Ivar MarksmanAdminFeb 28, 2017, 07:3702/28/174649Resource yielding tableJarls, we’ve prepared info for you on resource yielding at various types of resource locations. This table will definitely be useful for new players!
gzorroDec 23, 2017, 14:3012/23/1703/22/161TYBtw is this table still relevant even after the update? Do you know the chances of getting a material from yielding?
DeletedApr 1, 2018, 21:4204/01/182hajimemsite noripiyo desu yorosiku onegaisimasu sigen ha sikkari tojibun de kimete Lv5 ijyouni site Lv10 to Lv20 notai saga arunode chanto tukutte kudasaine arigatou gozaimasita sore deha・
DeletedApr 1, 2018, 21:4904/01/182失礼しました。noripiyoです。いつもおせわになってます。初めて来たときは困りましたが、Lv10とLv20では大差ががありますよ。それでは、失礼します。
DeletedApr 2, 2018, 08:1904/02/1832giacomo.zundo said:TYBtw is this table still relevant even after the update? Do you know the chances of getting a material from yielding? Yes, it's still relevant
DeletedApr 3, 2018, 04:3904/03/18146Hey guys...i have made aa topic including all contents on yielding and i would like your inputs on it. Plzz do msg me or comment there for any suggestion you like.https://plarium.com/forum/en/vikings-war-of-clans/general-questions/101532_yielding-stats-and-knowledge/?post=467647