ghost Supreme
A princess of the clan became plagued by curses
Cast upon her by a Jotunheim Ursus
On a lonely hilltop cold as the grave
Ulf banished the Ursus, the princess to save
She offered Ulf her love so pure and so chaste
But the Gods demand fidelity never love Ulf to taste
Many years later Ulf the Brave passed away
His home now Valhalla due to all the Ghosts he did slay
There he abides still, while on earth Ghosts behave
In fear of a return of Ulf the Brave
