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Leave the clan

Leave the clan

Oct 14, 2017, 05:4710/14/17

Leave the clan

If you change to another clan or leave the old one, what do you have to think about? Do you lose your clanshop-points, for example? Any suggestions, tips? :)

Oct 15, 2017, 04:0010/15/17

No you don't lose your clan store points.  When you leave your clan you will stop receiving any new rewards from clan events from your old clan and you won't be able to score points on any clan events that are active or announce in your new clan.  

I personally think it is best to change clans just before the end of day 2 in either KVK or KVKR, especially during the event it looks like your kingdom is going to lose.  That way you will still be eligible for CVC and since your kingdom lost the event you weren't going to get the personal awards at the end of the global event anyway.  This advice is also useful if you are just switching clans for a few minutes to pay up a debt or access another clan's draft.

Oct 16, 2017, 00:4610/16/17
Jan 13, 2018, 15:27(edited)

Wouldn't you loose the clan bonus if you left during the event?                                                

So It would be better to leave after the event finished ?

Oct 16, 2017, 22:3710/16/17

xyz said:

Wouldn't you loose the clan bonus if you left during the event?                                                

So It would be better to loose after the event finished ?

If you leave at the end of the event you will not qualify for the next event because they are announced before the end of the previous event.  You get the clan bonuses as they are passed and I find that for KvK & KvKR you don't pass many thresh holds on the last day.  You get personal bonuses at the end of KvK & KvKR, but only if your kingdom wins the event and usually by the end of the 2nd day you can tell your kingdoms chances of winning the event.
Oct 22, 2017, 02:5210/22/17

A few questions if you don't mind:

1. If I kick-out an unshielded player during a CvC and he is attacked, does the opponent still score points for the kill?

2. If someone changes clans during a CvC does he immediately stop earning points for his old clan?

3.  If someone changes clans during a CvC does he immediately start earning points for his new clan?

4. If someone changes clans during a KvK and he is attacked, does the opponent Kingdom still score points for the kill?

5. If someone changes clans during a KvK or KvKR does he still continue earning points for his kingdom?

Jan 4, 2018, 16:2601/04/18

Posting here and hoping to get an answer rather than opening up a new topic.

Firstly we have ended up winning tournaments that looked a hopeless situation, so giving in early isn't always the sensible thing to do.

Back to my question:

If you leave your own one person clan can you return to it, without disadvantage?

I could try doing this to get a definite answer, but that might be too late if my clan becomes inaccessible, because it no longer has a chief or members.  

Jan 13, 2018, 01:1601/13/18
I'm not a 100% sure but if it's only you in the clan you will be prompted to disband the clan.  The disadvantage is what has been stated above, you lose clan bonuses. Most people who hop back and forth between a one-man clan and a larger clan have a small, maybe lvl 5 dummy account that you make chief in your absence. 
Jan 13, 2018, 01:2501/13/18
joburgmike2 said:

A few questions if you don't mind:

1. If I kick-out an unshielded player during a CvC and he is attacked, does the opponent still score points for the kill?  - No as long as he is gone before the attack

2. If someone changes clans during a CvC does he immediately stop earning points for his old clan? Yes and they also lose any points that player made. 

3.  If someone changes clans during a CvC does he immediately start earning points for his new clan? No you're not eligible to earn points if not part of a clan BEFORE the event is announced

4. If someone changes clans during a KvK and he is attacked, does the opponent Kingdom still score points for the kill? Yes because it's a kingdom event

5. If someone changes clans during a KvK or KvKR does he still continue earning points for his kingdom? This one is debateable as there is no way to track because you show a zero on the clan report. The only way to know for sure is check your personal rewards section. 

Jan 13, 2018, 15:2501/13/18
Jan 13, 2018, 15:31(edited)

Gyda said:

I'm not a 100% sure but if it's only you in the clan you will be prompted to disband the clan.  The disadvantage is what has been stated above, you lose clan bonuses. Most people who hop back and forth between a one-man clan and a larger clan have a small, maybe lvl 5 dummy account that you make chief in your absence. 

Thanks for trying to help.

Of course I have seen the "quit clan" button, but have not clicked on it, just in case there isn't a change your mind option.

The disadvantage mentioned is not really relevant to my question, so that doesn't worry me.

I just need the fall back of  being able to drop out ,and then drop back in,if necessary.

The alternative of someone else holding the fort for you is risky if, they

# 1 abandon it themselves.

# 2  don't pass it back to you.

# 3 stop playing.  

I was aware of, but trying to avoid the dummy account  solution.

Sep 3, 2019, 15:1409/03/19
Sep 3, 2019, 15:16(edited)

Another question on this topic:

If you join a clan after the kvk or cvc event has begun, you cannot score any points for your clan, that is understood. But I've always wondered about this:

Say you start farming and you are attacked and lose troops: do these troops count AGAINST your new clan, even though you cannot score points FOR them if you kill any troops?

If you start after the event begins can negative points be scored against your clan if you lose troops is the short question I guess.

Apr 27, 2020, 22:2204/27/20
Apr 27, 2020, 22:23(edited)
Accidentally joined a clan that I did not want to. Any way to leave without waiting for the 24 hrs.? Please tell me there is. 
Dec 6, 2022, 18:1812/06/22

If you want to change your name in Clash of Clans, you'll need to create a new account and start over from scratch. Unfortunately, there's no way to change your name in the game if you've already started playing. So if you're unhappy with your current name, you'll have to start over with a new one.

Creating a new account is easy enough - just head to the Clash of Clans website and tap on the "Create an Account" button. From there, you'll be able to choose your desired name and begin playing the game. It's a bit of a hassle, but it's the only way to change your name in Clash of Clans. Readmore for exciting information.