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Clans Battle and mini Asgard temporary schedule

Clans Battle and mini Asgard temporary schedule

For one month, we'll be experimenting with the length and the scheduling of some Competitions. There will be:

🌟Four shortened Clans Battles

This global Competition will start on Monday at 6 p.m. (UTC+0) and end at midnight as Tuesday becomes Wednesday, at 12 a.m. (UTC+0).

🌟 Six mini Asgards

Four legendary Competitions will be held on Wednesdays, starting at 4 p.m. (UTC+0). Two additional mini Asgards will take place on Sunday, May 14, and Sunday, June 11, after the Kingdoms Battle: Fury. The two Competitions will start at 1 p.m. (UTC+0).

✅ For all six Competitions, a bonus of +950% to the size of Onslaughts on Asgard Towers will be active. The Towers themselves will be able to host 450,000,000 to 650,000,000 warriors as reinforcements.

May 11, 2023, 04:3705/11/23
May 11, 2023, 09:5405/11/23

Stop milking out every penny from your players, people dont like the event, thats not why we all play it, its only because its a must to get asgard skins. We dont need more of those.

Keep cvc as it is. this one day cvc will be determained by timezones and thats not the way it should be,

Dont know what players you are listening to when you decide on changes cause it clearly isnt the average joe or clan

May 11, 2023, 12:4505/11/23

more canonfodder to the big spender

May 11, 2023, 23:0505/11/23

I consider CvC to be am outdated event. I think the one day for it will be just great . The mini Asgards at more stable times should be a good thing, however that being said folks in the USA have to get up at crazy times for the weekend mini events and the weekday ones are during most north america's work times. I do realize many more people are in the europe and asian. russian time zones but would it really hurt to once a month put the event in favor of north america time zones? Also originally I thought mini asgard was started to help smaller clans and players , Fighting the top 10 clans for a level 1 tower really isnt helping those people and clans. I get the impression no one really cares but I thought i would throw that out there. Have a good Day.

May 14, 2023, 01:5505/14/23

quit screwing with cvc with your fucking mini asgard plarium its your own dam fault you have run so many players out of the game with your greed and trying to make up the losses in one event and manipulating the packs the way have been doing by adding events that most players can only get items is by buying them and when the hell are you going to do something about all these level 1 through 15 level towns that have been abandoned for hundreds of weeks cluttering every dam kd if someone has not played in there lvl 1 town for 178 weeks they are probably not coming back to a game they already figured out they could not afford to play and do something about your damed paladin forts kd is clutterd enough with towns 

May 14, 2023, 09:1205/14/23

quit screwing with cvc with your fucking mini asgard plarium its your own dam fault you have run so many players out of the game with your greed and trying to make up the losses in one event and manipulating the packs the way have been doing by adding events that most players can only get items is by buying them and when the hell are you going to do something about all these level 1 through 15 level towns that have been abandoned for hundreds of weeks cluttering every dam kd if someone has not played in there lvl 1 town for 178 weeks they are probably not coming back to a game they already figured out they could not afford to play and do something about your damed paladin forts kd is clutterd enough with towns 

Its all about the money, if your not spending a fortune and every second of spare time you have this game is not for you. Stopped spending when this new group of Devs took over, glad i did as this game has gone down the pan. When you get streamers slagging of the game and quitting, you know there is a major problem. VWOC seem to be both blind and deaf, they seem to think everything is fine. All down to greed 

May 17, 2023, 02:4705/17/23

Absolute nonsense.

May 24, 2023, 01:2105/24/23

I don't know where Plarium is located, but it seems the Russian market is their primary target, that and milking money from their players. I have been with this game since the bata days and at this point, I have considered leaving the game. CvCs are really the only event I care about. With the level 8s getting all the power level 1 through 4 are almost pointless (by design, to get more money). Free to play until you get to upper levels, then it's “pay to compete”. Too much like the real world if you ask me. I game to relax after my day in the real world. Not to get stressed over a mere game.  

May 24, 2023, 05:3405/24/23

I don't know where Plarium is located, but it seems the Russian market is their primary target, that and milking money from their players. I have been with this game since the bata days and at this point, I have considered leaving the game. CvCs are really the only event I care about. With the level 8s getting all the power level 1 through 4 are almost pointless (by design, to get more money). Free to play until you get to upper levels, then it's “pay to compete”. Too much like the real world if you ask me. I game to relax after my day in the real world. Not to get stressed over a mere game.  

The main office was in Ukraine, about 15 months the Russian team took over. 

Jun 12, 2023, 11:0306/12/23

Not only does it give players in a certian timezone an unfair advantage,the points required to reach checkpoints are unchanged even tho the event has been shortened by nearly 50 percent

way to go plarium,you screwed us twice in one move,,but apperantly we overwhelmingly wanted it

Jul 4, 2023, 18:4707/04/23

quit screwing with cvc with your fucking mini asgard plarium its your own dam fault you have run so many players out of the game with your greed and trying to make up the losses in one event and manipulating the packs the way have been doing by adding events that most players can only get items is by buying them and when the hell are you going to do something about all these level 1 through 15 level towns that have been abandoned for hundreds of weeks cluttering every dam kd if someone has not played in there lvl 1 town for 178 weeks they are probably not coming back to a game they already figured out they could not afford to play and do something about your damed paladin forts kd is clutterd enough with towns 

Totally agree !  For the small players, asgard, holmgang  totally money no honey....

only jewiss business

Jun 10, 2023, 21:5106/10/23

We have NOT said we prefer shorter CVC'c to the contrary we want them back to 2 days to make it fair for ALL time zones

Jun 10, 2023, 21:2206/10/23
Saltheart Foamfollwer

Interesting how I don't see a single good thing about the clan war changes in the forum, but apparently "WE", the players, overwhelmingly approve them. Perhaps i'm not in the russian only forum, and you aren't reading what the rest of the world thinks

so true cvc is being fased out, and so are the smaller clans, and or people who dont have a ton of money to spend

Jun 10, 2023, 21:1906/10/23

Stop milking out every penny from your players, people dont like the event, thats not why we all play it, its only because its a must to get asgard skins. We dont need more of those.

Keep cvc as it is. this one day cvc will be determained by timezones and thats not the way it should be,

Dont know what players you are listening to when you decide on changes cause it clearly isnt the average joe or clan

The Game is called Vikings War of Clans, so why are you shortening cvc? Please leave cvc the way it was, If not create new game called Viking battle of Asgard. Lose troops and lose customers!

Jun 10, 2023, 01:2906/10/23

Interesting how I don't see a single good thing about the clan war changes in the forum, but apparently "WE", the players, overwhelmingly approve them. Perhaps i'm not in the russian only forum, and you aren't reading what the rest of the world thinks

May 18, 2023, 15:2205/18/23

plarium games been more and more like a damned slotmachine:(

the games looses the fun to be a gamer...

over 1000$ per month minimum ??? is that the way to go ???

i'll say no ... fivety buck per month for the fitnessclub ... the same for railwaycard --- it's ok

the same but per week for a little diner or kino or pup --- it's also ok

but more than 200$ in the same period --- it's pathological gambling addiction ...

would like to take us there plarium🙁 ?

does plarium want to get us there or should the game only appeal to high earners or company owners ---

🤔oh such people have no time to play ... 😔consequently, only their children remain

May 15, 2023, 21:2905/15/23

Well. with the longer game play for a CVC it allows ALL players in ALL time zones to take part, equally and fairly. By deliberately shortening this game, from 48 hours to 30, it will allow players in those areas with more daylight time to benefit. Frankly I'm totally disgusted.  I am a player that pays for things in this game, but i see no reason to conitnue to do so if your only interested in making it easier for a small group of players to dominate the game.

May 15, 2023, 18:0705/15/23

And get the stupid puzzle games off of the screen!   Put it on FB for bored assistants to play.  People are leaving the game left and right.