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A bug when displaying Clans Battle bonuses

A bug when displaying Clans Battle bonuses

We previously informed you about a visual bug that was causing three identical bonuses to be displayed in the Events window for victory in the Kingdoms Battle: Revenge. The same issue has occurred with how bonuses for victory in the Clans Battle are being displayed — they are being doubled.

This bug has affected the following bonuses:
- The 20% increase to building speed, Knowledge learning speed, and resource transformation speed in the Stronghold
- The 10% increase to building speed, Knowledge learning speed, and warrior training speed

How this works:
- Before starting a process, you may see that the completion time has been reduced as if two bonuses were active (by 40% and 20%, respectively).
- After the process starts, however, the completion time will be reduced as if one bonus were active (by 20% and 10%, respectively).

All bonuses are working as normal. The issue is that the completion time for processes before you launch them is being displayed incorrectly and the lines in the Events window are being duplicated.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and are doing everything possible to fix the issue.

May 21, 2021, 13:0005/21/21
May 23, 2021, 04:4505/23/21

is there a bug in the watchtower that shortened it to 30k or is that just more stupid bull shit from you idiots at plarium 

May 23, 2021, 07:4105/23/21

is there a bug in the watchtower that shortened it to 30k or is that just more stupid bull shit from you idiots at plarium 

Hi G.2! The situation with the Watchtower is no malfunction. Since we take into account your feedback on the stability of the game, the elimination of lags and smooth gameplay is a priority task for us. For this reason, unfortunately, the Watchtower range had to be reduced to 30 km.
If you have any other questions or need any further assistance, we are always here to help you.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. 

May 24, 2021, 17:4405/24/21

afther maintenance bugs still persist, watchtower dont work, etc

why you make maintenances ?

May 25, 2021, 04:5905/25/21

afther maintenance bugs still persist, watchtower dont work, etc

why you make maintenances ?

Hi Soso! This was a standard technical update to optimize the game and improve its performance. 

May 25, 2021, 05:0205/25/21

Hi G.2! Hello! We respect your opinion, but please pay attention to the fact that some of your comments violate the Forum Rules. Comments that violate the Rules will be deleted or edited. In the case of repeated violations, we will be forced to restrict access to you. To read more about the Rules follow the link:

We appreciate your understanding. Have a nice day!