Vikings, we're delighted to present this huge update!
• A new epic Competition – Holmgang!
Fierce battles for special Fortresses – Forts – will soon be getting underway between Clans on the Islands of Trials. Glory, honor, and cool rewards await the winners!
You can read a detailed guide about the new Competition
• Upgrades in Helheim
- One free material with every refresh of the Helheim Store's assortment
- A boss caption when Creatures of Gloom appear
- A list of the rewards for passing a floor in the floor window and in the node information window
- Node passing progress on the mini-map and chamber screens
- Clearer and more vivid animations for particularly valuable trophies
- Warrior of Gloom names
Added at players' requests:
- If auto battle mode is switched on, all subsequent battles in the node will be in auto battle mode until you turn it off or finish exploring the node
- Special icons that show the result of the previous hit for every zone
- When an enemy performs several hits in one turn, the health bar displays the damage from each hit
- Animations for the Helheim Gates and Catacombs
- Critical hits are now emphasized visually
- A countdown timer that shows node passing progress and a push notification when exploration of a node has been completed in auto mode
- A button for quickly returning to a node on the Helheim map if you left the node with saved progress
- The Champion's health bar now changes color if it drops below 50%
- Colored text highlights for actions in the battle history
- An issue that caused the Hero and Hero's Double markers to be incorrectly displayed in the Invader information window
- An issue that caused Modgud's Priestess to be incorrectly displayed in the battle window in Helheim
- An issue that caused the time of chat messages or personal messages to be incorrectly displayed for some countries in the web version of the game
- An issue that caused equipment in the Forge to be incorrectly displayed when trying to craft special equipment or Shaman's equipment in the web version of the game
During the update, access to the game will be restricted, but once technical maintenance is complete you will receive a reward.
If you have any issues displaying certain game functions, please update Vikings: War of Clans to the latest version.
Jarls, new adventures and epic battles await you! Discuss the update in the comments.
Hi everyone,
I am writing because I would like to have the opportunity to remedy wrong choices made in the past due to inexperience, in the citadel of the Valkyries the choice of troops was made at random and it was wrong. As for me, I think of many other players.
I made mistakes but I wish I had been given the opportunity to fix it and a second chance would have been greatly appreciated.
Thank you 😊
Well some positive action.........!!!
An new epic Competition – Holmgang! Its cancled.
No explanation just pull the plug. What the hell is going on???
Hello, zolanna!
Due to technical problems, the Competition will be held later. We will keep you informed.
Jarls, for technical reasons we had to call off the Holmgang epic Competition.
We apologize to you and hope you will show understanding and patience. The Plarium team is doing their best to resume the Competition as soon as possible. Stay tuned to the news.
Hello, to all members of this forum and plarium administration staff. I am Viking player who plays the role of Jarl Lord Raiden in Vikings: War of Clans. I am growing as an expert player and I am becoming a major threat to higher level players, due to the fact I will not surrender to higher level players dominating this game, until I reach their level. You need to create levels up to over a 100th level llike all your other plarium games. And I must report the fact due to your inability to make this game competitive for lower level players, thousands of lower level players have either quit or been driven out of the game easily by higher level players.