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Ideas to revive kingdoms, alternatives to "gift buttom" and "train to win". Ideas to revive kingdoms, alternatives to "gift buttom" and "train to win".

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Ideas to revive kingdoms, alternatives to "gift buttom" and "train to win".

Nov 13, 2018, 17:5211/13/18

Ideas to revive kingdoms, alternatives to "gift buttom" and "train to win".

Hello. I'm sure that all players have items they don´t need (runes, materials, gems, charms, soul) and want to give it to their clanmates, of course this will cause plarium to lose money. Or not? . And i know that many of you complain about dead kingdoms and  "train to win" strategy  . I have a couple of ideas:

1.How about adding a new building in Stronghold that allows us to put items and make it visible for all the kingdom. Giving all kingdom the chance to buy it for ressources or gold .As a buyer you just select any stronghold and go to the "clan market" buttom, then search if there is something you need.

Of course, the "clan market" building would have a certain number of slots (where we can put items in sale) that increases with the clan market level.

Adding this will activate global chat and interaction between clans.

It would be very interesting to see how different are economies of each kingdom

Don´t worry, people wont stop spending money on energy packs since it is easier to obtain gems killing ubers

2.- Add a mixing option similar to the one we already have, but instead of mixing materials gems or runes to obtain better quality, we would mix to get a different one with the same quality. 

3.-Replace the gold mines(price of kvk) for "market of gods". 

Nobody really gather gold . Why not making this place a "mini POP" where you must defend it for 1 hour to obtain the benefits which would be : trade, sell, buy items ,or score points in events . Of course , there would be only a few of this places in the map. 

With this new place we could do a lot of things: set traps, break shields , score points. AND MAKE USEFUL OUR FORTRESS GEAR AND NEW SHAMAN . 

Benefits :

- Strong clans will have more places to fight 

- Average clans will have a motivation to make the fortress equipment and unlock new shaman.

- Weak clans  will have a new way to score points and grow up faster

- Dead kingdoms will be atractive to relocate 

And this would also be a perfect replacement for the "gift option"

If you want to give free items to your clanmates first fight. 


Weak clans will look for dead or weak kingdoms to dominate it. Also, they will have the chance to recruit players

Strong clans will look for better oponents and try to conquer all midgard (you could add the list of clans that conquered the fortress)

Of course we need rules:

- Clans which share kingdom cannot move to a new kingdom at the same time. Must pass one month to do it (to avoid persecutions for at least 1 month)

-LVL 1 stronghold must wait 1 month to relocate again. Lvl 2 stronghold must wait 2 months to relocate. LVL 3 must wait 3 months

- Make a ranking of kingdoms by influence. If your kingdom is top 50, your SH can only relocate to the top 100. If you are top 100 your SH can only relocate to top 200. If your kingdom is top 200, your SH can only relocate to top 400. 

If you add this, we wont have dead kingdoms.

I´d love to read responses and suggestions , thank you for reading my bible. 

Nov 13, 2018, 19:2611/13/18
Nov 13, 2018, 19:37(edited)

1. Effectively would do exactly the same thing as giving items directly to clan members.

    There would be no reason to  interact with chat or clans.

     How would you see the economies of all the kingdoms?

2. Sounds too complicated.

3. Maybe they dont do as much as was intended, or as much as they did, but players still mine gold.

   If the mini pop existed , why would there be more places to fight?

   They dont fight over POP now, which might  be part  of the reasons for new introductions .

   For those interested, theres already a reason to unlock the things you suggested.

   You dont need points to grow faster, you can do this already by # harvesting from tiles... too boring you say

                                                                                                        #buying packs             too expensive and boring.

No it would not  be a replacement for the gift item,  it doesnt exist now, and for good reason.

4.Relocating Stronghold to other Kingdoms.

This would, # only move the stronghold, what about the players?

If clans wanted to,it would be no problem for them to move to a different Kingdom and build a new one... it would give them something to do.

If clans are reluctantly sharing the POP , why would you follow anyone? You would just go somewhere and hope no one else comes.

If you are happy sharing the POP why would you need to move at all?

Most clans want to be near the forest, these places would not be available in other kingdoms.

Are there any weak kingdoms? If there are, I  dont beileve weak clans would  look to move to dominate them.They would not  get a chance from the strong clans, as they dont now.

 The ranking you suggest, wiil have the effect of widening the gap, as happens with sports leagues.

Nov 13, 2018, 20:4711/13/18
Nov 13, 2018, 20:52(edited)


1. Effectively would do exactly the same thing as giving items directly to clan members.

    There would be no reason to  interact with chat or clans.

     How would you see the economies of all the kingdoms?

Plarium does not want the "gift buttom". A lot of people would stop spending money, It would also be an easier way to steal items. Making the "clan market" will require resources and boosts. 

2. Sounds too complicated.

How is that complicated? just mix 4 materials and obtain 1 randomly. 

3. Maybe they dont do as much as was intended, or as much as they did, but players still mine gold.

   If the mini pop existed , why would there be more places to fight?  

   They dont fight over POP now, which might  be part  of the reasons for new introductions . 

   For those interested, theres already a reason to unlock the things you suggested.

   You dont need points to grow faster, you can do this already by # harvesting from tiles... too boring you say

                                                                                                        #buying packs             too expensive and boring.

 Some clans make points only training, And PoP has 24h shield. Not all clans attack or set up traps in cities. This places will force the fight.

No it would not  be a replacement for the gift item,  it doesnt exist now, and for good reason.

4.Relocating Stronghold to other Kingdoms.

This would, # only move the stronghold, what about the players? The cost of moving stronghold could be the cost of moving all people in the clan at that moment. 

If clans wanted to,it would be no problem for them to move to a different Kingdom and build a new one... it would give them something to do. Nope, lvl 3 stronghold costs a lot of money. Especially if you have gears unlocked.

If clans are reluctantly sharing the POP , why would you follow anyone? You would just go somewhere and hope no one else comes. Believe it or not, there are clans that "hate" another ones. Although, 1 month waiting is not really necessary. You may be right 

If you are happy sharing the POP why would you need to move at all? You move because you don't want to share pop or you can´t get it. If you are happy sharing pop, don't move... 

Most clans want to be near the forest, these places would not be available in other kingdoms. You may be right on this. But I don't think inactive SH will stay there forever. 

Are there any weak kingdoms? If there are, I  dont beileve weak clans would  look to move to dominate them. They would not  get a chance from the strong clans, as they dont now. Of course there are weak kingdoms. Just look at kvk scores.  People who spends a lot play in the bigger clans. There are dead kingdoms with only one active clan, there are kingdoms that lose every competition and people leave. 

 The ranking you suggest, wiil have the effect of widening the gap, as happens with sports leagues.

You're wrong here, it's going to be totally the opposite. The ranking will allow "strong" clans not to go to weak kingdoms. For example: If my clan has 500b influence and the dominant clan has 1000b influence, we would like to move because we lose the pop. But we won't be allowed to move to a weaker kingdom which dominant clan has 100b influence. That would be unfair. Another solution to this, is that You won´t be able to relocate your SH if your clan's influence is higher than the top clan of the kingdom you want to go. 

Feb 2, 2022, 06:4502/02/22

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