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T7 and how to balance them a lil

T7 and how to balance them a lil

Dec 18, 2018, 21:1912/18/18

T7 and how to balance them a lil

Hello everyone, I'm a pretty big spender with around 1-1.5K euro/Month spending.

(I put it here because the plarium developpers don't seem to care for the smaller players)

Let me start off by saying i'm playing this game for about 4 months now and I absolutely love the game. BUT I honestly don't like the way you imbalance the game. I work nearly 100 hours a week and when I get home I want to relax and play a game and yes this a slow paced game so it leaves alot of chat time and social aspect of the game

I also understand that you need to keep finding ways for players like myself to keep spending to make your organisation profitable, and nobody hates you for doing so BUT and here comes the important part why is it necesarry to make the strong stronger? I personally would think it's more intresting in a bussiness perspection to make the weak stronger so the stronger spend more to stay on top?

This T7 is all very nice and Ofc the game needs bigger troops as the defences and the players become smarter and better but some of this T1-3 reducers are just completely braindead. Why should a 100B player who already has a tremendous advantage get an even bigger advantage like this? I'm a 35b player and i know i'm rather small in the big sea with big fish. Also the other knowledge in that tree will already give more than enough advantage, no need to give T7 an even bigger advantage towards smaller people.

But i really think if anything the T7 should have a disadvantage towards T1-2-3 if it would be reducers vs T4-5-6-7 it would be way better, it would make the T7 very effective for fighting in jotunheim and in kingdom PoP and so on which is where they're needed and should be used. Any big player that disagrees with this is either a 22 year old daddies boy who gets unlimmited cash from dad cus daddy has no time to give them any love, and most likely they got bullied/are bullied and need this game to feel superior over smaller people. (Napoleon Complex: Look it up)

BUT PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GIVE THE SMALL SPENDERS SOMETHING! If low spenders quit, so will we big spenders, what you're doing now is very nice for your short term bussiness goals, because the big spendes will spend and spend and spend. Creating even biggers sharks (see reference soon)

Imagine this game as a sea, nature is beautifull when there is a prey vs predator situation but what happends when the prey stays away? The predators will leave/follow them. And trust me when I say updates like this only scare away the prey. Either predators will starve to dead and quit or they'll follow the prey and quit. But quitting they will if this type of updates continue.

SO HERE COMES MY PROPOSAL: make the vs tier reductions work for T4-5-6 instead of T1-2-3 most big players that fight don't use those anyway, but traps do. Don't ruin traps or smaller people even more.

I'm very aware that this is alot of text but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you don't want to listen to the 5-20 euro/month spenders. Listen to us bigger spenders.

/Powerhouse Insane K726

 (for those bullied kids that are thinking i'm lying about being a spender)

Dec 19, 2018, 09:2112/19/18


Thank you for so detailed feedback!   We are determined to make the game better, so we'll definitely consider your suggestions, and our developers will decide which of them to implement. Feel free to write us if you have any other ideas or suggestions.  

We wish you a good play and glorious victories!

Dec 19, 2018, 23:3612/19/18

Ivar Marksman said:


Thank you for so detailed feedback!   We are determined to make the game better, so we'll definitely consider your suggestions, and our developers will decide which of them to implement. Feel free to write us if you have any other ideas or suggestions.  

We wish you a good play and glorious victories!

blah blah blah copy/paste no 17. developers won’t do a thing towards TOWERGOD’s suggestions. if you haven’t learned so far, that medium and small spenders got much bigger budget to play with, than biggest guns, you will never learn. and if you are not listening to your customers you’ll be out of business sooner than you think. keep ignoring small/medium/big experienced players ideas and they will disappear. and new ones won’t come deterred by insane cost of getting to the top. then you will make few panic moves (more hero levels, fix glitches, add new battles types, etc) but it will be too late.

I would like to thank you TOWERGOD for your deep, realistic, straightforward analysis of recent so-called upgrade. unfortunately I’ve got a feeling, that except copy/paste reply above there’s not going to be any follow ups. IF you would be spending €1-1.5k a week, then Plarium would listen. otherwise all views against their main policy RIP ‘EM OFF are ignored. that’s one of the reasons this forum ain’t got many new threads anymore - players can smell fake PR only attempts (like creating this forum) to make an impression of listening to users... 

Dec 20, 2018, 01:4812/20/18
Dec 20, 2018, 02:47(edited)

Towergod wrote

Hello everyone, I'm a pretty big spender with around 1-1.5K euro/Month spending.

Well you are entitled to use your money as you see fit, but (Edited here, in my opinion), poverty issues aside,thats an exorbitant sum of money to spend on the game.

It perfectly illustrates the problems it creates, and the sheer folly in the rest of us trying.


Simon Says wrote

that’s one of the reasons this forum ain’t got many new threads anymore - players can smell fake PR only attempts (like creating this forum) to make an impression of listening to users...

Methinks,theres more than a grain of truth here.

Dec 20, 2018, 22:3612/20/18
Dec 20, 2018, 22:36(edited)

xyz said:

Towergod wrote

Hello everyone, I'm a pretty big spender with around 1-1.5K euro/Month spending.

Well you are entitled to use your money as you see fit, but (Edited here, in my opinion), poverty issues aside,thats an exorbitant sum of money to spend on the game.

It perfectly illustrates the problems it creates, and the sheer folly in the rest of us trying.

Well as you could read first post, i work alot of hours, ever heard the saying "Work Hard, Play Harder"?

But even all spending sprees aside, this game really needs to empower the weaker players, else they'll quit and people like me will quit not much after.

And the fact you can spend this much ingame shouldn't mean its unfair. If you think its unfair I gotta dissapoint you. Welcome to life. Ferrari compared to Renault.

Anyway we're missing the point. We got like 10-12K a month spending with just 12-15 people in clan we calculated it just to proof a point, not a single one of us thinks this T7 is the right way to go around about the power problems. I just really think the T1-2-3 offence boosters do nothing for the game apart from making the strong able to power abuse the weak even harder.

Like why would someone that has acces to T7 even be hitting people with majority T1-3 apart from bullying?

Never empower the strong, empower the weak.

Another animal reference: It's like feeding a lion to make sure he is well fed and strong and then put a Zebra close to it. But before you let the lion go, you break both legs of the zebra just to make sure the lion wins(T1 compared to T7 stats). And in case that ain't enough you'll make sure the cage is small so the zebra can't even hide. (T1-2-3 meatshield vs the T7 brute force).

Really show people that you actually care, it shows 100x more character and strenght as a company to admit you were wrong than. Act strong and almighty while you know you messed up.

Big people will spend anyway, the small people won't. Stuff like this doesn't generate more money in total. And i keep hammering on it because I'm a big spender that stayed in his kingdom and still has the link with the non spender clan members and see their point cus realisticly if you don't spend you'll make T1-2-3... which you pretty much make completely useless now while defending vs people with T7 unlocked.

Please pretty please reconsider this knowledge. And don't come with excuses it's to late.

Dec 21, 2018, 02:4412/21/18

I think they did that because people train (even very big guys) a lot of low level troops to protect their town against attack ... these t7 will help to break through them ...

Dec 21, 2018, 14:1512/21/18

I had wondered that myself.

However,its all stuff and nonsense.

If they hadnt introduced T6,and players created a solution to them,then they wouldnt need to introduce T7 with bells and whistles to counter that.

Now they have to invent something else,  low tier troop technology against the technology of T7.

Who is complaining against what I have seen described as meat shields ? Doesnt appear to be any one on this forum.

Its Plariums game and they mostly do what they want and little of what we might suggest.

You cant really blame them for that, nor introducing new stuff that encourages people to spend ridiculous amounts of money to keep up,if they continue doing so.

I would have to ask, given what Towergod wrote,is it wise to dishearten those who cannot do so?

I would venture to ask why he needs low level spenders to remain, why would he quit too if, they left?

Its not as if there is much to be gained by attacking much less developed players.

With regards to this quote

"And the fact you can spend this much ingame shouldn't mean its unfair. If you think its unfair I gotta dissapoint you. Welcome to life. Ferrari compared to Renault."

I didnt say it was unfair, and you havent disapponted me ,I wouldnt expect you to understand.

You think you want a Ferrari,you can afford to buy a Ferrari, but you still have to abide by the rules of the road like everyone else who only drives a Renault,and you will never understand that you dont need a Ferrari,nor to spend astronomical amounts of money on the game.

Its actually people like you with low boredrom thresholds, with more money than sense, that makes it pointless for the rest of us to keep playing and why many are quitting.

I believe,( perhaps wrongly) It would be more sensible for the game to progress at a much slower pace, with much less money changing hands,the majority thinking they had a chance,and  not becoming disillusioned and giving up.

Dec 29, 2018, 12:3712/29/18

i never really understood how much people spend on a "free" game until i played this game. Some people spend more in a year on this game than i spend on mortgage and bills for my house in a year! It's absolutely madening to see this, yet i completely agree that it is each to their own and if i could afford to do that i would. Now, Plarium obviously caters to these people because they're generating the most income, the majority of big spenders will be happy to have the T7 troops completely overpowered because in the end that is why they spend so much on the game, to be bigger, better and stronger than everyone else. 1 "big" spender probably spends more than my entire kingdom on a weekly basis judging by their growth so going by that example i would assume Plarium couldn't give two shits about lower level/spenders as they're the tiny 1% of their income, a whale is worth 1,000,000 shrimp after all. If anyone thinks that Plarium will listen and actually change the gameplay or fix the bugs to keep people happy then you're sadly mistaken, i've only been playing for 4-5 months and i've seen the same bugs for the entirety of those 4-5 months.

Money is king, stop spending and they'll start listening but we know that will never happen.
Jan 3, 2019, 18:2201/03/19
spending money???? who do that from the big players???? i go say it again it are all TOOLHACKERS !!!!!!!!!
Jan 3, 2019, 18:2601/03/19
Jan 3, 2019, 18:39(edited)
erictips said:

spending money???? who do that from the big players???? i go say it again it are all TOOLHACKERS !!!!!!!!!
do you really believe they give money out to buy packets in bank, i think you are all wrong with that, they hack all what they have need !!!!
Jan 3, 2019, 18:5501/03/19
Jan 3, 2019, 19:25(edited)
Simon Says said:

Ivar Marksman said:


Thank you for so detailed feedback!   We are determined to make the game better, so we'll definitely consider your suggestions, and our developers will decide which of them to implement. Feel free to write us if you have any other ideas or suggestions.  

We wish you a good play and glorious victories!

blah blah blah copy/paste no 17. developers won’t do a thing towards TOWERGOD’s suggestions. if you haven’t learned so far, that medium and small spenders got much bigger budget to play with, than biggest guns, you will never learn. and if you are not listening to your customers you’ll be out of business sooner than you think. keep ignoring small/medium/big experienced players ideas and they will disappear. and new ones won’t come deterred by insane cost of getting to the top. then you will make few panic moves (more hero levels, fix glitches, add new battles types, etc) but it will be too late.

I would like to thank you TOWERGOD for your deep, realistic, straightforward analysis of recent so-called upgrade. unfortunately I’ve got a feeling, that except copy/paste reply above there’s not going to be any follow ups. IF you would be spending €1-1.5k a week, then Plarium would listen. otherwise all views against their main policy RIP ‘EM OFF are ignored. that’s one of the reasons this forum ain’t got many new threads anymore - players can smell fake PR only attempts (like creating this forum) to make an impression of listening to users... 

thats exactly the truth!!!!!