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Not a suggestion per se but an observation/rant about achievements as prizes

Not a suggestion per se but an observation/rant about achievements as prizes

Jul 17, 2022, 10:1007/17/22

Not a suggestion per se but an observation/rant about achievements as prizes

With the new "achievements as prizes" mechanic for Asgard I feel like I've been slapped in the face. I've worked way too hard for way too long on some of these achievements for them to be given away as prizes for some who are lucky enough to be either HUGE and/or in a HUGE Clan. Make no mistake THATS where the vast majority of these new "prizes" will be going. Smaller Clans/players get the shaft once again.

I may sound petty to some but that's the way I feel. SURELY, there are other prizes/upgraded prizes that could have been used/implemented! To cheapen what some of us have spent much time and money on by giving them away is not a good way to loosen my wallet Plarium. Just saying. 

Jul 17, 2022, 16:1507/17/22

Thank you for the honest feedback, Jarl, our devs will surely take it into consideration🙏

Your comments help us to get better!

Jul 18, 2022, 00:5607/18/22

I haven't seen what you describe, so can only go on what you say, and the fact that you have an official response seems to validate it's true.

I would have thought that the big players would have already got most of the achievements,so not sure who is  actually benefitting.

As to your disgust I can only concur, but this behaviour is nothing new.

 As with other complaints about the tricks they pull, by the time  they have assessed, or reassessed it ,and maybe done something about it, the damage has already be done.

Jul 18, 2022, 01:5907/18/22

My beef is that so many achievements, skins and boosts are aimed at reducing the strength of t4 troops, which are naturally the troops of choice for lower palace level players like me (who can't fully develop t5s and T6 or even start on t7 and t8).  

.... yes I know -   it is all part of Plariums plan to make you spend more so you can level up and make those other troops, except the higher level players already have those superior troops and dont need these additions :-(