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common chat auto translatecommon chat auto translate

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common chat auto translate

Apr 13, 2018, 17:0204/13/18

common chat auto translate


  Just a quick comment/suggestion i play another game very similar to this and not by plarium and their common chat has auto translate so when someone types in say Russian it translates it into English for me , im not sure how difficult this is to set up but it would be a great addition to the game, and if the other games developers can set it up im sure plarium could :)


Apr 13, 2018, 18:5404/13/18

same here in a other game, not auto translate but need to click a icon on the right end of the chat line for it to translate

most of these game use the google api for translation... cost is 20$ by 1.000.000 character for translate and again 20$ by 1.000.000 character for language detection...

sure, plarium can add it but since it is not free, they will need to compensate the cost... for example by increasing the bank offert price... do you want this ?
Apr 13, 2018, 21:1804/13/18
Yes I want it ... lol
Apr 13, 2018, 22:3904/13/18
yep i still want it :)
Apr 16, 2018, 00:3704/16/18
It would be nice to be able to understand the different languages I'm all for it.
Apr 16, 2018, 04:0204/16/18
It would be nice to have something from Plarium to increase quality of life for the players. The gem slider bar was a good first step lol, but this would be amazing!
May 3, 2018, 11:0305/03/18
I think if the content can be copy out and paste to browser so that I can use google translate, that would be much help.
Jul 8, 2018, 17:0207/08/18
yeah just let us Copy/paste the chat box. That would fix most of the problem right there. If could just copy the messages to google translator myself and know what my clan leader is trying to tell me to do during war. I'm in an all Russian clan and im the only american, it sucks :(
Jul 9, 2018, 09:1407/09/18

Miethos said:

yeah just let us Copy/paste the chat box. That would fix most of the problem right there. If could just copy the messages to google translator myself and know what my clan leader is trying to tell me to do during war. I'm in an all Russian clan and im the only american, it sucks :(

We appreciate your commitment to the game and your feedback. We will forward your suggestion to our developers and they will definitely consider. Have a good day!

Feb 29, 2020, 16:0502/29/20
Yes! I'm in a clan and can't read a thing
Feb 29, 2020, 16:1002/29/20
I got the dog, but not polish:(
Mar 21, 2020, 16:4303/21/20

anesfan said:

same here in a other game, not auto translate but need to click a icon on the right end of the chat line for it to translate

most of these game use the google api for translation... cost is 20$ by 1.000.000 character for translate and again 20$ by 1.000.000 character for language detection...

sure, plarium can add it but since it is not free, they will need to compensate the cost... for example by increasing the bank offert price... do you want this ?

There are free translators, without necessarily passing through Google (which, lately, has been harassing its users, forgetting that it was born as the first free and ad-free search engine, which it no longer does).

So just lean on those, or in any case, it would be sufficient that the copy/paste of the chats is active, in this way one can do it where he likes best, but the copy/paste (active everywhere), here it isn't possible to use it, and without a logical explanation! 

May 24, 2020, 20:1405/24/20
Erna Fiery said:

Miethos said:

yeah just let us Copy/paste the chat box. That would fix most of the problem right there. If could just copy the messages to google translator myself and know what my clan leader is trying to tell me to do during war. I'm in an all Russian clan and im the only american, it sucks :(

We appreciate your commitment to the game and your feedback. We will forward your suggestion to our developers and they will definitely consider. Have a good day!

May 24, 2020, 20:1505/24/20
typical of plarium help requests - no response from them. very frustrating!
May 28, 2020, 19:3105/28/20

Copy and paste would fix this issue for me and our many members. I dont think this is an unreasonable request.

Jun 8, 2020, 01:0006/08/20
Jun 8, 2020, 01:03(edited)

This is often requested, and the other day it struck me that copy and paste is a normal function available through the computers program, so not something they should need to add, and to stop it working must require some additional programming from within the game  itself. 


Jun 12, 2020, 01:1806/12/20
Jul 19, 2020, 14:28(edited)

There is a workaround (This was only tested in the browser under Windows!)

  1. Translating chat messages.
    This can be solved with a free tool "Capture2Text" (capture2text)

  2. Inserting a message in the chat window
    Install free tool "AutoIt" (AutoIt3) and run it.
    Use an online translator (Google, DeepL) and enter your message there.
    Copy (if you need to translate) the result or just your text into the clipboard.
    Use CTRL-V and be happy

Here the source code for AutoIt (.au3, compile in AutoIt and export as .exe):

#include <*> ; replace * with Misc.au3

While 1
    ; If you forget this, your program takes up max CPU
    ; This unregisters the key from this function, and sets it on a dummy function
    HotKeySet("^v", "Dummy")
    ; Wait until both the ctrl and the v key are unpressed
    While _IsPressed("11") Or _IsPressed("56")
    $clipboard = ClipGet()
    ; A newline consists of 2 characters in Windows: CR and LF.
    ; If you type a CR, Windows understands it as to type CRLF.
    ; If you type LF, same thing. So if you type CR and then LF, it
    ; is interpreter as CRLFCRLF. Thus two newlines.

    $clipboard = StringStripCR($clipboard)
    Send($clipboard, 1)
    HotKeySet("^v", "ClipboardToKeystroke")

Func Dummy()
    ; Do nothing, this prevents the hotkey to calling the ClipboardToKeystroke
    ; function a lot when you hold the key down too long


Feb 3, 2023, 22:1202/03/23

5 years later and this is still an issue