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Gains inversement proportionnel / Inversely proportional gains

Gains inversement proportionnel / Inversely proportional gains

Jun 16, 2022, 11:0206/16/22

Gains inversement proportionnel / Inversely proportional gains

Est-il possible de différencier les gains de points entre attaquants et défendants ?

Je m'explique : pour une ville de faible nv il est plus dur de marquer des points d'attaques car toutes les villes de son niveau sont sous bouclier. Ces mêmes villes subissent les assaults des plus grosses et ne gagne finalement pas beaucoup de points. Hors ils se défendent contre bien plus fort qu'eux. Une ville de nv 30 a plus de mérite de tuer  les troupes d'une de nv 40 que l'invers. Ou dit différament : les points de soldats vaudraient plus en fonction du nv de sa ville ou connaissances. 

Qu'en pensez-vous ?

Is it possible to differentiate point gains between attackers and defenders?Let me explain: for a city of low nv it is harder to score attack points because all the cities of its level are under shield. These same cities suffer the assaults of the largest and ultimately do not earn many points. Outside they defend themselves against much stronger than them. A city of lv 30 has more merit in killing the troops of a lv 40 than the other way around. Or said differently: the points of soldiers would be worth more according to the nv of his city or knowledge.What do you think ? 

Jun 16, 2022, 13:4506/16/22

I  believe that a majority of players take delight in seeing towns burn, besides this they want to attack towns or tiles  in such a way that they overwhelm the opposition and loose as few of their  army as possible, and gain more experience points than are lost.

Also, that you are wanting an incentive for attacking a player with a higher palace level than yourself, and some extra points of some kind for doing so.

Having a higher palace level than you doesn't make them a sronger player than you, nor mean  they have better troops, or even using them if they do, and there is already a bonus for killing  troops of a higher level than those you might use.