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Interview with Gandalf

Interview with Gandalf

Nov 1, 2017, 12:1811/01/17

Interview with Gandalf

Today we're getting to know a unique Jarl! Read an interview with the Jarl Gandalf, who produces more than 68 million Food/hour!

V.: Hello, Gandalf. Tell us what helped you to achieve such numbers: was it Knowledge, Skills, or equipment?

G.: In terms of achieving my numbers, all three of those things played a role. With Food, equipment is by far the most important, but Hero's Skills and Knowledge are still significant. With everything together at the moment I have 3,112% Food production. (Gems are handy too!) Dedication is extremely important for any resource, but especially Food.

V.: How often do you have to get rid of extra resources to keep production going?

G.: The frequency with which I had to get rid of resources has varied as I've developed as a player, and as updates have been released. Before the update that expanded the Economic Knowledge tree, I had to get rid of Food every 45 minutes, as my max capacity could only reach so much. As of now, I have to dump Food every 1h 35m, and my max capacity is 107 million.

V.: Are you the only source of Food for your clansmen or do some of them yield the resource in locations?

G.: We have a couple other people who do produce Food, one is more frequently in war mode however, but the others do about 15 million per hour. I've been the primary source pretty much since I joined the Clan back in October of 2015.

V.: Do you farm or do you only produce?

G.: I used to farm, but I don't even bother with it anymore (I quite literally don't even have Hero's Skills put into it anymore). With 67.36m/h production right now, I produce over a million in a minute... It's sort of redundant for me to farm. I know a number of people in our Clan still farm tiles, which is still important, but hypering resources in Town is by far more efficient timewise, and also a better use of Hero's Skills.

V.: Have your stocks ever been jeopardized because of an expired Shield? Have you ever lost all your accumulated resources?

G.: Believe it or not, up until a couple months ago I never used to shield. Not even during the Kingdoms Battle, Clans Battle, or Kingdoms Battle: Revenge. With the increased Gold rewards from events however, it just makes sense to shield. Before that, I preferred to put my Gold towards boosts over Shields. I occasionally lost some Food, but it wasn't a huge deal as I'd just produce whatever I lost in an hour again anyways. (I typically only lost Food while I was sleeping). We pool our resources in bank players, we've had the odd time a bank loses their Shield but nothing major.

V.: Do you think a Clan can get by without a farmer and yield and produce resources exclusively on their own?

G.: Personally, I'm not sure how any Clan can get by without some source of hyper-produced Food, or any other resource, whether that be someone at the scale I'm at, or the accumulated contributions from multiple smaller hypers. My Clan has a good chunk of members who are dedicated hypers that supply resources to banks. Without them doing what they do, and me doing Food... I can guarantee my Clan would not be where it's at today. Farming is good, but hypering is better.

V.: Are you also a bank or is that another clansman’s job?

G.: I am not specifically a bank. However, we do have a few banks and I do help out with one of them, with permission from the owner of the bank.

V.: Name the three things you like most about Vikings: War of Clans.

G.: I think the first thing that I like most about Vikings: War of Clans is that, especially after the Gold rewards from events, the game is quite honestly open to anyone. Many people say you can't get anywhere if you don't spend, but that's not true. Hypering resources is not expensive, but is also a very significant aspect of a Clan's health. Getting gear for it can be a little more difficult, but you can easily produce 5+ mil/h without it.

The second thing would be that you can easily switch between different Hero Sets, as it saves a lot of headaches tapping away at Hero Skills every time you want to switch from hypering to go kill someone, and then back to hypering when you're done.

Third, would be that the game honestly attracts a lot of really awesome people and I've been able to develop a lot of great friendships with those people, and I'm happy I can call them my Clan mates. Without them there's no way I'd be where I'm at, and vice versa.

G.: While this wasn't directly a question, one thing I think that Vikings: War of Clans could do to improve would be by adding an event that rewards resource production in the Town. The Clans Battle sort of does in the sense that you can boost resource transformations in the Stronghold for points, but it's not the same. There is so far an event for every aspect of the game whether it's fighting, yielding, hitting Invaders, or what not, but there's no event yet for resource producers that produce in the Town.

Jarls, which resource production is upgraded most in your Town? Send screenshots of the Statistics tab in your Palace!

Dec 4, 2017, 12:1712/04/17
Nice interview (actually all the interviews are nice).  Yea I am a major fan of hyperfarming and is way to go to supply resources for stronghold and clan members.  I also think it would be nice to have events that gave points for producing resources in town, that would be GREAT ... if not a separate event it could be added to like kvk revenge and/or cvc events.
Dec 4, 2017, 13:4812/04/17
Biggest problem I see with hyperfarming is that you got to spend so much your time and marches moving resources away from your hyperfarm ... and when you got a few that takes a lot of your time ...
Dec 6, 2017, 11:5112/06/17

Dear, CIM,

We are very pleased to hear that you like our interviews with top players. Thank you for your commitment to the game. We are determined to make the game better, so we'll definitely consider your suggestion, and our developers will decide which of them to implement. Feel free to write us if you have any other ideas or suggestions.

Best regards,
Your Plarium Support Team

Feb 15, 2018, 15:4102/15/18
Just wanted to say sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night I go to "send" my hyperfarm resources ... so they keep producing ... lucky my bedroom is close to my livingroom where I keep my game running on my computer all the time ... lol
Apr 6, 2018, 16:2204/06/18

CIM said:

Biggest problem I see with hyperfarming is that you got to spend so much your time and marches moving resources away from your hyperfarm ... and when you got a few that takes a lot of your time ...

well, i have 4 hyperfarm... one for each rss... as time, it is enough fast when you have big march... mine are 13 million capacity now

my main account was a hyperfarm food previously, converted fighter specialist archer in january this year... in rest mode, i am yet producing a bunch of food...

but when in combat mode, i am almost in the red for food... 10 mil t1 and 2 mil t2-t3-t4-t5 archer eat a lot, along with 1 mil t1-t2-t3-t4-t5 spy

but i have only recently reach lvl 26 and i have room for improve production yet...

i have push a little the lumber because my hyperfarm lumber have some difficulty to follow when i do massive training... archer need a lot of wood

As givin pts for resource produced, it is not a so bad idea... maybe combine the 3 source of ressource together : in ressource location 1 pts, pillager from other towns 0.5 pts and produced in town 0.25 pts... different pts in function of the origine of ressource will somehow make thing more balaced since yielding is yet a difficult job and pillage from other town involve risk due to dropping shield
Apr 6, 2018, 19:5004/06/18
There is no risk while dropping shield anymore unless the player is over confident.
Apr 7, 2018, 01:4004/07/18

anesfan said:

CIM said:

Biggest problem I see with hyperfarming is that you got to spend so much your time and marches moving resources away from your hyperfarm ... and when you got a few that takes a lot of your time ...

well, i have 4 hyperfarm... one for each rss... as time, it is enough fast when you have big march... mine are 13 million capacity now


but when in combat mode, i am almost in the red for food... 10 mil t1 and 2 mil t2-t3-t4-t5 archer eat a lot, along with 1 mil t1-t2-t3-t4-t5 spy

but i have only recently reach lvl 26 and i have room for improve production yet...

i have push a little the lumber because my hyperfarm lumber have some difficulty to follow when i do massive training... archer need a lot of wood

As givin pts for resource produced, it is not a so bad idea... maybe combine the 3 source of ressource together : in ressource location 1 pts, pillager from other towns 0.5 pts and produced in town 0.25 pts... different pts in function of the origine of ressource will somehow make thing more balaced since yielding is yet a difficult job and pillage from other town involve risk due to dropping shield

Nice ... hyperfarming is a necessity when you get higher up. The new economic knowledges are really nice for that also, especially the increasing capacity ones.  When you have a more than one in your clan hyperfarming that is also nice.  The chief and I both hyperfarm and we are avid players so we are able to constantly move our resources. 

Jan 11, 2019, 22:0101/11/19
How does Gandalf have all farms? I thought you need to have at least one of the other rss buildings.
Jan 12, 2019, 01:3101/12/19
Jan 12, 2019, 01:40(edited)
1224 dont have to have the others,except you need these to level other things up.

Once you have levelled up as far as you can, you want, or can afford, there is nothing to stop you demolishing the other buildings in the town( the last 3 of the other resources) and upgrading your farms,

There are plenty of options to get the other resources needed for the farms.

The post is from a long time ago and its possible that every building was maxed out, so no need for the lumber mill, mine and quarry any longer.

Looking closer ,there are plenty of things on the left to upgrade, but by then maybe the required standard had been reached on at least one of every other building , so they, (the other production resource buildings) were definately no longer needed, or it wasnt considered necessary to upgrade the remaining buildings on the left,any more.

The food now being the important resource.