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Have you ordered some festive spirit for New Year?

Have you ordered some festive spirit for New Year?

Skål, Jarls! We want this festive period to be especially memorable for you, so we've prepared loads of exciting events. It's going to be awesome!

December 22–23, 29–30, and January 5–6 — Holiday Clans Battles

In these Competitions, the same number of points will be awarded for killing warriors of any tier, but only in certain categories of tasks:

- In the first Holiday Clans Battle, this rule will apply to the "Battles in the Clan Stronghold" category

- In the second Battle, the "Battles in the Place of Power" category will be added

- And in the third, the "Battles in Towns and resource locations" category will be added to the aforementioned two categories

December 23–28 and January 3–8 — Festive Blitz Competitions

Each of the new holiday Competitions will last 24 hours. It will be much easier to pass checkpoints, and the rewards will pleasantly surprise you. Don't miss:

- Festive Blitz: Resources

- Festive Blitz: Tasks

- Festive Blitz: Training

- Festive Blitz: Invaders

- Festive Blitz: Ghosts

- Festive Blitz: Influence

December 24, 31, and January 7 — the invasion of the Snowikings

Challenge these winter Invaders and receive Treasures as trophies.

December 25–27 — the Kingdoms Battle

Special Gold of the Gods locations await the winners. They will contain more resources than usual, and yielding will be faster there. These locations will only be on the Global Map for 24 hours.

December 28 — the new Lust for Gold Competition

The winners of the Kingdoms Battle can use the unique Gold of the Gods locations to yield Gold quickly and also to receive rewards for passing checkpoints in the new Competition.

From December 28 to January 3 — the Healing Warriors Competition

This personal Competition will last the whole week and will be useful during intense battles.

January 1–2 — the Holding the Throne clan Competition

For taking the top places in the ranking of the League of Asgard, participants will also receive the following for a Clan:

- Ten pieces of King's equipment for first place

- Five pieces of King's equipment for second place

- Three pieces of King's equipment for third to fifth place

- Two pieces of King's equipment for sixth to ninth place

- One piece of King's equipment for tenth to fifteenth place

January 1–2 — the Battle for the Throne Competition

This time, several participants at once will receive the King's equipment in the legendary Competition, and the reward for the winner will be even bigger. That means that Jarls will receive:

- Three pieces of equipment for first place

- Two pieces of equipment for second place

- One piece of equipment for third place for third to tenth place

January 1–2 — a Competition for killing tier IV warriors

The Slaughter in Jotunheim: Tier IV personal and clan Competition won't just give rise to intense battles, but will bring you awesome battle trophies as well! For the first place in the clan Competition, you will receive one piece of King's equipment for a Clan.

January 8–9 and 15–16 — the Kingdoms Battles: Fury

To top it all off, there will be two global Competitions in which Jarls will fight for Towers of Fury and be able to obtain prize resource locations.

Important! Only members of the League of Asgard will be able to get King's equipment for taking the top places.

Please note! Conditions for forming Leagues have been changed:

- In the Slaughter in Jotunheim: Tier IV, Healing Warriors, Furious Resource Hunt, and Lust for Gold personal Competitions, as well as in all Festive Blitz Competitions

- In the Slaughter in Jotunheim: Tier IV and Trick of the Gods clan Competitions

Vikings, grind your best axes and polish your favorite goblets — the holidays promise to be truly legendary!


Dec 22, 2020, 07:4612/22/20
Dec 23, 2020, 15:2112/23/20

YODAS  ID 15149075

Dec 23, 2020, 18:3212/23/20

 I think you can dissable points for yielding ressources at 5-6 of January because no clan will risk to lose troops at ressources locations , if a t1 troop spend as much points to the opponent as a t7 . Of course I will order my clan not to yield , not to plunder death towns and set shield for a very long time --- no shield drop at that battle ----- and no fun to play that match . That will be the first time I give those order . We're one of the last clans still allow to collect ressources during the clan battles .

Dec 23, 2020, 18:3312/23/20

ID 56542671

Dec 24, 2020, 01:3112/24/20

Frances (Elder) ( ID 57043921 )

Dec 25, 2020, 12:1912/25/20

ID 50808630

Dec 28, 2020, 09:1412/28/20

good job, plarium.


Dec 28, 2020, 14:0412/28/20

As I am guessing,  so forgive me if I am wrong, but it looks like greed and your mistake rather than one from the company.

It looks very much like you deleted all your buildings in the expectation you could rebuild them and make lots of levels and bonuses, without first checking the effect of knocking down just one building would have on your score.

Jan 9, 2021, 01:3201/09/21

i really need someone to check my game  the peace shield dropped but was on for at least 7 days

Jan 9, 2021, 13:4001/09/21

 This isnt really the place for your post, besides which, assuming the shield was actually seen,  not just clicked and it didnt register, it happens often, you will need to directly contact support. 

Jan 10, 2021, 05:4201/10/21

Where can i find Dust? I saw it was available a few days ago but i forgot where.


Jan 10, 2021, 14:0501/10/21

Of course it is possible that you saw it for sale from the bank, but as far as I know you have to grind  legendary gems to make it.