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  • We've added nine new Aesir. The maximum level of nine of the existing Aesir has been increased to 20.
  • The maximum level of the Jarl Almighty achievement has been increased to 20.
  • Twenty new VIP levels have been added.
  • More scouts have been added to Holmgang Forts of all levels. We've also added more resources and warriors to Forts of levels 8 and 9, and the defenders of these high-level Forts have become stronger.
  • The limit on Hero's energy and Shaman's power has been increased up to 5M.
  • The Throne of Jotunheim's capacity has been increased up to 450M warriors.
  • The limit on items for refreshing Tasks has been increased. You can now use up to 1,000 items at once.
  • Resource locations now have more resources, and yielding speed has been increased. These changes don't affect Invaders' Lairs or Ghosts' Shelters.

Read about all the changes in the patch notes:

In order to update the game, we'll be carrying out some technical maintenance. You won't be able to log in to the game during that time, but after the maintenance is over, you'll receive a reward.

Once the maintenance is over, don't forget to upgrade Vikings: War of Clans to the latest version, since the previous version may not work correctly.


Jun 23, 2022, 13:0706/23/22
Jun 23, 2022, 13:2506/23/22

aww guess the achievement for lord of ghosts, is gonna be harder to get now with the maximum lvls of aesir increased...

 Also I assume the vip points required is gonna be substantial, seeing how they added packs of vip points to seasonal store with 1B and another 1.8B (2 of each available in store).

"The limit on items for refreshing Tasks has been increased. You can now use up to 1,000 items at once." I hope you can choose whether to use 1000 or 100 at a time.

"The limit on Hero's energy and Shaman's power has been increased up to 5M." sounded nice, until I realized that all those players that 1 hit ubers, will be able to kill them faster now.

Jun 23, 2022, 18:0206/23/22

i think inflation have strike PLARIUM 

hellooooo ! wath is numbers you use in game ? you kiding ?

Jun 23, 2022, 20:4406/23/22

Why have the rewards for hitting lvl 6 invaders been reduced? Also i seem to use more energy killing them? 

Jun 23, 2022, 21:1006/23/22

Some of the new things are Added upon players' requests: I take it that's what the king of Jot wanted? I check out many VWOC sites never seen anyone ask for those. In the past when things have changed the Mods would say it was player feedback. And that was for less rewards but more points needed for them 😁I have no idea which players asked for that one either, unless your mods and devs play the game? 🤓 Because that never came from any player i know, I asked dozons of ex clan mates including Blood and Wret members. In fact blood were holding throne at the time they asked for less points more rewards 😂.  Maybe things get lost in translation. Anyway this game has gone crazy, i have never seen such bad coments all over gaming sites. You have outdone yourself this time, congrats 🙇

Jun 23, 2022, 23:4306/23/22

More developments which reduce 90% of players to cannonfodder and virtually eliminates  any enjoyment.

Jun 24, 2022, 09:5606/24/22
Robert Ironside

Why have the rewards for hitting lvl 6 invaders been reduced? Also i seem to use more energy killing them? 

Hi! There were no any changes except of increasing limit on Hero's energy and Shaman's power Balance of the drop and energy per hit still the same as before 🙌 

Jun 24, 2022, 10:3606/24/22

I cannot comment on the findings and response regarding the energy useage when killing L6 invaders.

However it would not surprise me in the least to find out it had been tweaked.

When I first completed all the knowledge for  level 5 invaders, killing level 1 was somewhat boringly predictable as the results were almost identical every time.

It used to take 4 hits to finish the task, on a level 1 invader, rarely more,usually 5, now rarely 4 regularly taking 5, sometimes  6, or even 7 , the latter two being enough to kill level 1 with one hit.

Jun 24, 2022, 10:3706/24/22

Please consider to offer also buttons to use 1 or 100 task refreshers. The change to having to use 1000 refreshers at a time is wasteful on resources. Today i spent 8000 refreshers to get the needed 500 legendary tasks. The change in UI does limit my tactical options and makes me spend more resources than needed.

Jun 24, 2022, 11:5106/24/22
Jun 25, 2022, 15:54(edited)

Someone else has raised this point.

Not really surprised , but shocked to see how many refreshes you needed. My best guess is that it would normally take about half as much.

 In any case, it confirms what I already knew, suspected, had  partly investigated,that it would be a waste time and effort for me to  try and get 500 legendary tasks a day done, and on a daily basis.

It makes getting every one of the daily tasks, which are already  'booby trapped' done virtually impossible, especially for those at lower levels of the game.

If you are struggling at at least VIP 31, what does it say for the chances of those that are not?

The  'booby trap' is that the only way you get do all the daily tasks done is by getting 500 legendary tasks completed, because one of the conditions is you do 5 daily tasks , which can only be done by finishing the legendary one.

Jun 24, 2022, 14:3106/24/22

Thank you all, Jarls, for the feedback! I've got your point and have forwarded all the feedback to our developers 🤗

Jun 27, 2022, 13:2106/27/22
Jun 27, 2022, 13:22(edited)

The limit on Hero's energy and Shaman's power has been increased up to 5M.  - good

The limit on items for refreshing Tasks has been increased. You can now use up to 1,000 items at once. - good

Resource locations now have more resources, and yielding speed has been increased. These changes don't affect Invaders' Lairs or Ghosts' Shelters. - somewhat good, because lvl 5 wasnt increased.

and maybe make uber invader tile have a like 10% chance becoming lvl 6 tile with like 20% extra speed

Jun 27, 2022, 15:3806/27/22
Jun 27, 2022, 15:39(edited)


I am not  as familiar as you seem to be with the new rss tile situation.

''maybe make uber invader tile have a like 10% chance becoming lvl 6 tile with like 20% extra speed''

This seems to make no sense, is contradictory perhaps, so what exactly do you mean?

 If you make  an uber lair like a, become a Lvl 6  that slows it down, and yet you then want to speed it up?

Someone will have to post the relative times of a  lvl 6 tile , a level 7 tile, and a level 7 tile dropping to a lvl 6, and then being sped up by 20%.

Also you only want this 10% of them time, (we already know about the complaints of the game % suggested, and  yet claimed by players to not  be working as anticipated)

Also when would you know it had converted? After the yielding had started when it's too late and you already wasted a march?

Jun 27, 2022, 19:0906/27/22


I am not  as familiar as you seem to be with the new rss tile situation.

''maybe make uber invader tile have a like 10% chance becoming lvl 6 tile with like 20% extra speed''

This seems to make no sense, is contradictory perhaps, so what exactly do you mean?

 If you make  an uber lair like a, become a Lvl 6  that slows it down, and yet you then want to speed it up?

Someone will have to post the relative times of a  lvl 6 tile , a level 7 tile, and a level 7 tile dropping to a lvl 6, and then being sped up by 20%.

Also you only want this 10% of them time, (we already know about the complaints of the game % suggested, and  yet claimed by players to not  be working as anticipated)

Also when would you know it had converted? After the yielding had started when it's too late and you already wasted a march?

Well I mean that uber lair has 10% chance to have same amount of rss as lvl 6 rss tile and as it would be uber lair it has to be a bit faster than lvl 6 rss tile

I hope this clarify what I meant

As uber tiles are supposed to be better than lvl 6 tiles

This could make uber lair better as I dont think plarium would want to make all uber lairs with 300m rss

Jun 27, 2022, 23:2706/27/22

Plarium is cheating us again. The one with the 1000 tasks is a sham! After the last update with the new gemms, you could already produce significantly fewer gemms with the premium tasks than before. Last week, after the update, I tested whether it had reduced again. Apparently that only came with one of the updates of the last few days. 

For 100x Premium Tasks, which was 1000x before the update, you can no longer turn more as maximal 200 gemms into dust.

I'm slowly losing all interest in this game!

Jun 28, 2022, 05:5106/28/22

The limit on Hero's energy and Shaman's power has been increased up to 5M.  - good

The limit on items for refreshing Tasks has been increased. You can now use up to 1,000 items at once. - good

Resource locations now have more resources, and yielding speed has been increased. These changes don't affect Invaders' Lairs or Ghosts' Shelters. - somewhat good, because lvl 5 wasnt increased.

and maybe make uber invader tile have a like 10% chance becoming lvl 6 tile with like 20% extra speed

Thank you for the feedback 👍

Jun 28, 2022, 13:0206/28/22

Well I mean that uber lair has 10% chance to have same amount of rss as lvl 6 rss tile and as it would be uber lair it has to be a bit faster than lvl 6 rss tile

I hope this clarify what I meant

As uber tiles are supposed to be better than lvl 6 tiles

This could make uber lair better as I dont think plarium would want to make all uber lairs with 300m rss

 Previously I had seen no evidence any changes in the resource tiles, perhaps because they hadn't happened (yesterdays  maintenance?)) or because  the old ones  were not cleared. I understand more now from what you wrote and especially as I have seen what is to be found in lvl 6 tiles.

So far only have seen normal capacity in other rss tiles.

I can't remember how much there used to be in Uber lairs. but I do know it was a lot more than it is now, that there was no 'time out'  and players used to vigourously compete for them.

Jun 29, 2022, 16:5206/29/22

i wonder how many rss will be in lvl 9 tilles 😂😂

Jul 1, 2022, 14:2407/01/22

Invader rss drops rebalance?

And maybe update lucrative offers or how they are called (deals which pop up after you run out of something or get wiped those deals last for 3h) - This is if you really want people to buy those packs

Jul 1, 2022, 15:0507/01/22

I have noticed quite a big difference in, Invader/Uber/Ghost drops.

Ghosts- I seem to get alot less fragments then before update and I have tried killing them at many different % of sustained attack.

Invaders- not sure if its better or worse, but I do notice more gold/vip points and less variaty of materials but more of the materials that do drop during each kill (atleast at final hit)

Ubers- kinda 50/50 cause I seem to get better drops if I stop sustained attack between 150%-300%(best at 300%), and if I get sustained attack between 405%-600% I get worse drops, anywhere between 300-405 is kinda 50/50 if it will be nice or not and under 150 is bad quality but alot of materials/items as usual.

Curious to know if anyone else has noticed changes in drops from Ghosts/Invaders/Ubers and if so how do you think it has changed?

Jul 1, 2022, 16:5907/01/22

I have noticed quite a big difference in, Invader/Uber/Ghost drops.

Ghosts- I seem to get alot less fragments then before update and I have tried killing them at many different % of sustained attack.

Invaders- not sure if its better or worse, but I do notice more gold/vip points and less variaty of materials but more of the materials that do drop during each kill (atleast at final hit)

Ubers- kinda 50/50 cause I seem to get better drops if I stop sustained attack between 150%-300%(best at 300%), and if I get sustained attack between 405%-600% I get worse drops, anywhere between 300-405 is kinda 50/50 if it will be nice or not and under 150 is bad quality but alot of materials/items as usual.

Curious to know if anyone else has noticed changes in drops from Ghosts/Invaders/Ubers and if so how do you think it has changed?

Uber drops are better if u kill it in ~285% range as they give u 2x random 10x stacked items if u go above that then its 1x random 10x stacked item