Hi everyone! 😉
As you have no doubt noticed, our forums have gone through some significant changes. This news article contains details on what exactly has changed and how this update will make your forum browsing experience more rewarding than ever.
News will now appear in a dedicated section, and home pages of every forum category will display a small preview of the latest news. You can also browse all published news articles at any time by clicking on the News section in the menu on the left-hand side.
News can be commented on, shared, and followed (you can follow both specific news articles and the entire section containing news about your favourite game).
With this forum update, you can follow individual topics and entire sections or subsections, including news sections. You will receive notifications about new comments on your followed topics or news articles, as well as about new topics appearing in your followed sections and subsections. If you follow the News section, you will be notified about freshly published news articles.
If you wish to start following some item, just click on the three dots next to a topic or section and then click on ‘Follow’. Individual topics and news articles can also be followed by clicking on the ‘Follow’ button at the very bottom of the topic’s original post or news article.
You can edit the list of your followed items on the Following tab of your User profile.
You can now mention other users and be mentioned in turn. To do that, just type the @ symbol and start typing your addressee’s nickname, then select the right user from the dropdown menu that appears. That player will receive a notification that will direct them to the comment containing the mention.
We’ve upgraded forum search engines to ensure you can easily find topics, news articles, and even comments on any subject that interests you.
In the desktop version of the forum you can search by either clicking the magnifying glass icon located to the right (just below the banner) or clicking the ‘Search’ button at the top of the page. In the mobile version, the search function is accessed from the side menu on the right. In both versions, results will be subdivided into groups for your convenience, such as News, Topics, Comments, etc. Additional filters can be applied to further narrow down the search.
You can now use your Facebook or Google account to quickly sign up or log in to our forums.
Not only have we added all these new features, we’ve reworked the existing features of our forums to improve their performance and usability. Please keep in mind, though, that this is the beta release, so not all of the implemented improvements may work flawlessly – yet. Please bear with us and report any issues you encounter, as this will help us improve the new forums.
Your impressions are very welcome in the comments, as are any suggestions on how we can further improve our forums. Tell us what you think about the update!
i dont know how i get into the game now
what do you mean? the game is on plarium.com
im not interested about forum, im looking for the button to get back to play the game
Ok mate, here is the direct link to the Vikings game page https://plarium.com/en/strategy-games/vikings-war-of-clans/
Hope it helps 😉
we dont like the new version where our pseudo can not seen on uper side of the game and where there is a lot of publicity !!!!
You can hide all that stuff by going "full screen". As for the name not appearing, I agree, esp if you run alts. You can create a unique avatar, and upload it to your Plarium account, which does appear, and might help you.
I want to ask someone who can answer me a question. I have almost all the influence of secrecy, I have everything that can be had in the game, pk asks me, Why if I attack someone with less influence and knowledge, with less of all, what is the problem, that I am the make me laugh at the whole game neither in attack, nor in defense, nor in anything I only know how to lose troops in any modality do I always lose? Can someone tell me what I should do to improve or do I have to stop playing because I have the game blocked for something?
je suis en france mais je ne trouve pas ma langue alors que bien des clans sont aussi de langue francophone . je rappel que le français fait partie des langues officiel olympique même a L ONU....
Ils s'ent branlent des francais, ne rentré pas dans leur jeux, ce sont des voleurs et des tricheurs