Inactive Strong Hold and town 52 week limit
Inactive Strong holds and tiwns are taking up too much space in kingdoms there should be a 52 wk (1 year) limit for inactivity before Stronghold or town is removed from Kingdoms as it is messing with Kingdom vs Kingdom battles and no Kingdom is accuretly mached due to these inactive number in all Kingdoms not to mention the fact that it is taking up so much space that ppl have no choice that if they want to creat their own clan the border lines of clan grounds are overlapping each other and i dont know if a kingdom is limited to an amount of players per kingdom but if it is it is also messing with the fact that clans could have gained new active player to teach and help grow due to inactive players claiming most of the limit please concider removing inactive town and strongholds after 52 wk as a general clean up of kingdoms thanks