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Paladins are NPC troops from faraway Amaria. Attack them using your warriors to receive rewards for new Quests, as well as points in Competitions that have attacking Paladin Cohorts as one of their tasks.

Read more about Paladins in the Game Guide:

In order to update the game, we'll be carrying out some technical maintenance. You won't be able to log in to the game during that time, but after the maintenance is over, you'll receive a reward.

Don't forget to upgrade Vikings: War of Clans to the latest version, since the previous version may not work correctly.


May 12, 2022, 13:0805/12/22
May 12, 2022, 13:1705/12/22
May 12, 2022, 13:26(edited)

hmm searching for paladins with navigator will find a paladin or create one nearby? Or am I reading this wrong, if not that sounds like a good way for everyone to get some kills for events/achievements at anytime.

Edit: Also for levels do you have to move on or if you get to a paladin level that you like can you stay attacking, say multiple level 10 paladin? or does it force you to move on to 11-12-etc.?

well read it all again and cant earn progress for achievements or town skins and cant earn soul shards... not as good as I thought it was gonna be.

May 12, 2022, 17:3305/12/22

also es kommen gute Gewinne, bin bei level 50. Man muss etwas warten dann kommt das nächste level in die Nähe, aber die Verluste sind echt heftig ab ca. level 35.

May 13, 2022, 03:3305/13/22

How do I apply the 7 day Northern Brotherhood that I won?  Can't seem to find it.

May 13, 2022, 09:3305/13/22
May 13, 2022, 09:34(edited)

hmm searching for paladins with navigator will find a paladin or create one nearby? Or am I reading this wrong, if not that sounds like a good way for everyone to get some kills for events/achievements at anytime.

Edit: Also for levels do you have to move on or if you get to a paladin level that you like can you stay attacking, say multiple level 10 paladin? or does it force you to move on to 11-12-etc.?

well read it all again and cant earn progress for achievements or town skins and cant earn soul shards... not as good as I thought it was gonna be.

Hi Oolis! Let's specify these features😇

1. Yep, you can find the existing Cohorts and initiate the appearance of the new ones by searching them in the Watchtower👍

2. You can attack as much Cohorts of the passed levels as you want, but it is necessary to move on to receive the rewards.

3. Thank you for the feedback regarding the Soul Shards, Town Skins, and Achievements, we will take it into consideration🙏

Have fun!

May 13, 2022, 09:3705/13/22
May 13, 2022, 09:37(edited)
Squab Kabob

How do I apply the 7 day Northern Brotherhood that I won?  Can't seem to find it.

Hi Squab, it is applied automatically, please check the Quests menu😇

May 13, 2022, 12:3205/13/22

Game locked up since update.lost everthing all rss troops etc 

May 13, 2022, 13:0805/13/22
May 13, 2022, 13:17(edited)

Do you mean you couldn't log in?

When they update, first there is a need to get rid of old data, and then instal the new.

I just saw it's your first post, but appear to have played for a while, so you probably already knew this. 

I did notice some problems with logging in, slow, but it can be, and the loading screen was shaking .

You will have to contact support and hope they take pity on you, whatever the case was.

May 19, 2022, 18:5005/19/22

They are not going to tell you what you need to do to procede.

May 22, 2022, 08:2905/22/22

Ok what you need to do is spend more money. 

May 22, 2022, 21:3705/22/22

I was able to complete level 40 paladins with t1 troops without any boosts.. level 41 got hard though tried with t4 no boosts and still lost, if I use higher tier troops and boosts and ask for repute I could probably get further.

my palace is 33 all buildings required for 34 are complete and most knowledge complete up to 33 oracle (except the secret knowledge), my gear is best troop type sh gear only 1 upgrade on each peice same with shaman. Thought I would mention incase people wanted something to go off. Good luck everyone

May 25, 2022, 09:0505/25/22

Can i ask why the rewards for events are getting less and less everytime you do maintenance? also the scores to reach the checkpoints seem to be going up?  The Mods on FB (might also be you) keep saying we are aware stay tuned, after playing this game for 5+ years i know stay tuned = We are doing nothing about it.  

May 25, 2022, 14:4005/25/22

What they give with one hand, they take away with the other.

May 25, 2022, 18:2105/25/22

What they give with one hand, they take away with the other.

Yea seems that way, i don't mind spending money on a game i enjoy. However when they keep reducing rewards and upping scores required to get the checkpoints it becomes less enjoyable. The rewards are nothing compared to the money we spend, and then to reduce them is nuts. The rewards for clan events are next to nothing as it is, before too long they will want players to give them rewards when we pass a checkpoint 😂 I would not mind if everything was peferct with the game but its not. Might be time to find a game where they don't take the urine out of their long standind loyal players. You know things are bad when players 25T plus are quitting. 

May 27, 2022, 17:3505/27/22
Ivar Marksman

Thank you for your detailed feedback, Jarls! I have forwarded it to our specialists. They will definitely take it into consideration.

Hope our future rewards will satisfy you more :)

If they don't its game over for a lot of players me included, I spend a couple of hundred dollars every month on this game and that is not enough. It seems vwoc is just a money pit for your smaller players, i won't spend anymore unless things improve. I can't see that happening though, so you have made my wife very happy 😁

May 29, 2022, 15:2805/29/22

Translation courtesy  of the web.

So there are good gains, I'm at level 50. You have to wait a bit then the next level comes close, but the losses are really heavy from about level 35.

What are *good* wins against the losses you have? After 4 years I still haven't seen an event that even remotely brought a real profit. The constant updates only cause you to pour more money into this game. profits? Pure illusion 😋

In a casino you usually have a 70/30% chance of winning, here you are always the loser. Is so, was always so.

May 29, 2022, 18:0105/29/22

Is it wrong of me hoping this game goes down the pan?


May 30, 2022, 09:5105/30/22
May 30, 2022, 10:02(edited)

Greetings, Jarls!

Thank you for your feedback regarding the game functionality. I have forwarded it to our specialists 🤗

May 31, 2022, 08:5405/31/22

Translation courtesy  of the web.

So there are good gains, I'm at level 50. You have to wait a bit then the next level comes close, but the losses are really heavy from about level 35.

What are *good* wins against the losses you have? After 4 years I still haven't seen an event that even remotely brought a real profit. The constant updates only cause you to pour more money into this game. profits? Pure illusion 😋

In a casino you usually have a 70/30% chance of winning, here you are always the loser. Is so, was always so.

Most players in the top clans completed this in a few hours, Its not mean't for the likes of us. A bit like the new event and Jot, even holmgang is a joke. People in the EU need to get up at 2am to try and get a slot, wtaf 2 am to get a slot 😂. Twice since it started we got a slot, both times players who were not our enemy hung about after there event and hit our players when setting up OS. To be fair they spend more money than us so vwoc will NEVER do anything about that. How do i know, well same thing has been happening for YEARS during cvc. Its not clan vs clan it'sclan vs and clan that wants to hit our siege. This game is a joke. I have forwarded it to our specialists 🤗 Have the specialists ever change anything because the mods sent a request? In a word NO, they are thinking/working/studying/analyzing. Go look at the top clans inf is going up players are going down, the number one guy is the 4th biggest clan on his own 😂. Pretty soon there will just be a few very rich players, the rest of us will just quit and find a game for everyone not just the rich. 

May 29, 2022, 14:4905/29/22
May 29, 2022, 14:52(edited)

also es kommen gute Gewinne, bin bei level 50. Man muss etwas warten dann kommt das nächste level in die Nähe, aber die Verluste sind echt heftig ab ca. level 35.

Was sind *gute* Gewinne gegen die Verluste die man hat? Nach 4 Jahren sah ich noch keinen Event, der auch nur im entferntesten eine echten Gewinn brachte. Die ständigen updates veranlassen einem nur mehr Geld in dieses game zu pulvern. Gewinne? Reine Illusion 😋

In einem Casino hast du  meistens eine 70/30% Chance auf Gewinn, hier bist du immer der Verlierer. Ist so, war imer so.