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Update news!

Dec 21, 2017, 19:0912/21/17

There must be a programming error. 

In next Kingdome Revenge i get the first reward:

in clan event with 56.000.000 = 2.600 Gold

in personal event with 90.000.000 = 2.800 Gold

with every next tier it gets crazier, Step II:

Clan event 168.000.000 = 6.400 Gold

personal event 360.000.000 = 5.000 Gold

Step III

Clan event 280.000.000 = 12.000 Gold

personal event 630.000.000 = 9.500 Gold

Step IV

Clan event = 15.500 Gold

personal event 1.350.000.000 = 12.000 Gold

First i thougt, the misplaced the numbers with two events, but Step 4 shows, that they have done one multiplikation with one or two  zero digit to much.

Please fix it. Else i never get reaching step II

Dec 21, 2017, 23:3512/21/17

After completing a lot of tasks, at VIP level 15, I found that 12 clan tasks give 6k clan points on average. 

It means one clan task gives 500 clan points on average. So, if we reach to VIP level 30, one clan task refresher will give 20 tasks and 10k clan points. On the other hand, one clan task refresher costs 10k clan points at clan store.

Therefore someone who reached to VIP level 30 will get virtually free resources and experiences.

Dec 22, 2017, 06:1512/22/17

gaugauwanko said:

After completing a lot of tasks, at VIP level 15, I found that 12 clan tasks give 6k clan points on average. 

It means one clan task gives 500 clan points on average. So, if we reach to VIP level 30, one clan task refresher will give 20 tasks and 10k clan points. On the other hand, one clan task refresher costs 10k clan points at clan store.

Therefore someone who reached to VIP level 30 will get virtually free resources and experiences.

I agree, that would be a huge problem.  Luckily I don't think there will be that many people with vip 30.  To put it in perspective, going from 24-25 takes 6.6 million gold.  I wouldn't be surprised if level 30 cost 20+ million gold.  I would love for them to fix the problem you are bringing up, but honestly I think they are more likely to screw everyone over by increasing the cost of task refreshers in the clan store, rather than change the number of tasks VIP 30 gets

Dec 22, 2017, 07:3812/22/17
hmm i ask me where r the snowkings 
Dec 22, 2017, 08:1512/22/17
Dec 22, 2017, 08:16(edited)

First of all, thanks for the update!

I've got some thoughts I would like to be consider by developers and staff:

- VIP levels:

1. I'm at VIP level 15 and all points won before the new update could have been cumulated to serve it now.

2. As for the VIP points you offer each day, increase them would not be negligible. Maybe ther higher your VIP, the more points you get daily?

3. Maybe it's time to add more offers of buying VIP points. Today, we can save up to 20% buying 5k points for 10k gold in comparison with 100 points for 300 gold (lower offer vs higher offer). Since we need ~60m points to reach 30, that would cost ~120m gold, so that's a lot. I think it's reasonable and it would be great if we get a new offer. For instance, lets say 20k points for 45k gold. That would mean 25% saving and 5% of 120m is 6m gold which is a lot!

- Marches on App:

I've reported an issue and didn't get any reply. The app freezing for a few seconds everytime you send a march which makes sending the next one takes a while and lets your town vulnerable! That's really annoying and risky. Tested on high end smartphones using Android.

Hope someone at least read this.

Thanks in advance.

Dec 22, 2017, 08:1912/22/17

gaugauwanko said:

After completing a lot of tasks, at VIP level 15, I found that 12 clan tasks give 6k clan points on average. 

It means one clan task gives 500 clan points on average. So, if we reach to VIP level 30, one clan task refresher will give 20 tasks and 10k clan points. On the other hand, one clan task refresher costs 10k clan points at clan store.

Therefore someone who reached to VIP level 30 will get virtually free resources and experiences.

why would u not just stop talking. 

Dec 22, 2017, 08:2512/22/17

UNEXPECTED  UPDATE  friday 22nd december at 09.15 (french hour)   during a KvKr

How many players will be zero ???
Dec 22, 2017, 08:5112/22/17

Yes, unannounced maintenance. Still up...   

Wonder if plarium gonna say anything about it here? Or didnt i see a new blog? Lol 

(Kinda new to this 🙈)

Dec 22, 2017, 08:5712/22/17
Dec 22, 2017, 09:10(edited)

good luck it is down again so fail. make me happy i spent money to play and then the game goes down

so sick of this Kinda weak ass  service

 gonna go out on a limb here and say i'll lose my ass cause of this shit

and i really doubt they give a shit and will give some lame gift to make up for it

Dec 22, 2017, 09:1212/22/17
Dec 22, 2017, 09:19(edited)

Their timing defenitly this time. And without any announce 😶😳 :( 

I only have shield for.. 4-8hrs left i belive 😬

Dec 22, 2017, 09:2012/22/17
Dec 22, 2017, 09:24(edited)

mykehenderson said:

good luck it is down again so fail. make me happy i spent money to play and then the game goes down

so sick of this Kinda weak ass service

 gonna go out on a limb here and say i'll lose my ass cause of this shit

and i really doubt they give a shit and will give some lame gift to make up for it

gift. they give u a offer to buy rss :)

Dec 22, 2017, 09:2412/22/17
PC version is still down.
Dec 22, 2017, 09:2512/22/17
mykehenderson said:

good luck it is down again so fail. make me happy i spent money to play and then the game goes down

so sick of this Kinda weak ass  service

 gonna go out on a limb here and say i'll lose my ass cause of this shit

and i really doubt they give a shit and will give some lame gift to make up for it

Lol at least you can tell all your friends it was plarium fault that you got zeroed...this time 😂
Dec 22, 2017, 09:5712/22/17
game still offline  and no message as to when its coming back online . very poor .. someone could at least give some kind of update 
Dec 22, 2017, 10:0612/22/17
Dec 22, 2017, 10:0812/22/17
The game is playable now.
Dec 22, 2017, 10:2512/22/17
but nothing for the long downtime we players r them even no sry worth
Dec 22, 2017, 14:4512/22/17
Dec 22, 2017, 14:47(edited)

Two connected points.



After completing a lot of tasks, at VIP level 15, I found that 12 clan tasks give 6k clan points on average. It means one clan task gives 500 clan points on average. So, if we reach to VIP level 30, one clan task refresher will give 20 tasks and 10k clan points. On the other hand, one clan task refresher costs 10k clan points at clan store. Therefore someone who reached to VIP level 30 will get virtually free resources and experiences.


All well and good, but the targets for task completion are already way out of my reach. This will just make it  even more ridiculous.

For the personal tasks, I would be extremely  lucky to get the third level done ,and  its impossible for my small clan to  even get to the first clan level using only the "free"  6 hourly clan refresh. 

I  have just  checked myself  the average points I obtained ,and how many " paid for" task refreshers it takes to get to the level above what I can get without buying  any, and its 12, and this is just for a low level , hate to think what it would cost to actually complete them all, let alone compete for any of the prizes.  


 I'm at VIP level 15 and all points won before the new update could have been cumulated to serve it now.


This is indeed unfortunate, but something similarly happened when the increased the Hero level from 50   to 60.   all the experience points won  and not stored were lost.

I am suffering similarly  with the loss of Shamans experience points as I am not advanced enough to summon one . 

The rune pieces  found are also not saved if you harvest from a Ghost's Shelter 

I even wasted gold to buy the  Shaman's experience boost before I realised I couldn't get a Shaman.

Dec 22, 2017, 16:1412/22/17
How the hell we should read chat line during the game on android phone if its covered with f...n snow?????
Dec 23, 2017, 00:0612/23/17

xyz said:

Two connected points.


 I'm at VIP level 15 and all points won before the new update could have been cumulated to serve it now.


This is indeed unfortunate, but something similarly happened when the increased the Hero level from 50   to 60.   all the experience points won  and not stored were lost.

I am suffering similarly  with the loss of Shamans experience points as I am not advanced enough to summon one . 

The rune pieces  found are also not saved if you harvest from a Ghost's Shelter 

I even wasted gold to buy the  Shaman's experience boost before I realised I couldn't get a Shaman.

You are right, that happens in other ways too, but this was the least important point of them all. It's bad, but it's acceptable.
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