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Update news!

Dec 26, 2017, 16:0712/26/17
Yeah they get snapped up real quick tho its a tedious job to find them still greater bonus from them i myself had count of 877 snowvikings kill till now
Dec 26, 2017, 16:4912/26/17

The interesting thing is , there doesn't seem to be  a constant time for when they appear for  pc players after they have  already been cherry picked by the likes of this guy below..  

Crime said:

Yeah they get snapped up real quick tho its a tedious job to find them still greater bonus from them i myself had count of 877 snowvikings kill till now

No wonder I/We cant find many, if you got that much.......

Dec 26, 2017, 19:4712/26/17
Dec 26, 2017, 19:49(edited)
Yes ... really sucks being a vikings war of clan player on ... they need to fix this problem with new invaders and ghosts showing up hour(s) later for us that use the plarium platform ...
Dec 26, 2017, 21:5712/26/17

think they should have limited kills of snowikings to a certain amount to each players each 3 hr period to give all a fair call and chance to get some bonuses

the more gold and resources a player has gives them an unfair advantage over other players = give all a new year bonus to show plarium are not humbugs 
Dec 27, 2017, 01:2612/27/17

In spite of me agreeing with you all and saying it sucks ,which it does.

I am beginning to assess if all the fuss  about killing them is worth the effort it takes.

Would the energy spent killing them be better used for killing other invaders ?

The time trying to track them down,and waiting for the march to go back and forth, when the march might be used more profitably on something else?

There is a post elsewhere, about the success achieved by one player with all the boosts obtained, but has anyone else got anything really worth having?

That they couldn't live without?

Dec 27, 2017, 08:2112/27/17
Dec 27, 2017, 08:25(edited)

Snowkings use Little Juice 1 hit kills them, They appear in many locations 1-6  The hard part is finding the right area to look for them..When u do find them move there before you miss out.  Great way to get Shaman Goodies. I use PC and Android never had any problems finding or killing them.....

Dont ever link your Facebook Acct 
Dec 27, 2017, 09:5912/27/17
Does anybody know how long we can find the snowkings on the map?
Dec 27, 2017, 10:2312/27/17

Hmm... the maintenance is over, but there are no snowkings on the map and no countdown for them. (I'm playing the PC/web version.)  Are they gone now?

But more importantly, there seems to be a new bug: the stats for the current cvc competition are just showing a bunch of zeroes.  The red/green bar showing our score vs. our opponents is showing "0/0".  And when I switch to the next tab to check the detailed stats, I see "0" everywhere: resources, invaders, ... only zeroes. I scored some points in several of these categories but they do not show up.  The progress bar for the event seems to have kept the correct total and number of steps, but the details are all gone.  How are we supposed to know who is winning in this competition if we cannot compare our score to our opponents?
Dec 27, 2017, 13:0412/27/17
UBER Se7en said:

Dont ever link your Facebook Acct 

What's wrong with linking facebook acct?
Dec 27, 2017, 15:4112/27/17
Are the Snow Ubers done?
Jan 1, 2018, 20:0401/01/18
yet again hidden snowikings been waiting an hour reloaded loads none showing ?????
Jan 4, 2018, 05:0001/04/18

Snowikings: Thank you Plarium

Regardless of the players whom wish to be "Negative Nancy's," There are many of us who truly appreciate the "giving back" to your customers. No matter how "tedious" some have called the hunt or the "delay" was in finding these Uber's, the reward outweighed the loss tremendously. I, personally, was able to advance my account in several areas in deep need of attention, especially with the celerity of updates we have been hit with of late. Again, thank you plarium.... hope to see this offer again.
Jan 5, 2018, 19:4601/05/18
I liked hunting snowvikings,  it cost me a bit to buy retreat large coffer to get the relocations I needed...    but I was sending out until about 35km,  then I would find a nice new spot and start again.      I loved getting so many 3 and 7 day time boosts.   Mr Baggi is now tier 6 thanks to this event,  but was only to lvl 50 by it's end.   I got so much energy for hunting ghosts  that it seems like I spent 1000's especially at how little energy you get in a pack.  I hope there are more events like this in future!!   Thank you!!
Jan 6, 2018, 11:5301/06/18
it would be nice if i could see these snowkings if her time start! but the time from the snowkings start and i cant see one of them
Jan 6, 2018, 19:2501/06/18
The snowikings are loaded from the 1st kingdom to the last kingdom and since the servers are very slow there is over 1 1/2 hour delay between these seedings.  During CVC kingdom 105 got snowikings 35 minutes before kingdom 238 and now during KVKR kingdom 383 is getting their snowikings 40 minutes after kingdom 238.  I am using this time delay and stored great relocations to my adavantage.
Jan 6, 2018, 20:4001/06/18
How often does the snow viking event happen? is it only once a day, at a random time?
Jan 6, 2018, 20:5101/06/18
The actual main event seems to last 3 days, Christmas, New Year and now this weekend.  During the main event the snowikings seem to have regeneration events every 4 hours or so.  The regeneration event last for 3 hours, but for most of that time snowikings will not be available, either because they haven't been generated yet in your kingdom or that they already have all been killed.
Jan 6, 2018, 21:4701/06/18

tmc said:

The snowikings are loaded from the 1st kingdom to the last kingdom and since the servers are very slow there is over 1 1/2 hour delay between these seedings.  During CVC kingdom 105 got snowikings 35 minutes before kingdom 238 and now during KVKR kingdom 383 is getting their snowikings 40 minutes after kingdom 238.  I am using this time delay and stored great relocations to my adavantage.

This being the case ,could they make it fair for all  kingdoms by staggering the kingdom they start with?

Nice get ruse to get around the delay, but this will only work whilst you have spare relocations and you can port to a much earlier Kingdom, however isn't there going to just as fierce competition for them there ?

Jan 8, 2018, 13:0301/08/18

I am getting constant plarium connections dropping on Browser and IOS ?

Anyone else getting this problem ?
Jan 8, 2018, 15:0801/08/18
Jan 9, 2018, 06:11(edited)

Fix the bloody game plarium ffs

All day putting up
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