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Welcome to the official forum of Vikings: War of Clans!

Welcome to the official forum of Vikings: War of Clans!

Welcome to the official forum of Vikings: War of Clans!

Here you’ll find info on the latest updates, get answers to all your gameplay questions and get the chance to take part in contests.

A great ruler has to be up-to-date on events and be the first to learn about changes in the vast lands of the North! For your convenience, we’ve created a list of the main topics:

- Forum rules 

- Everything on Clans and Clan members

- Gameplay questions

- Technical troubleshooting

- Creating or searching for game guides

Join the valiant Jarls and keep track of all events in the Viking world with the Vikings: War of Clans forum!

You are a Viking! You are the Hero! 

Oct 30, 2020, 11:5910/30/20
Nov 9, 2020, 17:4911/09/20


Nov 10, 2020, 09:4611/10/20

ohhhh..mal wieder ein handkuss von " Plär-nich-rum" ...

110K manus gekauft 1 k bekommen !!!

und rein zufällig....wirklich nur ein zufall !!! funzt zur zeit die anzeige " zuletzt gekauft nicht " 

dinge gibts die die gibts gar ned ! ^^

zufälle über zufälle....hauptsache ihr "plärt-ned-rum ° !

man man man -.-

naja solang die Mio´s bei euch reinkommen passt des schon 


Dec 27, 2020, 15:1112/27/20

for information are you aware that the russian packs are not the same as those offered to all the others player photo supports one of the russian pack

for 16euro40

7000 15 days - 7000 7 days - 7000 3 days and 7000 15 hours - 28 000 clans spots - 28 000 personnal spots - 28000 specials spots and 350 millions gold coins .

here is where their superiority comes from