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A huge update in the North!

A huge update in the North!

- Seasons – special Competitions and unique items in the Seasonal Store
- Tier VIII warriors, who've been to Hel's realm and now know neither fear nor pain
- Second-stage secret Knowledge and the special "Bloodlust" Knowledge, which temporarily increases your troops' offense when attacking Towns but doesn't allow you to use a Peace Treaty
- New building levels and additional military bonuses from certain administrative buildings
- Supreme Ghosts on the Global Map – they're more difficult to banish, but the reward is bigger

These are just some of the many changes. Read more about them in the patch notes: 

During the update, access to the game will be restricted, but once technical maintenance is complete, you will receive a reward.

❗ If you have any issues displaying certain game functions, please update Vikings: War of Clans to the latest version.


Jun 10, 2021, 12:3906/10/21
Jun 10, 2021, 13:1606/10/21
Jun 10, 2021, 13:55(edited)

i see bigger will be bigger but what you do for people who never succeeded to win the wolf headband for their champion so could not finish 10.7 after many months? Will you do something to easier 10.7 or the headband rate drop increase a lot

as i see, we can't finish 10.7 3 stars without the headband 

for lv8, don't know why you create them the majority did not want them as they will break the balance more than t7🙀- one guy/girl will be able to break a clan by himself/herself   as many have not finish the 3 first sets of secret knowledges neither - it cost so much boost

and forgot pioneer 9, impossible to take as people are already in this spot before the beginning of jottunheim - then stay locked during 2 days 

with the new update - you need to create a new league - otherwise those are lv35 or less can't compete against 36-40

Jun 10, 2021, 13:5206/10/21
Jun 10, 2021, 13:57(edited)

you have a major bug in dispay

now my game window is 3/4 


Jun 10, 2021, 13:5506/10/21

soso you need to empty the cache 

Jun 10, 2021, 13:5606/10/21

Lol..Gear upgrades are even worse. No logic behind why an upgrade fail when you have all the materials, even the technical support team don't have a proper answer. Day-light looting of players by forcing them to buy task packs and hero energy packs. Now another bigger upgrades again to loot the smaller level players and break balance of the game.

Jun 10, 2021, 13:5806/10/21
Jun 10, 2021, 13:58(edited)
[ff66ff] Falbala

soso you need to empty the cache 

i tryed all


Jun 10, 2021, 13:5906/10/21

Am OK loading the game on mobile but I am stuck at 18% on PC and laptop. Another bug?

Jun 10, 2021, 14:0406/10/21
Jun 10, 2021, 14:07(edited)

i had the same problem as you soso, so i emptied the cache of the browser- then close it and reopen it - yandex is one of my browsers

Jun 10, 2021, 14:0706/10/21

Stuck at 18% Great. Thanks. 


Jun 10, 2021, 15:1906/10/21

i understod the Plarium to keep big spenders in game

buth i think this is too much for majority of us, comon players

Jun 10, 2021, 15:4706/10/21

i understod the Plarium to keep big spenders in game

buth i think this is too much for majority of us, comon players

But you keep playing, keep spending and keep being a farm for the big spenders...   So they will not hear you

Jun 10, 2021, 15:5306/10/21

the game does not seem to load pass 18%, what's wrong?

Jun 10, 2021, 23:2906/10/21

I can't even get in the game anymore. The loading beam is halfway the page and it should be 'down under'. It has shifted 'to the North'. I think I have the same problem as the player who has the game lifted up 3/4 the page. - I tried my other caracter I have running around in the game, but he has the same problem. Can't get in the game. Both my caracters stop at 18% loading of the game. Several times I have tried it for both players. At least 4-5 times each without succes.

I'll hope you fix this soon. 

Jun 10, 2021, 20:4206/10/21

stucked at 18%, not fun it destroy it all

Jun 10, 2021, 20:2706/10/21

When is this update going to finish?

Jun 10, 2021, 20:1606/10/21
[ff66ff] Falbala

i see bigger will be bigger but what you do for people who never succeeded to win the wolf headband for their champion so could not finish 10.7 after many months? Will you do something to easier 10.7 or the headband rate drop increase a lot

as i see, we can't finish 10.7 3 stars without the headband 

for lv8, don't know why you create them the majority did not want them as they will break the balance more than t7🙀- one guy/girl will be able to break a clan by himself/herself   as many have not finish the 3 first sets of secret knowledges neither - it cost so much boost

and forgot pioneer 9, impossible to take as people are already in this spot before the beginning of jottunheim - then stay locked during 2 days 

with the new update - you need to create a new league - otherwise those are lv35 or less can't compete against 36-40

bist du schon über 18 % 

Jun 10, 2021, 20:0106/10/21

18% whole day 😟

Jun 10, 2021, 17:1006/10/21

Game stop loading at 18%🙀

Jun 10, 2021, 16:1606/10/21

you can connect by inprivat only

Jun 10, 2021, 16:1506/10/21

Wann kommt man wieder ins Spiel?? 18% und nun???

Jun 11, 2021, 10:1206/11/21

Started  this  game  in  2015  in  k18.  Stopped 6  months  ago.  Was  sad  as  ide  chatted with some  great  guys  in  game  and  had  so  much  fun.  So  much  lag  and  other  game  issues.  Makes  me  wonder  how  plarium  can  get  out  of  this  issue.  i  hear  what  plarium  are  saying  about  the  need  for  basic  operating  needs.  To  many  guys  running  or  trying  to  run  game  on  old  systems,  emulators  and  so  on.  If  plarium  have  such  a  complicated  system  thats  getting  choked  with  bad  info  on  these old  dead  citys  and  poor  operating  systems  then  they  need  to  change.  Inactives,  after  a  certain  time,  should  be  locked  out  of  game  from  their  servers  and  need  take  a  reboot  to  rejoin  game. Maybe  this  is  one  of  plariums  problems,  pandering  to  legalities. So  many  many  guys  all  trying  to  play  game  on  outdated  setups  and  all  giving  corrupt  or  misunderstood data  to  servers.  So  many  not  understanding  why .  What  can  plarium  do?  Bite  the  bullet  and  lock  out  guys  who  cant  run  or  can't  match  the  minimum  system  requirement.  It  will  cost  them  money  as  they  want  guys  to  buy.  But  guys  that  keep  their  systems  upgraded  will  find  game  works  better  with  less  choking  going  on.  How  many  of  you  guys  have  dead  accounts  you've  all  used  in  the  past?  All  these  choke  the  game.  Stop  winging  about  plarium  and  think  why.  Plarium  stop  data  from  arriving  from  accounts  that  don't  comply  with  your  needs