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Estimated yielding time

Estimated yielding time

Jan 9, 2021, 11:5401/09/21

Estimated yielding time


I would like to suggest a very useful option. When you go for yielding, there should be a timer to let you know how long it will take you to yield resources with the amount of troops you are sending.

Why is it a good option? Well, if you plan to use domain guards, you can make it so you don't have a few more minutes above the full hour. Guards are shields you can't buy, you earn it, so why waste it, right?

What do you think, is it possible to give it a go?

Thanks in advance.

Jan 9, 2021, 18:5701/09/21

Hello RustyPlank!

Thank you for the suggestion, I will forward it to our developers for the further consideration👍

If you have any other ideas or suggestions — feel free to share them with us🤗

Have a great day!

Jun 25, 2022, 11:3506/25/22

It's been year and a half since i wrote this here... There were many updates with different changes yet this didn't find its way to the real world.

Can this suggestion find a way to the developers desk? It's a good and very useful option to anyone farming on a big scale.

Thanks in advance with a hope this time something will be a little bit different.

Jun 25, 2022, 15:4506/25/22

First,waiting a year and a half for something to be implemented is nothing compared to how long ago some requests were first asked for, and while the White Queen is alive, it is always winter but never Christmas.

Waiting can be a pointless exercise, there's no guarantee of implementation even if they looked at the idea favourably.

Second, here's what I was going to write, way back then, is it really that long ago?

I think though it might be handy for a short time and only to some, you will have little chance of it being introduced.

A large majority of players are so rich in resources they are not going to worry about wasting Domain Guards, which theoretically would only be needed in a hostile environment.

They will either send small amounts of troops which they can afford to loose, and when using Domain guards, will likely know already how many troops is an hours worth of yielding.

In a year and a half,I figure by now you have had plenty of opportunity to work this out for yourself.

I have a sneaky suspicion, Domain Guards were availble for purchase then, probably are now,and certainly winnable or easily obtainable for the type of players already mentioned.  


Jun 27, 2022, 09:4506/27/22

Year and a half is a long time for such a small option, so i don't agree with you at all. They have implemented a bunch of useless, much more complex features.

But yes, belife and waiting for something useful which want screw some other part of this game is pointless, we agree on that.

Jun 27, 2022, 10:3706/27/22
Jun 27, 2022, 10:51(edited)

Maybe you misunderstood.

You think it's a small option, so wouldn't take long to do, and they have had plenty of time to  make the change, this may be true if they had actual plans,they proably don't.

It's not about them introducing what you call useless stuff instead.

Many players have repeatedly asked for other things that have not been introduced, and for a longer time than you have waited for your solo request. 

You are right it's small, so it's pointless having expectations and waiting,if they are not going to do as you asked,because what you want it isn't needed or urgent.

You can work out the number of resources that can be yielded in 1 hr and just send out that many troops.