- Onslaughts. We've changed the minimum number of warriors required for an instant Onslaught. Now, you need to gather 75% of the maximum number of warriors in your Onslaught in order to start it without waiting.
- Asgard. The following bonus is now active: +950% to the size of Onslaughts on Asgard Towers. The Towers themselves can host 450,000,000 to 650,000,000 warriors as reinforcements.
- Mini Asgard. The following increased bonus is now active: +1,900% to the size of Onslaughts on Asgard Towers. The Towers themselves can host 750,000,000 to 900,000,000 warriors as reinforcements.
These changes have negatively affected the gameplay for smaller clans, perhaps this was the target. But if your management continues to serve the big clans, prepare for a mass exodus from the smaller ones. Thanks for ruining Asgard, eventually the game will be dead period. Only then will you guys understand. Greed destroys things.
Could not agree more, this game gets more negative remarks than all other Plarium games put together. Everything the Devs do is for the mega spenders, so many players have quit this glitchy unbalanced mess of a game. Even a streamer has quit, and VWOC still think they are doing a great job.
Once again todays mini Asgard/Lagfest has proven Plarium really doesn't care about the smaller clans and the whole "a clan can only control 3 towers" is a load of nonsense. Today wret is holding 5 towers, FCSM has 6 and blood has 5. I sat for 15 minutes to see if anything would change because last time I mentioned this I was told by support that it was probably a lag issue, not buying it. Here's a question for you Ms Alice the Administrator, when is plarium going to stop trying to force people into joining/creating large mega clans and actually do something that will keep us smaller players interested in the game.
These changes have negatively affected the gameplay for smaller clans, perhaps this was the target. But if your management continues to serve the big clans, prepare for a mass exodus from the smaller ones. Thanks for ruining Asgard, eventually the game will be dead period. Only then will you guys understand. Greed destroys things.