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Protecting Stronghold Sieges

Protecting Stronghold Sieges

Apr 25, 2022, 17:2604/25/22

Protecting Stronghold Sieges

How many times has a clan lost their cvc battle because a larger clan (not your opponent) crashed your stronghold siege? This is a major reason why smaller players and clans do not siege during clan events. 

The answer is simple: Plarium has the ability to limit who can attack and defend forts in Holmgang. Just apply this code or method to sieging strongholds where only your opponent can attack your sieges. Which is a true test of your strength.

Attacking clans already have the advantage of multiple onslaughts vs. a limited troop maximum in stronghold. To have to fend off Jot troops, cvc opponent troops and everyone else attacking your siege is not the spirit of good gamemanship. This would allow more clans to siege during cvc events and mantain interest in the game.

Apr 26, 2022, 09:4704/26/22

Our specialists are aware of this request, P00L N00DLE, and are studying the issue🙏

I have forwarded your feedback to them as well. Stay tuned😇

Jun 2, 2022, 18:4806/02/22
Jun 2, 2022, 18:50(edited)

I know exactly how you feel, I was no longer even able to run a siege anymore in my old kingdom because the biggest clan in that kingdom would wait for us to activate our siege and then attack us for the whole 2 hours, I play in a top clan in another kingdom now and we do 4 sieges per cvc now, So yes I totally agree with you only your cvc enemy should be able to attack you, if its a kvk or fury only clans from the enemy kingdom should be able to attack you and not home kingdom clans, By allowing stronger clans in home kingdom the ability to attack weaker clans sieges it allows bullying in the game, There is no benefit for a home kingdom clan hitting another siege in their own kingdom, you can not receive soul shards, The only reason it is done is so the bigger clans can bully and control the smaller clans in that kingdom, It is one thing to be attacked by a bigger clan from another kingdom  in a cvc which I don't actually agree with but when its a clan from your own kingdom its even worse as atleast you have the option to run your siege when the cvc is over but when it's a home kingdom clan doing it, It's not even an option.