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Puzzle games in Vikings – solve them and get rewards

Puzzle games in Vikings – solve them and get rewards

Nov 27, 2022, 14:3111/27/22

Puzzle games in Vikings – solve them and get rewards

In the new mini-game, you take on the role of the Treasure Hunter and explore various hideouts. Each of them is a separate puzzle game. To complete the puzzle, you need to reach the coffer.

What do you need to do in puzzle games?

In hideouts, there are traps and treasure guards. The Treasure Hunter can't jump or fight his enemies, so you need to help him avoid all the obstacles. To do so, manipulate the surrounding objects: platforms, walls, buttons, springs, etc. Everything that you can interact with is highlighted in gold.


When you remove a wall in front of the Treasure Hunter, he will run forward, and you won't be able to stop him. If he collides with a trap or an enemy, he will lose. You can always replay a puzzle game – the number of attempts is unlimited.


How do you start playing puzzle games?

To open the main puzzle games, select the puzzle game icon on the Town screen or the relevant section in the Menu.


To play daily puzzle games, select the Treasure Hunter on the square in front of the Palace. If there's an exclamation mark above him, that means you've not yet completed all the daily puzzle games.


What is the difference between main and daily puzzle games?

  • You complete the main puzzle games one by one in chapters. Daily puzzle games are an assortment of random puzzle games from different chapters. The assortment can contain puzzle games you've already completed, as well as new ones from chapters that you haven't yet unlocked.

  • In order to unlock certain main puzzle games, you need to upgrade your Palace. There is no such requirement for daily puzzle games.
  • You can complete as many main puzzle games per day as your Palace's level allows you to. The number of daily puzzle games is limited, and if you've already completed all of them, new ones will appear at 00:00 UTC.
  • For each main puzzle game you complete, you receive a reward, but only once. If you decide to replay a main puzzle game, you won't receive another reward. You also receive a reward when you complete a certain number of puzzle games in a chapter. You always receive a reward for daily puzzle games that you complete, even for puzzle games that you've already completed in their respective chapters.

What rewards do you get for puzzle games?

Boosts, resources, and other useful items. The specific contents of your reward depend on the level of your Palace. We will publish detailed tables with awards on the day of the update.

Nov 28, 2022, 18:4711/28/22

Can't wait to partake in these events 

Nov 30, 2022, 17:4411/30/22

Can't wait to partake in these events 

será por hacer la pelota a Plarium.

Yo si puedo esperar y mucho, cada cosa nueva que saca Plarium es para sacarnos mas dinero.

Por cierto a quien se le ocurre "Black Friday" con subida de precios? A Plarium.

Por favor no sumeis mas cosas al juego, en todo caso ir quitando

Dec 1, 2022, 20:2612/01/22

completed them all already lol

Dec 1, 2022, 23:2012/01/22
Dec 2, 2022, 00:04(edited)

completed them all already lol

are you kidding for sure.

Apart from the first few levels unplayable. The usual trick to make believe that you can really win something.

Many are seriously considering leaving the game, other will stop spend money and they are right!

Plarium charity auction coming soon??

Dec 2, 2022, 00:4512/02/22

Where did you move the Chest of Loki? On PC it was under the tasks, now these puzzle games are there.

Dec 2, 2022, 00:5912/02/22

Well it's back now, so nevermind... I guess just one of those "Rare" inconsistencies...

Dec 2, 2022, 16:4412/02/22

I completed the Quests. Very good prizes. I'm level 40 palace. When are new puzzles coming? Soon I hope?

Dec 2, 2022, 20:1712/02/22

We realized the rewards (at least for the daily puzzles) are not related to the castle level. I get 59 runics for a daily one (castle 39), friend of mine with castle 35 gets 270 runics. Anyone got an idea why?

Dec 3, 2022, 02:5912/03/22
Dec 3, 2022, 16:50(edited)

I completed the Quests. Very good prizes. I'm level 40 palace. When are new puzzles coming? Soon I hope?

 Unless you mean a completely new set of puzzles, which is probably, somewhere between  a long time and never.

The answers are in the text, there's an extra hint in the word 'daily'.


Not everyone is advanced or, smart as you, so might not do as well,and it may take them quite a while to get all the prizes, which you get only the once,and the daily rewards seem to be as exciting as Loki's Chest.

Dec 6, 2022, 15:1012/06/22

Not a fan tbh

Dec 15, 2022, 08:2512/15/22

Puzzle games not working..  I can not acces any flashig circle... 

Dec 15, 2022, 08:2912/15/22

Puzzle games is not working... I see the window and all image but I can not acces any of the flashing circles... the game do not respond

Dec 17, 2022, 17:4912/17/22

I love the new animated hero skins won by completing all the puzzles -real cool ! 

Dec 23, 2022, 16:4512/23/22

I dont like the new puzzles Plarium. Sitting there timing and counting seconds as to when on the second you need to get your douchebag dude to start walking his path.. boring and pissin me off at the same time.  

Dec 24, 2022, 00:2612/24/22
Dec 24, 2022, 00:27(edited)

Have to agree with you, but there is no compulsion to do them, and like Loki's Chest the rewards or so miniscule, it's not worth the effort,especially for all the  giants in the game.

Dec 24, 2022, 02:4612/24/22

The puzzles were working before but not working now....Please don't tell me to clear cache..