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not getting everything you paid for?

not getting everything you paid for?

Aug 29, 2017, 01:1608/29/17

not getting everything you paid for?

I've purchased one of the "special" hero energy packs on more then one occasion and it did NOT give me the 100x 5000 energy pots it described. I've NEVER gotten the 5000 energy pots!!!!

Don't waste your time contacting support. They'll give you the run around with zero customer support. Not once has this issue ever been resolved. and it's not just happening to one person every now and again. it has happened to several of my clan members who attempted to purchase this "lucrative offer". I guess offering items in the game that were never going to be given is typical for this company.
Aug 29, 2017, 01:2608/29/17

box "items" on the left -> your items -> military -> scroll down

they just don't show up in the window, when you try to add doing invaders
Aug 31, 2017, 05:4908/31/17
I Purchased a package and only got the the gold! They tried to say, I got what I paid for! I have NEVER seen gold sell for 49.99 for 860 thousand gold! That only comes with the extra percentage on a package! Didn't get hero boosts or ANY of the items except 860 thousand gold! They are such crooks! I proved to them I bought it and that there is NOT a gold package lucrative deal that I was offered for 49.99 that is regularly 99 dollars for 800 thousand plus gold! They are just crooks! Only packages offer that much gold. It was such a lucrative deal! Spit!
Feb 14, 2020, 14:2502/14/20

Maan said:

I never get what i paid for, i paid voor a package of gold kost about 5,49 , but never get the gold rewards of the package zero nothing Nada noppes


Please contact me in private messages. Provide me with your ID. You can find it in Menu in "About the game" tab. Please send me invoice of your purchase. You can use any image hosting avaliable. 

Will be waiting for your answer!