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CVC Clan

CVC Clan

Jul 23, 2017, 11:1107/23/17

CVC Clan

So we created a CVC clan using a few banks/alts and our enemy is a dead clan.  If we keep a leader in the clan can the other jarl's go back to the main clan and does the CVC clan get the full reward for its league that it start the event at. 

 After the event is posted can the jarl's leave the CVC clan and be banks back in the main clan and then go back to the CVC clan and earn points during the actual event?

Jul 23, 2017, 15:4507/23/17
Jul 23, 2017, 15:51(edited)

I think I can answer at least some of this.

It is possible to transfer clans after the event has appeared in the events window, but the player will lose all points earned for that clan after the event begins, as well as any they may earn on returning. While they can switch clans, it is likely they will cost your bank/alt clan and main clan the win if they transfer clans, because all of the points earned will be wiped out for both clans from those players who transferred after the event appeared in the event window. 
Jul 24, 2017, 10:0107/24/17

it's true. if you will change a clan after anyone you will not take a part in the event. the same if you will change the clan during an event.

Jul 24, 2017, 14:3307/24/17


Plarium must do something against making cvc clans!

I our kingdom do this a clan too. That is nor fair playing!

They could try to sovled this for example that a new member can start with points not in the coming event first in the next cvc event. So all who want make easy points and resources must wait one week.

And during the coming cvc event they should not could send resources or troops to any other jarl or in the stronghold.

Than that was the problem from our last cvc. The other clan had only 41 members (influence 3,1 billion) when the news came and a day later 91 members (influence 4,3 billion).

The new members could ot help with the points for killing or intruders or farming but they help with resources to the stronghold and troops too other jarls.

Aug 23, 2017, 17:3008/23/17
I don't' believe this is correct. We're in cvc with a clan that had three members. Two have left, cvc is not over, yet the points they scored are still credited to the remaining member. They stacked the clan to get a certain level opponent, the two members who left had more influence than our whole clan, and he will win. We tried to play correctly and will get the shaft for it.
Aug 26, 2017, 06:3708/26/17
If you stack a clan before the CvC well then you get a higher level clan as an opponent ... so no point in doing that ... and yea if they leave maybe what they earned while they were there still counts (not sure about that but possible).  But if they come after CvC is announced they won't earn any points for the CvC.
Aug 26, 2017, 06:4008/26/17
Now someone who can't earn points for the CvC can put resources into the stronghold and they can be transformed and that could add points to the CvC event and probably they could also boost stronghold actions.
Aug 27, 2017, 17:1408/27/17
Aug 27, 2017, 17:15(edited)

Well I think doing this is not really beneficial. First of all it is not guaranteed that you will win the Event. Second, the players who quit the clan won't be able to participate at least 4-5 upcoming events including the Global Events.

Also, if the players leave the Clan during the event their accumulated points will stay with the Clan, however these users won't be able to gain more scores for their old or next clan, also they won't be able to receive any rewards. 

Dec 8, 2019, 20:0112/08/19

we are outnumbered by the clan we are pitted against in the upcoming CvC by 4 to 98 members. the last CvC, the other clan had 63 members MORE than we do!!!! WTF???? this is not fair play! somebody might think this is funny but we do not! it needs to be fixed and it is up to you to do it!!! considering the winner gets 5B in each rss, it is a very big deal to us and we already lost the last one based on this BS!!! we demand fair options so that we at least have a chance to win and we want some kind of compensation for each of these screwed up matches that you have arranged!!!