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We have changed the distribution of Clans by Leagues

We have changed the distribution of Clans by Leagues

📣Friends, we have some news for you.

⚔️We have changed the distribution of Clans by Leagues in Holmgang.

You can always find up-to-date information on the current conditions of distribution by Leagues in Competitions in the updated article on our Forum: 

From August 25, the rules for assigning Clans to Leagues in clan and global Competitions will be changing.

⚔️In the Clans Battle and clan Competitions:

  • League of Rookies — from 1,000,000,000 to 50,000,000,000 Influence points
  • League of Recruits — from 50,000,000,001 to 300,000,000,000 Influence points
  • League of Warriors — from 300,000,000,001 to 1,500,000,000,000 Influence points
  • League of Conquerors — from 1,500,000,000,001 to 5,000,000,000,000 Influence points
  • League of Masters — from 5,000,000,000,001 to 12,000,000,000,000 Influence points
  • League of Odin — from 12,000,000,000,001 to 20,000,000,000,000 Influence points
  • League of Asgard — from 20,000,000,000,001 Influence points

⚔️In the Kingdoms Battle, Kingdoms Battle: Revenge, and Kingdoms Battle: Fury:

  • League of Rookies — from 0 to 50,000,000,000 Influence points
  • League of Recruits — from 50,000,000,001 to 300,000,000,000 Influence points
  • League of Warriors — from 300,000,000,001 to 1,500,000,000,000 Influence points
  • League of Conquerors — from 1,500,000,000,001 to 5,000,000,000,000 Influence points
  • League of Masters — from 5,000,000,000,001 to 12,000,000,000,000 Influence points
  • League of Odin — from 12,000,000,000,001 to 20,000,000,000,000 Influence points
  • League of Asgard — from 20,000,000,000,001 Influence points

🤝These changes will also be made to the article on our Forum after their entry into force.


Aug 19, 2021, 08:0908/19/21
Aug 19, 2021, 14:0508/19/21

I like this!

Aug 20, 2021, 08:4308/20/21

I like this!

Hi blazebo! Thank you very much for your feedback! Your opinion is very important to our team. I hope that we will continue to entertain you.
Have a great day! 😉 

Aug 22, 2021, 15:3608/22/21

I guess I did not notice the Holmhang 2nd change in last couple weeks ... I do not like that ...

Aug 23, 2021, 13:1308/23/21

I hate these changes,they will hurt the game in the long run!!  All players large and small should be able to play in all events! I guess the company's idea for these changes is to force the small players to spend more money to keep up with the big guys!!! This will work for a short time until everyone gets tired of giving the company their hard earned money for really nothing!!  Please listen to your players,customers, not your company money men.

Aug 27, 2021, 23:0208/27/21

Very harmful for my small clan. We were doing quite well in Warrior league, 15/15 checkpoints, but now we suffer lower rewards in league of rookies. To regain our good checkpoint rewards, we must grow the clan by 7x size and face much stronger opponents, just to get back to where we were before. Why was the change so drastic for lower leagues? Odin and Asgard league increased by 50%, rookie, recruit, warrior increased by 3000%. This is very bad for small players.

Aug 29, 2021, 09:5708/29/21

Checkpoints have also been changed ... :( ... so checkpoints are even higher ... checkpoints for league of warriors are way higher than the former league of conquerors were ... 

Aug 29, 2021, 16:1308/29/21

Have the rewards for winning the CvC changed or are they the same?

Aug 29, 2021, 17:0408/29/21

It stands to reason, that as the others have changed then this will have too, but like in many other areas of the game they don't mention it upfront .

They tend wait till afterwards, if at all.

No doubt  hoping no one will notice , and if they do , won't complain.

Aug 29, 2021, 19:4208/29/21

Hi Ivar ! 

Please share with us the updated table for reward.

Skoll !

Aug 31, 2021, 00:2808/31/21

Apparently it is the intention to remove all lower level clans from the game as it takes YEARS to get to a point where we will be added back to clans battles 

Aug 31, 2021, 00:2908/31/21

We have been playing for 4 years already and now we are excluded from clans battle?

Aug 31, 2021, 00:3208/31/21

we tried adding new players and they got stuck in a new kingdom and without the novice relocation they can't play with us  So what's the point in playing?

Sep 1, 2021, 21:1209/01/21

Hi Ivar !

Already 3 days have past & no feed back from you regarding my request.... 

Is it so hard to be transparent & share with us the updated table for reward ??? 

You change rules regarding, but it s up to us to guess them....

Sep 2, 2021, 00:2909/02/21

Read his answer in another thread.

Sep 2, 2021, 12:1109/02/21
Sep 2, 2021, 12:25(edited)

I like this!

When I am just given a part of the information it can seem ok ... then drip by drip they give the rest of the news ... the change in rss to the chiefs is pretty bad ... and the checkpoints being way higher with less rewards than the previous HIGHER LEAGUE is pretty bad ... so was not just a change of distribution of clans by leagues ... it was  total change of everything ... 

Sep 4, 2021, 19:3509/04/21

I dislike these changes. (I should use a stronger word than "dislike", but I am too polite for doing so.)

You'd better think of options how small players could better interact also with the "giants" in a fair setting. More cooperation -> more fun. What about things that can only be done with assistance of small players?

If you did that for commerce: I will not spend any penny extra to this game. After this change, I have even less incentive of doing so, because instead of improving the game you merely disable the beloved parts.

You'd better think of options how small players could better interact also with the "giants" in a fair setting. If this is done in a fair, intelligible way this may lead to "giants" having even more fun and possibly spending extra money. But the given changes do the opposite. Less small players, less fun.

Sep 4, 2021, 19:3609/04/21

PS: I see that this thread has almost no official entries. :( ...

Sep 5, 2021, 01:3909/05/21

They don't like that many don't like it, its also par for the course.

Sep 11, 2021, 05:1809/11/21

You should rename it to "we mixed the whole game up" 

On our cvc we won 3:0 and finished "with t7 tiles" rewardtrack 12. it was not easier (like it should be in a lower rank) maybe harder to reach it than before but the instead the 30B mats we got usual for that we just got just 5.5B. *wave* thats not even enough to refill our SH

The goal to finish the "learning event" jumped from 375M to 1B. Thats strange because a friend of me had the goal of 375M till he reached 30B infuence and his town was 31. I am just 10B and my town is level 28. But hey. i am fine if i see how his goal jumped from 375M to 3 BILLIONS ! and directly the next one he had to reach 7,2B. I´m in doubt if you want us to reach level40 till end of the year or if you don´t want us to play the events.

Same for other events like training, Jothundheim and so on. Goals we could reach in the past are far away now.

Also mixed up here: Requirements of participation in the Holmgang has been changed and players complaining here Rewards for victory in the Clans Battle and here League assignment in Competitions

When you started the Seasons i had such an feeling like "finally its worth to spend time for personal events" but you let us know it isn´t. Since i´ve spend all my free time here there is no room to be more active. And for real. Usual if i work hours to reach any goals i GET payed. Not the difference.^^

So i will take a break now and wait if your "specialist" will fix it like the exploitable achievementsfail or watch the players leave like at the cvc change 2 years ago.

Have a nice time


Sep 11, 2021, 14:0709/11/21
Sep 11, 2021, 14:08(edited)


You have discovered the jubious delights of still being able to still compete in a CvC, many  that want(ed) to, can no longer do this. 

Perhaps they are the fortunate ones, not affected by the 'new reward rules', except, though also being technically ineligible for any other clan events, are still registered in the League of Odin, where rewards are effectively 'off limits'  as the levels set there, far outreach capabilities.

The Kingdom events follow a similar pattern, the effort required is not mirrored in the returns,and a deterrent from wasting time trying, especially when some rewards are subject to a 'winning' place.

I take your point, that being in a lower league,the goals set should be correspondingly lower,( in your case than previously encountered ) rather than easier.Most players are improving and you haven't suddenly become less capable.

You ought to be still being drawn against similar clans as before , except that it's possible to be at the lower end of the league, and drawn against a clan near the top.

I find it inexplicable that they think players wouldn't notice, not be upset, or even complain, when they change something, such that elements of the game are no longer open, and if by a some quirk of fate,like the fast tiles, that if many, or all levels are reached, there is now less reward than before,for doing so.