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Update news!

Update news!

Dec 23, 2017, 01:0912/23/17
hmm thougt ths snowkings where comming but i found not one yet
Dec 24, 2017, 09:1812/24/17
snow bonus start time date 
Dec 24, 2017, 16:4512/24/17
looks like they left for christmas without leaving our prezzies lol
Dec 24, 2017, 22:1812/24/17
online none are here but they say they are or were its xmas and we are still being treated unfairly 
Dec 24, 2017, 22:3912/24/17
they are there reload
Dec 24, 2017, 22:4312/24/17


Players from other kingdoms are saying they have Snow Ubers, but no sign of them on Kolskebing #476
Dec 25, 2017, 02:3812/25/17
I found a snowking, killed it, was given a Level 3 chest, I found it in my items, clicked apply, said level 3 chest applied and that was it, nothing awarded, nothing found in inventory, no boost I am aware of, what was I supposed to get?
Dec 25, 2017, 03:3012/25/17
Since this post I've gotten 12 more snow kings and various chests from level 1 to level 3, now when I open them they pop up with same message, but right after another message with what item I was awarded.. so think 1st chest was a bug, rest seem to work...
Dec 25, 2017, 05:5512/25/17
Wow... in our Kingdom we had to wait 50min from Kingdom 1 invader release. Not really fair, as we do not get 3hrs as it is stated. Hate to be in the 400's for Kingdom.. They most like will only get have the time or less for special invaders and have to wait over 1hr for regular types.  
Dec 25, 2017, 07:4012/25/17
how long is this snowking event?  it goes on until new year or is this one day thing?
Dec 25, 2017, 08:5312/25/17
Dec 25, 2017, 09:13(edited)

Kingdom 475. I see Snowiking on the invaders list but cant find any on the map :/ and time is runing

Its all fine now they are up...
Dec 25, 2017, 12:1412/25/17
Dec 26, 2017, 00:48(edited)

People said they had killed Snowikings , but there where none showing for me till after KVK finished and  the game restarted .

It said 25 minutes left, managed to find 3 but only killed 2  and they had gifts I couldn't use.

Today it looks like they reloaded them after  getting complaints,but doing  this wasn't much help to anyone who was sleeping at the time, there's  less than 2 hours  remaining now ,and there seems to be no (edit) Snowkings  left.


With very little time left on the clock, I found two Snowikings ,but they were very far away, it cost me a  teleport and a  march speedup, and still someone got to the second one before me, I did find a third  and killed that.

Then a second teleport took me to another cluster but I had to buy some more energy with Gold to kill them .

Missed the last one of these as it vanished , must've melted in the heat!


I restarted the game about 15 minutes ago... and lo and behold, Snowikings  where showing in the invaders list,( they hadn't been before restarting) but as per usual there was very little time left to find any.  

I thought they had all gone, but found 1 and then  another ,just before the clock timed out,  both  of them were  a long march away, so its not a simple task to get any, especially if they have been picked off before you are aware they are there. 


They just reloaded the Snowiking.

It looks like its timed for three hours, and just  like there is a delay in normal invaders appearing on the global map if you play on the pc, it seems there is the same delay in the Snowikings appearing as well. 

So we get little chance to compete on a equal footing.

Dec 25, 2017, 15:3912/25/17
no snow viking in 2 hours
Dec 25, 2017, 18:2112/25/17
i have to say those snowmans made huge boost for me , allready grinded like 80 weeks of time boosts and around 500k shaman energy not talking about bringing shaman nealry 6 stage ... gr8 work
Dec 25, 2017, 18:3912/25/17
How many snowking in kindom? 20?30? any time? 6 hours and i see only 2 ....thanks Plarium....have a great christmas....
Dec 25, 2017, 20:4212/25/17
there are thousends of em in each kingdom at the start
Dec 25, 2017, 21:2012/25/17


Timer is up again at 22:00 GMT+1, no snowikings on the map.... Strange :-(
Dec 26, 2017, 02:3712/26/17
Dec 26, 2017, 04:18(edited)

Has anyone found out when Snowking event ends.. xing fingers it be never lol

EDit no Snowkings in Kingdom #1 to 525, but says spawn started about 50mins ago in King #1.. nada.
Dec 26, 2017, 12:4212/26/17
Yes it seems just like there is a delay for those playing on for new invaders and new ghosts there is a couple hour delay in getting the snowvikings ... :( ... not very nice ...
Dec 26, 2017, 13:0712/26/17
Today I found they had reloaded them, and even though there was supposed to be 2 hours left on the clock, I could find no trace of Snowikings, so either they got snapped up quickly or  some technical reason meant they didn't show
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