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Find out more about Seasons!

Find out more about Seasons!

Jun 10, 2021, 15:0006/10/21

Find out more about Seasons!

Seasons are special events in the Competitions tab. During Seasons, you can participate in seasonal Competitions and earn Runic Coins, which you can then spend in the Seasonal Store.


Each Season has its own name and assortment of unique items, as well as Town and Hero's Skins in the Seasonal Store.

Seasonal Competitions

These are personal Competitions where you can earn special currency – Runic Coins — in addition to regular trophies.

  • Only Jarls who are in the League of Conquerors or higher can receive Runic Coins.
  • Seasonal Competitions marked with a special Runic Coin symbol.

Runic Coins

This is the common currency for all Seasons. You can use Runic Coins to purchase many useful items for your Town in the Seasonal Store. 

Coins can be received as a reward for:

  • Passing checkpoints in personal seasonal Competitions
  • Taking the top places in personal seasonal Competition rankings

You can also get Coins in the following ways:

  • By purchasing them as part of Bank offers
  • By receiving them as a reward for winning contests and giveaways in our official communities

Seasonal Store

This is a store where you can purchase various in-game items, as well as unique Skins for your Hero and Town, using Runic Coins.


The Store opens when a Season starts and closes 72 hours after it ends. You can check the time left until the Store closes in the Seasonal Store tab.

If you haven't spent all your Runic Coins in the current Season, the remaining Coins will be saved and you will be able to use them when the Seasonal Store next opens.

Unique Seasonal loot

Seasonal Hero's Skins

  • During every Season, one unique Skin is available for purchase in the Seasonal Store.
  • Seasonal Skins provide both military and economic bonuses.
  • Seasonal Hero's Skins grant their bonuses only when active.

Seasonal Town Skins

  • During every Season, one unique Skin is available for purchase in the Seasonal Store.
  • After purchase, these Skins will already be at level 1, and you can upgrade them using Star Shards like regular Skins.
  • Seasonal Skins provide both military and economic bonuses.
  • The bonuses from seasonal Town Skins are permanently active and stack with regular Skin bonuses.
Jun 10, 2021, 23:1506/10/21

Fix the game bots

Jun 11, 2021, 10:2906/11/21

je reste bloquer a chargement  du jeux a 18%..que faire.??

Jun 12, 2021, 09:5706/12/21

je reste bloquer a chargement  du jeux a 18%..que faire.??

Hi Jarl!

If the Facebook version of the game doesn't load, please try to clear the cache of your browser and update it to the latest version🙏

If the issue stands for other platforms or the mentioned steps do not help — please inform our Support Team:

They will surely help you👍

Jun 12, 2021, 17:4506/12/21

Plarium app has ceased to work on my MacAir Book. Apparently Plarium aware - let's hope for a quick solution as tkes ages to work via Firefox and worried about the dreaded blue circle appearing during an attack.

Jun 12, 2021, 17:4606/12/21

Wait to se what this new event is all about and how easy it will be to get these rune coins

Jun 13, 2021, 19:3606/13/21
  1. What are the palace levels for leagues in season competitions?
Jun 17, 2021, 10:3906/17/21

Please can you explain the purchase process of Treasure items. If I purchase 16 coffret of boosts Will the store be refilled so I can purchase more? or is that it and it stays empty for some weeks until the next season starts.? How frequently will the season renew? and why is there an infinite number of coffrets for shards in your example but only 16 in the store for my town. This looks unbalanced and very unfair. If you have set it so the level is triggered by the palace lvl that just penalises the smaller towns from growing. Why do you do that? and why surppress players ability to grow their towns? 



Jun 17, 2021, 12:3306/17/21

Please can you explain the purchase process of Treasure items. If I purchase 16 coffret of boosts Will the store be refilled so I can purchase more? or is that it and it stays empty for some weeks until the next season starts.? How frequently will the season renew? and why is there an infinite number of coffrets for shards in your example but only 16 in the store for my town. This looks unbalanced and very unfair. If you have set it so the level is triggered by the palace lvl that just penalises the smaller towns from growing. Why do you do that? and why surppress players ability to grow their towns? 



Hi zolanna!

Please note that our examples are intended to show you the game functionality🙏

I kindly ask you to monitor the Events menu so you don't miss the further Seasons and Seasonal Store contents🤗

Jun 17, 2021, 22:2006/17/21
Lest_We_Forget! 3

Fix the game bots

if plarium dosent fix the aqusition of shards 

ppl are going to stop playing...have you noticed a decided lack of purchases ? plarium ?

thats why ..everything needs shards ..killing troops especially now isent viable ..making t7 costs to much if there point in making them ..cant grow shards ..cant make 8s till 40 ...cant get shards to grow something!!!!!!

Jun 18, 2021, 01:4106/18/21

Please can you explain the purchase process of Treasure items. If I purchase 16 coffret of boosts Will the store be refilled so I can purchase more? or is that it and it stays empty for some weeks until the next season starts.? How frequently will the season renew? and why is there an infinite number of coffrets for shards in your example but only 16 in the store for my town. This looks unbalanced and very unfair. If you have set it so the level is triggered by the palace lvl that just penalises the smaller towns from growing. Why do you do that? and why surppress players ability to grow their towns? 



You maybe lucky to find out.

However, I suspect you are right about unbalanced and unfair and penalising smaller towns.

You cant buy anything in this store without coins , and to win coins you have to be in high league, can you see  small town owners and slower players being allowed in these clans any easier than they already are?

Doubt it.

I am afraid its back to an old arguement .

Jun 20, 2021, 01:2006/20/21

 À quand le français nous sommes beaucoup de joueurs à parler français et vous ne faites aucun effort pour mettre notre langue.

Jun 20, 2021, 08:5506/20/21
Jun 20, 2021, 08:55(edited)

 À quand le français nous sommes beaucoup de joueurs à parler français et vous ne faites aucun effort pour mettre notre langue.

Hi Dark666666!

Thank you for your feedback, I have forwarded it further🙏

Jun 22, 2021, 19:3206/22/21

Is the hero skin permanent or it will expire after some time. It doesnt say anything about it in the store 

Jul 2, 2021, 12:1407/02/21

Can the Seeker skin be upgraded and or equipment added?

Jul 3, 2021, 18:4107/03/21

Can the Seeker skin be upgraded and or equipment added?

Hi! Seasonal Hero's Skins are unique appearances for your Hero that give you bonuses when used. It can't be upgraded. But if you want to change the bonuses you can just change one skin to another with other bonuses in your Hero's Abode! 

Stay tuned with the next Seasons to collect more Hero Skins with different bonuses!

Jul 8, 2021, 08:1407/08/21

You maybe lucky to find out.

However, I suspect you are right about unbalanced and unfair and penalising smaller towns.

You cant buy anything in this store without coins , and to win coins you have to be in high league, can you see  small town owners and slower players being allowed in these clans any easier than they already are?

Doubt it.

I am afraid its back to an old arguement .

don't need to be high level to reach checkpoints for runic coins - checkpoints get harder the higher your level

Jul 8, 2021, 08:1607/08/21
Ivar Marksman

Hi! Seasonal Hero's Skins are unique appearances for your Hero that give you bonuses when used. It can't be upgraded. But if you want to change the bonuses you can just change one skin to another with other bonuses in your Hero's Abode! 

Stay tuned with the next Seasons to collect more Hero Skins with different bonuses!

Does that mean once you have a Hero skin you can use it in subsequent seasons?

Jul 8, 2021, 14:5507/08/21


les points  acquis  doivent  ils  etre utiliser  avant la fin  ou peut  on  conserver  pour les prochaines fois merci 

Jul 9, 2021, 00:3407/09/21
Jul 9, 2021, 00:36(edited)

don't need to be high level to reach checkpoints for runic coins - checkpoints get harder the higher your level

I didnt write high level, I wrote high league, you dont get coins in the low leagues.

Also, I was not advocating to get into a higher league .

Jul 9, 2021, 16:4307/09/21

Hi Alice Vytsenets ,

I quote this from your post:

You can also get Coins in the following ways: 

  • By purchasing them as part of Bank offers 
  • By receiving them as a reward for winning contests and giveaways in our official communities 

 Is what you say valid? Can we actually buy Coins as part of Bank offers? Because for 2 and a half weeks now I haven't seen a Bank offer containing Runic Coins! 

Please confirm your post or let us know if other.

Thank you.