It reads.
I am level 31, but I can not improve the equipment, what level I need to make the improvements.
Pippin was asking what might be a related question, and I know in the past ,others have complained about the process.
I would need to go back and check ther specific text, but the table published above talks about a MAXIMUM chance of the equipment being upgraded, so unless this is a bad translation ,a deliberate sleight of hand, or I am reading incorrectly, to me this suggests there is no guarantee at all that the upgrade will happen, and that there is some MINIMUM chance of success.
This being the case, this MINIMUM chance figure would be of more significance to players.
If 100% means the conversion will happen, the word maximum needs removing from the text as it's misleading and superfluous.
Pippin's addition to his post confirms the first 3 levels are 100% guaranteed.
Though I accept you want to clarify the reducing success rate, I still think it should read 'chance of success 'X'%.'