Only allow people to join clans between the kingdom and cvc events (twice a week) ...
There are a lot of problems with people taking advantage of loop holes in the game for kingdom and cvc events. After thinking about this for awhile I think the best solution is to only allow people to join clans between the kingdom/cvc events. They should be allowed to leave or be kicked from clans anytime they want ...or the leaders decide to kick them. I think this would take care of most if not all of the taking advantage of loopholes. I know recently (past 6 months or so) a change was made to require people to be in a clan for 24 hours but there already has been found a loophole for that and also it had negative consequences.
I really think this would be a good change/solution ... so what do others think and what problems would you anticipate from this ... I don't really see any major negative consequences to such a change.