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Everything about farming Invaders, Uber Invaders, and Ghosts

Everything about farming Invaders, Uber Invaders, and Ghosts

Sep 10, 2019, 12:2809/10/19

Everything about farming Invaders, Uber Invaders, and Ghosts

Friends, today we'll discuss how to effectively attack enemies on the Global Map. With the help of our guide, newbies will understand this process faster, while experienced Jarls will refresh their memory and even find out some new things that will make their farming better.

Let's start with the basics. As you may already have understood, the Kingdoms are inhabited by vicious Invaders, Uber Invaders, and Ghosts. All of them have two main stats. The first one is health, which is the amount of offense you need to inflict to kill the enemy. The second one is defense, which is the stat that reduces the incoming offense. 

Invaders and Ghosts can be of levels 1 to 6. The higher the level, the higher their health and defense stats. Even though Uber Invaders don't have levels, they are much stronger than other enemies. 

The location of Invaders and Ghosts also depends on their levels: the mightiest enemies are located closer to the center of the Global Map, while the weakest ones are along the edges. In the North, there can be up to three different kinds of Invaders and Ghosts at the same time (however, the situation can change during special events). 

In the very center of every Kingdom is the Millennial Forest, where the Uber Invaders live. Only one type of these enemies can be present on the Global Map at one time. 

Only the Hero can attack Invaders and Uber Invaders. This action takes energy: the higher the Invader's level, the more energy the Hero needs to deal damage. Attacking Uber Invaders is the costliest in terms of energy. But don't worry, the energy spent will gradually be restored. You can speed up this process by using the Hero's Energy Restoration items. 

By upgrading the Hero, you increase the Hero's maximum energy reserve. You can also use the Hero's Energy items to quickly raise the current amount (the biggest possible value is 500,000 units). But bear in mind that the restoration won't work until the energy level becomes lower than its current maximum amount stated in the Hero window. 

You can purchase the Hero's Energy and Hero’s Energy Restoration items in the Item Store and as part of Bank offers.


Now the time has come to talk about fights. There are two types of attacks in the game: 

- Normal – the Hero goes on one march and performs one hit. 

- Enhanced – the Hero goes on one march and performs several hits until the Invader is destroyed or the Hero's energy runs out. 

The Hero has a chance of inflicting a critical hit, which will take twice as much health from enemies. 

There is also the Sustained Attack bonus in the game – with every attack landed on the same Invader or Uber Invader, the Hero's offense increases by 15%. At first, the maximum bonus value cannot be more than 75%, but it can increase over time. The bonus is active for one hour after the last hit. Please note: if you decide to attack any other Invader or Uber Invader, the Sustained Attack bonus will be reset. 

In order to fight Invaders effectively, we recommend that you perform several normal attacks, which will help you gain the Sustained Attack bonus. After this, you can finish your enemy by using an enhanced attack. 

If you want to increase your Hero's stats (energy reserve and restoration, attack force, critical hit chance, and more), don't forget to upgrade Skills, learn Knowledge in the Oracle, choose the right equipment for the Hero (for example, the Royal Guardsman set), and apply boosts. 

There is also one unique item which enables you to farm Invaders much faster. It's called the Hero's Double. If you use it, a Double of your Hero appears and you can send it on attacks as well. 

Please note that the Hero and the Double have shared energy, equipment, experience, and Sustained Attack bonuses. Thus, if the Hero attacks one Invader, while the Double attacks another, the Sustained Attack bonus resets. It would be more efficient if they both attacked the same enemy. This way you gain the maximum bonus and destroy the Invader. 

You can receive the Hero's Double item as a reward for completing monthly quests, or you can purchase it as part of Bank offers. 

Now let's say a few words about banishing Ghosts. Only the Shaman can do it. The Shaman attacks Ghosts in the same way as the Hero attacks Invaders. However, there are several differences: 

- Instead of energy, the Shaman has power. 

- The Sustained Attack bonus will be reset if you change the active Shaman. 

- Shamans don't have equipment that increases offense against Ghosts. 

- The Shaman cannot use the Double. 

So why do you need to attack all these enemies on the Global Map? For attacking Invaders and Uber Invaders, you get materials used for crafting various pieces of equipment (including special and Invaders' equipment), items, resources, and gems. An Uber Invader's drop equals the drops of four simple Invaders. They also drop special gems. You can view the list of items dropped by Uber Invaders here

Attacking Ghosts enables you to get rune fragments, items, and resources. 

You can see the full list of materials, gems, and rune fragments you can yield here

So there you have all the rules of hunting Invaders, Uber Invaders, and Ghosts. Share your tips on farming in the comments!

Sep 17, 2019, 16:3009/17/19

Now let's say a few words about banishing Ghosts. Only the Shaman can do it. The Shaman attacks Ghosts in the same way as the Hero attacks Invaders. However, there are several differences: 

- Instead of energy, the Shaman has power. 

- The Sustained Attack bonus will not be reset if you change the active Shaman. 

- Shamans don't have equipment that increases offense against Ghosts. 

- The Shaman cannot use the Double. 

The point about the Sustained Attack bonus not being reset when you change your active shaman is not true right now (maybe a bug? ), at least ingame it resets if you change the shaman after attacking a ghost. 

I even tested it just to be sure, which resulted in following:

I Tried it with Inga, did 1 Attack so it showed i get a 15% bonus for the next hit, then switched to Ulf and it didnt show me i get a bonus on the next attack. After one attack it showed me again that i get a 15% bonus for the next attack.

Is this a bug rn or intended ?

Sep 17, 2019, 21:5609/17/19
Sep 17, 2019, 22:05(edited)

It tells you that if you switch shaman or target for that matter you loose the bonus,so its not a bug thats how its supposed to be.

Question is, why would you want to switch in the middle of a sustained attack?

Wait, I just went back to check and noticed you appear to be right, the text would seem to be in error, and I didn't notice this when I first read the adminitrators post,perhaps like many others who may also have read this report and was already famiiar with the processes didnt pay close enough atttention to what it said.

Did they make a mistake in the text, or has what they intended to introduce not been implemented yet, or as you say  is it bugged  ?

Sep 19, 2019, 12:1809/19/19
Looks like they fixed the text without saying anything.
Nov 22, 2020, 14:5711/22/20

You might want to switch shamans in the middle if you are out of energy on the active one and have another in the wings with plenty.