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Confidence is everything

Confidence is everything

May 26, 2022, 04:4305/26/22

Confidence is everything

You have 70% of success... failed

You have 75% of success... failed

You have 85% of success... failed

That is the reason why I haven't bought any hero energy this year. Whether trying to update my shaman or my hero gear, the odds are tweaked without a doubt. Not the first time that three out of four upgrade attempts fail, and mostly on the day after cvc, but that shouldn't make a difference if this were an honest game. Throughout the years I have noticed many times odds are tweaked on the days usage is large. Five years in a game is enough to notice this.

And even IF it were not tweaked, the thought that only about 75% of my money can improve my stats is pretty disgusting. Same reason I am not buying any Helheim fire. Have you ever estimated how much you need to get your shaman stats maxed? Oh and that doesn't count the odds in yet.

And aside from that, checkpoints in killing invaders events can only reasonably be achieved with one-shot kills that hardly bring in items or jewels. So more waste of money. Come to think of it, all of invaders has become mostly a waste of money. 

I know, I have been fazing out of this game for a long time now, but I had a lot of gold, had some strong victories and after that Paladins has kept me in. I'm also no longer actively playing my other accounts since x-mass but obviously I've been emptying their treshold as well. Slowly moving towards the exit.

When confidence is gone, the money no longer flows.

May 26, 2022, 11:1005/26/22


May 26, 2022, 13:0305/26/22


You say that a lot I noticed. I guess you are uncomfortable with criticism of your favourite game. I'm ok if you enjoy bending over to everything that is presented to you. I have read enough criticism both here and on facebook to know that many agree with me and that includes players who are here longer than me. So if you don't have anything constructive to say, I suggest you don't polute this forum. Bye.

May 27, 2022, 09:3705/27/22

Hi MobyDick!

I am sorry that you have decided to leave the game. It is true, to make the gaming experience more challenging and exciting the equipment upgrading functionality involves a bit of luck 🙏

Just in case, I'll share mine with you ⭐⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 

Your doubts are clear, but there are no hidden mechanics. The chance of an equipment upgrade is determined automatically according to the theory of probability, previous attempts to upgrade are not taken into account by the system in the calculation. If you have tried to upgrade a piece of equipment several times, this does not mean that the chance of success increases. Each time the system performs the calculations again. Anyway, the developers are aware of the issue and are studying it. Your concerns have been forwarded to them as well.

I hope that you will reconsider this decision and continue sharing your suggestions and ideas with us 😇

Jun 9, 2022, 03:1106/09/22
Jun 9, 2022, 08:33(edited)
Ivar Marksman

Hi MobyDick!

I am sorry that you have decided to leave the game. It is true, to make the gaming experience more challenging and exciting the equipment upgrading functionality involves a bit of luck 🙏

Just in case, I'll share mine with you ⭐⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 

Your doubts are clear, but there are no hidden mechanics. The chance of an equipment upgrade is determined automatically according to the theory of probability, previous attempts to upgrade are not taken into account by the system in the calculation. If you have tried to upgrade a piece of equipment several times, this does not mean that the chance of success increases. Each time the system performs the calculations again. Anyway, the developers are aware of the issue and are studying it. Your concerns have been forwarded to them as well.

I hope that you will reconsider this decision and continue sharing your suggestions and ideas with us 😇

Today I tried again four weapon upgrades : three failed (to lvl 6, 7 and 8). Sorry Ivar, I simply don't believe you. It is either tweaked or developed by an idiot. Anyway, below some more reasons why I am finally quitting the game as per today :

- this is a game for lvl 40's. If you're not a lvl 40, you are nothing. I have 8 seasonal townskins related to SH Siege, 6 of which maxed. My town is lvl 39 with 2nd lvl knowledge maxed (to level) for lvl 8 troops, fortress, offense and towns and working on defense. My gems are all legendary 2 and I completed Helheim floor 11. Yet I get trashed by ANY single lvl 40 during SH Siege. Sorry. That is rubbish. Tactics no longer work here. Aside from that I can't even pass Paladin cohort 70 because I am not strong enough. The next 30 levels are again for lvl 40's. No. This is absurd. 

- alliances has quickly become a way for clans to have two SH, one of which you can't see when activated. That means everyone needs a second SH if you want to raise your chances to win. I am not opposed, but I don't have enough time to maintain two SH, thus my odds of winning are greatly reducing.

- Bottom line : the game is too expensive. Upgrading to lvl 40 is gonna cost at least another 4-500USD and for what? To be mediocre? I'm not even sure about that. The game is not tactical any more since lvl40's were introduced. And I can buy four great games for that money. No, I'm done.

There is more but I said enough already. This is the second time I leave the game for the same reason : who spends more money wins. I'm out.