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Plarium needs to put a restriction on higher level playersPlarium needs to put a restriction on higher level players

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Plarium needs to put a restriction on higher level players

Jul 29, 2023, 23:3107/29/23

Plarium needs to put a restriction on higher level players

This company needs to develop a platform for 'active' and lower level players with 1st level towns and up to 20th level towns. The reason being is mixing lower level players with higher level players above 20th level or even 25th level is completely unfair. Also, players with towns less than 25th level are not going to even attack someone with a 35th level town or higher. On the other hand, it still may be fair to allow players of any level to attack inactive players for over a month or more. If you have a 1st level town or even a 8th level town then why should you interact with a player with a higher level town unless you want to.                   

Jul 29, 2023, 23:3807/29/23

I have an even better idea, why not have Plarium develop events for players with different leagues like Holmgang. You just put in a bid to play with players that have different level towns. Then that way it is fair for players with different level towns to interact with one another in this game. 

Aug 7, 2023, 21:5308/07/23

I understand your frustration to an extent. However there is no need to interact with higher players. If you are yielding then use a yielding gaurd, and simply use a peace treaty on your town. Otherwise there is no need to interact with others.

Oct 22, 2023, 08:4210/22/23

The problem is interacting with these so-called higher level players according to the games influence points causes and breeds discontent. From my personal experience for over 4 years playing this game, these so-called higher level players are mostly very arrogant towards other lower level players. Plarium Global Ltd. 'definitely' needs to seperate higher level players from lower level players some way so everyone can play a undistracted game.  Lower level players should barely interact with higher level players in events.