Greetings, Jarls! We'd like to tell you about our plans for developing the game.
We will soon be adding:
🔥We're working hard on the update, so you won't have to wait long before it's here!
Shame, you guys could have addressed so many things players have complained about for the last 5 years. You know the things you keep saying you are looking into and studying 😂, never mind lets keep the top 5% of players happy 😁. The game has been dying for some time for the average spender/player events for us are getting less and less, I think this will finish it for a lot of players. 👏👏
We are sorry that the new features did not meet your expectations, Jarls. Your feedback has been forwarded to our developers for the further consideration😊🙏
If you have any detailed suggestions, feel free to share them with us!
If we didn't enjoy playing this game over the years we wouldn't bother commenting. I've become friends with people from all over the globe and also had fun playing this game. The problem is that once upon a time spending excessive amounts of money gave you an advantage, but not so big an advantage that it ruined the game for 60% of the players.
The problem appears to be that Plarium decided to turn this game from a pay to get ahead to a pay to win game. All of the recent developments boost bigger players and leave everyone else further behind. New shamen boost gear, requires millions of runic coins, well let's start selling runic coins then.
Do you not understand that only 1 individual can be the highest spending person in the game? So many of us are hanging on (and posting on here in the hope someone who cares will take note) while our friends shield up for years and take a break. Our kd chat needs a date as well as a time on it as days can pass with no one posting.
No doubt those who spend a small fortune weekly on the game won't see this as they have no reason to visit here, but perhaps they might come here when there's no one to play against.
If we didn't enjoy playing this game over the years we wouldn't bother commenting. I've become friends with people from all over the globe and also had fun playing this game. The problem is that once upon a time spending excessive amounts of money gave you an advantage, but not so big an advantage that it ruined the game for 60% of the players.
The problem appears to be that Plarium decided to turn this game from a pay to get ahead to a pay to win game. All of the recent developments boost bigger players and leave everyone else further behind. New shamen boost gear, requires millions of runic coins, well let's start selling runic coins then.
Do you not understand that only 1 individual can be the highest spending person in the game? So many of us are hanging on (and posting on here in the hope someone who cares will take note) while our friends shield up for years and take a break. Our kd chat needs a date as well as a time on it as days can pass with no one posting.
No doubt those who spend a small fortune weekly on the game won't see this as they have no reason to visit here, but perhaps they might come here when there's no one to play against.
Thank you for your honest feedback, Blackadder, it has been forwarded to the developers🙏
I hope that our future innovations will meet your expectations🙂
Le but de Plarium est de faire évoluer le jeu, si aucune nouvelle fonction n'est ajoutée plus personne jourait.
Cela fait presque 6 ans que je joue et j'ai toujours autant de plaisirs.
Il est vrais que les nouveautés concerne et avantage les plus gros joueurs, qui sont soit les plus fortunés soit les plus enciens joueurs.
Il faudrait je pense, créer des compétitions pour les plus modestes, par exemple un "Jotunheim" pour les moins de nv30. Une endroit où une personne moins expérimentée ne risque pas de tout perdre sur une simple attaque et de pouvoir ainsi tester les combats.
The goal of Plarium is to evolve the game, if no new function is added, no one is playing anymore.
I've been playing for almost 6 years and I still have so much fun.
It is true that the novelties concern and benefit the biggest players, who are either the wealthiest or the oldest players.
I think we should create competitions for the most modest, for example a "Jotunheim" for those under nv30. A place where a less experienced person does not risk losing everything on a simple attack and thus being able to test the fights
I assure you that we consider all the feedback, Welsh/scot2🙏
Some issues require time to be studied and analyzed in full, but our specialists do their best to improve the game. Feel free to share your ideas, they are highly appreciated😇
I belong to many FB groups to do with this and many other Plarium games, what players have started to do is post screenshots of mods repley's. When they have brought up issues in the games, some as old as 5 years ago. The same issues are still around today, during that time you have designed new events for the very biggest of your players but not addressed the issues that players have been complaining about for years. Go take a look outside of the top 20 or so clans, the game for us is dead. Infact go look at the very top clans, the biggest player on his own would be the fourth biggest clan. The biggest clans have 77 members? no they don't they have 15 at the most the rest are alt accounts. How do i know this, because quite a few are ex clan mates who i still speak to are in blood and wret. "I assure you that we consider all the feedback, Welsh/scot2🙏" You might consider it for a min, but nothing ever gets done. We don't need freebies every so often to keep us playing, we want a game where we can compete in all events against players/clans of the same size. There is NOT ONE event that does that NOT ONE. That's why players are leaving and clans and kingdoms are dying off, you have had 5 years to sort some of the issues out i am sorry but it does not take that amount of time to study and analyze most of the issues that come up time and time again. I am done spending, just playing out the game 🙏
Very well said and illustrated. There are several problems with which Plarium is trying to tackle. Onslaught size. In larger clans it is very hard to get into OS because they fill so quickly and therefore have to have multiple os set to get everyone in. But then no one wants to be the first to land as they will lose the most troops and receive the least amount of shards.
Clan influence vs number of players - Many players have realized that fighting is the best way to score during events. And it is more efficient and cheaper for a 3T one player clan to defeat a clan of equal size that has multiple players because of his/her advantage of T8 troops. Since fighting is also the most expensive. So if you are not good fighter most clans will not accept you because you are not contributing enough in events especially if you have bloated influence because of you inexperience in the game or past mistakes.
There are many 2T players that have maxed the wrong things and are now lousy fighters and consistently lose troops which leads to frustration and quitting. I persoanlly have several accounts that I have abandoned because they are ineffective as the current game is designed. How many remember hyperfarms---obsolete.
Understand that we and Plarium have to change with the updates and constant evolution within the game. But for those that rush ahead without proper thinking and strategy there is no undo button and therefore are stuck.
So many are quitting the game P00L N00DLE for the first 2 years of this game i was the clan bank, everyone including the chief were hyper farms. my job follow players around so they could send me rss 😂. i would never score that well during events but that was not my job, I would get the rewards from clan events and that was about it. That was when clan rewards were worth having, now unless it ties in with individual events nobody even bothers. I get why so many 1 man clans, since they reduced the rewards for clan events no need to be in a proper clan anymore. Look at the new event billed as a great event for all, its not they know and say the devs are working hard to sort it out. When the event was designed did nobody think of that? its just one thing after another at the moment. The league change i am a low palace 40 just under 3T inf I have to score 3x as much as a palace 35 in the same clan for invaders/ghosts and farming, i don't have any better gear than the 35 but still am still expected to spend 3x the money and time to get a slightly better rewards. I have tried so hard during events spent a lot of money and time and in most cases will be luckey to get checkpoint 7, the 35 will max events get all the rewards spending a lot less time and money. We and Plarium do have to change with the game, not for me though i have played for over 5 years and it has been fun. But just can't be bothered being let down with the same old response from the mods. I get they have a job to do, but yea enough is enough. I have loads of boost energy etc etc i will use them all then i will just be another palace 40 farm. There are more and more of those everyday.
Hello vikings, I do understand that the biggest players need new stuff / levels to be added frequently because otherwise the game becomes stagnant and boring. And frankly same goes for us smaller players, new stuff is always appreciated.
BUT as others said: the difference between strongest players and the rest is way too big already. With all these recent additions you made this game kinda miserable for the rest of us, not always of course but in some occasions (eg. Jotunheim, Asgard, sieges, and similar stuff).
I am not sure if developers really understand the difference between me (level 37) and level 40? It is so big that it's hard to explain properly. It is just 3 levels difference but in reality is more like 30 levels difference.
Level 37 players cannot defend own stronghold siege if attacked by a single level 40 player who is able to onslaught and kill all defending troops while himself losing just a small number of troops. The difference in strength is ridiculous.
Yes I could upgrade to higher level but I won't because if I upgrade then I would go in higher league which makes personal events extremely hard to complete. The checkpoints are already insanely high for players like me who are buying packs just occasionally, a pack here and there. For example, to complete the ghost hunt event I had to kill 400 level 6 ghosts, I don't think developers understand what it takes to kill that many ghosts. And if I upgrade my town to next level then that number of ghosts will increase even more. That is just one example.
I have few suggestions on how to make the game more interesting to all players:
- Fair strength between clans:
When matching clans add a parameter to check the league of strongest player in clan "A" and pair it with clan "B" which strongest player is of same league.
Explanation: our members are level 37 or lower. In many of our clans battles it happened that we've got an opponent clan which had one or more of level 40 players, way stronger than all of us (as explained above). Those clan battles are mission impossible in most cases. In previous battle we trained a lot of warriors and we were still short of training at least 4 billion T7. Most players of my level are not able to keep up with such numbers the level 40 players throw at us.
You really need to create multiple Jotunheims. One for every league (or few leagues per each Jotunheim). Additionally, clans which have level 40 players can go in top league Jotunheim only. I do believe this is the only way to make Jotunheim a great place for all players.
I understand that the demand on server resources will increase but I really believe you should do it, at least make 2 Jotunheims to separate the incredibly strong level 40 players from all other players.
I don't have much to add here, I invite other players to write their ideas.
A suggestion on how to reduce some of actual strain on servers: discontinue (remove) the "long-lived" achievement, because many players are non-stop online just because they are doing this achievement. BTW, I don't know how many players are doing this achievement, but whatever the number, it is a waste of server resources.
Anyhow, thanks for adding new things and making the game more interesting I really do like this game. Keep it up.
P.S. I wish to invite players of up to level 37 to join our clan and have just a little bit of fun even if we aren't the strongest, see my post here, thanks:
Greetings, TetraKarst! Wow! Thank you for such detailed feedback and suggestions. I have forwarded it to our developers 🤗
Have a good day 😎
Asgard should be played like fury.. evenly match kingdoms against each other... Not wret killing everybody
The biggest clan in my kingdom is 28T they don't even bother with Asgard, Its not about skill or tactics its about which clans are willing to spend the most money. I take my hat off to the very top players and clans, a few players passed through my clan on route to the top clans. They should not have bigged up Asgard as a new event for everyone, instead just new event for the very top clans/players. I am not sure why but over the last few months the game has gone a bit stale for a lot of players, i have played this game for 5 years and have never seen so many players quitting. Not just small players either although plenty of them, so many 40s out of clans and shielded for years and years. Maybe the plan is to keep the top spenders happy while forgetting the rest🤔If that is the plan its working
Sorry, but for me this is the straw that broke the camel's back. There should be an option on here to pay for a comment on here so that those who play the game without spending $1000 per week can have their opinions listened to.
This game is now purely pay to win and there's nothing in the game for those who want to have fun without breaking the bank. When I consider what is required to compete I genuinely wonder if it's a fair fight or whether Plarium are "sponsoring" people with freebies to encourage everyone else to spend to try and keep up.
Sorry Plarium, I'm not rich enough so I'm done.
Sorry, but for me this is the straw that broke the camel's back. There should be an option on here to pay for a comment on here so that those who play the game without spending $1000 per week can have their opinions listened to.
This game is now purely pay to win and there's nothing in the game for those who want to have fun without breaking the bank. When I consider what is required to compete I genuinely wonder if it's a fair fight or whether Plarium are "sponsoring" people with freebies to encourage everyone else to spend to try and keep up.
Sorry Plarium, I'm not rich enough so I'm done.
I think the Devs have a game plan, nothing will ever change that. In the last 5 months or so, it has been less rewards more points, spend more get less. Smaller clans and players have no chance. We have no events so why would we spend money? I have friends in Blood an Wret, they are getting bored with the same thing over and over again. Asgard might as well call it Jot 2, the bigs do enjoy hunting smurfs (small players😂) of which i am one. What are they going to hunt when all the smurfs get priced out and have left the game, get even more even more bored and find the game the smurfs are now playing 😂Plariums rep has gone down so much, check out the comments about them on gaming sites. New players are not coming through anymore, the players in the new kingdoms are just alts of the bigs 😂. The amount of active users have gone down the pan, Devs are doing nothing to stop this 🤔 If anything they are making it worst, new events for the very biggest increases the numbers leaving daily. By the time Devs address this problem the game would have died. enough said. 🤘
I don't think it is just small fry that are unhappy.
A post in a chat from a player with a 13 digit influence read, 'more, more and more soul shards.'
We have many 3-5T inf players from my kingdom quit in the last 4-5 months. I have friends in Blood and Wret they also have had a couple go. The most amount of fun they have is killing smurfs, smurfs being smaller players like me 😂. Small clans are no longer do siege during events, why should we bother when we hammered by clans who are not our cvc enemy? So now the smaller clans are folding because we have no events anymore, which in turn means more and more bigger players quit because they are bored. Bit of a vicious circle really, I do see the inf of the top clans going up but that is due to a few mega players spending like mad, the number of players in the top clans are going down most are made up of alts. 😟
These developemnts are a slow crawl in the wrong direction for the game being fun to play. Players at all level look for the same thing in game play. What strategies are needed... How do I improve..... What alinances are needed to succeed with objectives. Developments in this game are consistant in that they think reward comes in the context of personal achievements mostly. The real reward for playing a game is feeling like you accompished something when you go to bed at night. When you win in the games state today you go to bed wondering if the time spent was worth it. This is because changes always make you feel like time is of little value to the developers and the rewards system seem primarily based on the size of the player. What kind of strategy is based on always growing or maintaining enormous influence so maybe in the next compititon you might make a differance. It is the journey in development that really counts towards how people feel about the game and not soley see you win in a compitition.
Had another person who plays games with me look over my shoulder and asked what I was playing. He said, "it looked fun". I told him no! his follow-up question was why play? I responded, because I know once I stop I will never play again and I am not sure I want to give up on the time spent. I thought about my response and have come to the conclusion I will play as long as I am having fun. I also realized along time ago that payments made to this game make no difference because you are just elevating yourself to play against someone who has roughly the same skills with each new competition. The only thing really working for me in the game is I am part of a clan that enjoys working together in competitions and I like interaction with the other players. Increasingly even that becomes quesitonable when the large players are so powerful that only other large players really add to the competition outcomes. Small players are more and more just a burden on a clan because they give the big player a target for getting more points that cannot be offset by any strategy or cooperation within the clan. If the game included some strategy objectives for small players and large players to work together it would reduce the trend. A trend I see in every update to make bigger players stronger and the little player less useful to a clan. As it is right now small players and bigger players don't mix regardless of troop mix or quantity of solders a small player has. It is all a matter of your castle size as to how much you can contribute and or the drag you add to the other players in a clan.
Developers could do things like allow only small players to collect and use special resources that build traps. I have a hundred other ideas but I suspect the developers don't care. Why?? Because the new and small players don't really have much of a place in a game that is all about the size of your castle. Calculations of everything relies on the laws of large numbers to impress everyone you play against. Rare to see someone say after a compititon that was a really good strategy you used. Everyone knows it is about size and large numbers in every compitition. So to really do something interesting that game would need to be about more than size. As it is you have to invest years of time to get up into the castle levels and developement time is doing relatively time intensive tasks, with very slow growth and a clan that looks at the small players as a waste of time. Unless Clans are willing to invest years of time or bollooning commitments of real currency they will languish to ever feel a sense of accomplishment in playing this game. Feels like game inflation is winning all the battles in playing this game. More time follows the law of diminishing returns with larger numbers followed by a sense it does less. Doesn't help that all of the resources (except soul shards) are expressed in big numbers and require extensive math skills to figure out what has to be done just to get to the first level of acheivement. Like removing the first few 00 would give a better feel and experience.
It might be alot funner if you had competition to find special resouces under level one invaders to develop the towers and traps. Lower level players could help on more of an even playing field with this type of a tasking in a development. Give the players with small towns the options to become diplomats that can steal resources or troops loyalty away from a larger player even if they have a sheild up. What is stolen might only be a blip to the larger player but the smaller player will feel like they did something to reduce the stranglehold the large players are having on outcomes. That might be interesting! Larger players could get competition training points by training other players with lower trooops statsand raise the troops stats to higher levels for specific compititions. This would allow their smaller town developed troops to be more effective. Put your mind to it and you could do something with this game, but I keep seeing alot of the same when it comese to large and small player interactions with every development release. Consequestly this game feels like developement must happen on your own investment of time and the rewards are all about individual growth and the clan is just a vehicle for that personal development growth to become larger. Sad!