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Rewards for victory in the Clans Battle

Rewards for victory in the Clans Battle

Nov 18, 2019, 08:2911/18/19

Rewards for victory in the Clans Battle

The Clan that wins the Competition receives the following bonuses:

● +20% to building speed, learning speed, and resource transformation in the Stronghold for 7 days

● +10% to building speed, learning speed, and warrior training in the Town for 7 days

In addition, all Clan members who earned at least 1 point receive special items – Marks of Resolve.


The Chief also receives resources for Clan development. The amount of resources awarded depends on the League the Clan belongs to, and on the total number of points earned by all Clan members.


Nov 18, 2019, 12:5711/18/19
Nov 18, 2019, 13:05(edited)

Alice, I don't think the balance is right, our clan is in the League of Odin we are 3.1b clan, we can clear all checkpoints and get some good points beyond that, but we don't make 4.8t points very often if at all, why should someone who gets just one point get 10b reward for doing pretty much nothing, that not right, they should at least have to get 1 checkpoint or more in my opinion.

Also I would like to see the extra bonus rewards given from the 10th checkpoint onward, we put a lot of effort in for a small team, we would like to be rewarded better for that.
Nov 18, 2019, 13:4211/18/19
Nov 18, 2019, 14:24(edited)

You have a point, but you are already clearing 10 checkpoints, many of us struggle to make 2 or even 3, because the points needed jump afer the first level or so, and then rise dramatically after that.

Also its not a player that gets the 10 billion or whatever,but the clan,and only IF they win.

You might argue, in actual fact it is one person, its the chief and only the chief.

Asking that a player reaches a checkpoint,is problematic.

If its a clan check point thats a combined event, if its a personal checkpoint it may be a problem for a casual , beginner, or free to player to reach one level, and it would be especially disappointing for that player  then to be denied the personal reward because the clan lost.

I believe its already a problem for the personal reward to be lost when the clan or kingdom looses, it sends a signal of 'why bother ' as is the case with all check points which are way out of range. 

Nov 18, 2019, 22:1111/18/19
Nov 18, 2019, 22:16(edited)
We still want the bastion skin back, btw this is not accurate.. we are at league of Odin - clan w/ 80b influence only ( really small clan w/ members of 15) won our CvC and only got 700m each w/ 8 checkpoints., by the look of it we got a reward under recruit?, also we only got 400 star shards (which we could careless because we don’t like the new individual bonuses town skins) but still- a league of Odin got a star shards of league of warriors. Either way... unhappy players will equals =decrease activity dramatically and you will see it soon Alice 😔 I hear all around about lost of appetite in playing hard for CvC because they are not getting the bastion skin,. Really sad. “Bring back Bastion skin!!!” We are spending so much money for this game and you are making customers unhappy! Please reconsider and make a little step back for your client’s wishes.
Nov 19, 2019, 13:0811/19/19
Nov 19, 2019, 13:14(edited)

  I  agree!!!    I demoted myself from Chief and let the whole clan know that after years and hundreds if not thousands of dollars I will start sitting all events out.  When I am out of rss I will unistall and  from what I am hearing from others they will be also!   Not 2 more dollar will they get!   When the bank offers poo up I am more then eagar not to even look but closing it as quick as I can! ******

                         Hobbs Reyes said:

We still want the bastion skin back, btw this is not accurate.. we are at league of Odin - clan w/ 80b influence only ( really small clan w/ members of 15) won our CvC and only got 700m each w/ 8 checkpoints., by the look of it we got a reward under recruit?, also we only got 400 star shards (which we could careless because we don’t like the new individual bonuses town skins) but still- a league of Odin got a star shards of league of warriors. Either way... unhappy players will equals =decrease activity dramatically and you will see it soon Alice 😔 I hear all around about lost of appetite in playing hard for CvC because they are not getting the bastion skin,. Really sad. “Bring back Bastion skin!!!” We are spending so much money for this game and you are making customers unhappy! Please reconsider and make a little step back for your client’s wishes.

Nov 20, 2019, 04:2611/20/19

I totally agree. Most of the recent changes (as always) was only to serve a new way for plarium to get our money, it is never about developing the game or developing what the community wants. Today, we are not even able to connect. Every time, it is "Login server connection lost"....... it was not even established in the first place!!

The current status of the Game is: "SAD and disappointing"
Nov 20, 2019, 10:3811/20/19
Unfortunately this is very true,once something is lost its not easy or even possible to recover.
Nov 20, 2019, 15:1711/20/19
Nov 20, 2019, 15:18(edited)
👍 to Hobbs 
Nov 21, 2019, 03:4711/21/19
You need to change how long it takes to refresh it makes it impossible to know if your close to winning or not. I would do some changes to your new upgrade.Its a fighting game not a farming one.The only ones enjoying rewards cause they buy there way to get those rewards when we work our butts off with very little money.Guess that’s how this game is going .Your going to lose members.Count on it.We need better offers in the bank.Even the special packs suck.
Nov 21, 2019, 05:3011/21/19
I think that there needs to be changes.The first change should be having scores automatically posted not a hour later and I thought this update was supposed to make it more difficult to win by training well good job I bet you made so much money on offers it’s not funny. I could go on but dad idea even for smaller clans.This update big thumbs down.
Nov 21, 2019, 05:3211/21/19
Sorry for the missed spelling in my post,it’s pretty obvious 🤗 
Nov 21, 2019, 12:3311/21/19
yeah when you think about it, did you not think about just editing the post to  correct the spelling?
Nov 21, 2019, 17:5911/21/19
Please bring back the Bastion of the beast town skin. That’s the main reason why we love to win our CvC, now there’s no motivation because there’s no good reward for winning CvC. Not all players are at that level where all they need is your new town skins with its individual bonus and all only for fighting, there’s still a lot of us that use any of the old town skins especially for town development. Please listen to our simple request.. everyday is adding up and players getting bored, we don’t even know if we want to prepare for the next CvC since it’s not rewarding anymore.. and it’s only going to get worst, people will definitely start quitting. Trying to help you here plarium, now try to help us stay happy and active with this game of yours. -for now, the Buck stops here! 
Nov 27, 2019, 00:3311/27/19
Nov 27, 2019, 09:29(edited)
TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE so this is how you fix your screw up on your last cvc update or upgrade what every you call it i just call it NO MORE MONEY FOR PLARIUM  and really starting to feel good about not wasting money here or any other plarium game  
Dec 13, 2019, 21:3912/13/19
Is there somewhere where it is specified what determines a clans league (since it seems this has changed) ...
Feb 4, 2021, 01:3002/04/21

Is there an update to CVC league rewards?

Feb 4, 2021, 13:0702/04/21

Is there an update to CVC league rewards?

Hello, Meliodas!

At the moment, this table is updated, as soon as the new table is ready, we will immediately update the post. 🤗

Feb 5, 2021, 13:2002/05/21

Hello, Meliodas!

At the moment, this table is updated, as soon as the new table is ready, we will immediately update the post. 🤗

Thank you Ivar :)

Feb 9, 2021, 22:4902/09/21

Why the awards were dropped this week, there was 41 billion resource awards last week

Feb 10, 2021, 13:5802/10/21

Why the awards were dropped this week, there was 41 billion resource awards last week

Hello! The information in the table is currently irrelevant and the table is updating by our specialists right now. As soon as everything is ready, we will immediately publish it on the forum and you can check the results. At the moment you can discuss this issue with other Jarls! 🙂

Feb 11, 2021, 04:3002/11/21

Also, star shards was replaced by marks for winning CVC.

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