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Fury matchmaking

Fury matchmaking

Jun 11, 2022, 16:2506/11/22

Fury matchmaking


Currently there are kingdoms which have very low winrate like 3:20 and mostly they have a lot of inactive players.

If I understood correctly then currently kingdoms are matched by its whole kingdom influence. Could it be changed to that fury only counts top 10 or 5 clans influence? as they get most if not all points in fury event.

Mostly inactive players dont have clan and if they do then most of the time they are alone.

This system could make matchmaking more fair in fury 

Jun 12, 2022, 13:0206/12/22

Interesting suggestion, bumba! It has been forwarded to our specialists. 

Have a nice day 🤗

Jun 12, 2022, 17:2206/12/22

Or 2nd option would be count only active clan influence (can be used from last cv to count only clans which have gotten atleast 1b points)

Or 3rd the worst option but better than current is to count only clan influence as you need to be in clan to receive any rewards

Jun 13, 2022, 09:4806/13/22

Or 2nd option would be count only active clan influence (can be used from last cv to count only clans which have gotten atleast 1b points)

Or 3rd the worst option but better than current is to count only clan influence as you need to be in clan to receive any rewards

I have sent these ones further as well, bumba👍

Your feedback helps us to get better🌟

Jun 14, 2022, 01:0606/14/22
Jun 14, 2022, 01:08(edited)

I've suggested on other posts that use is made of the performance on individual accounts. If I go on holiday for a week and dont play my performance is zero, and if I compete in events it adds up. This appears to be a perfect measure as to how active a player is and yet it doesn't appear to be used for anything.

Adding all of players in a kingdom's performance would give a far better measure of relative activity than influence.

Jun 14, 2022, 08:2906/14/22

I've suggested on other posts that use is made of the performance on individual accounts. If I go on holiday for a week and dont play my performance is zero, and if I compete in events it adds up. This appears to be a perfect measure as to how active a player is and yet it doesn't appear to be used for anything.

Adding all of players in a kingdom's performance would give a far better measure of relative activity than influence.

I got this point, Blackadder, we will surely think about adding such a feature🤗

Thank you for the suggestion🙌

Jun 14, 2022, 10:5106/14/22

What a good idea (performance rather than influence).