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Scouts and espionage

Scouts and espionage

Jul 9, 2019, 08:0507/09/19

Scouts and espionage

Skål, Jarls! There are a lot of interesting things to do in Vikings: War of Clans. Today we would like to talk about espionage.

Let's remember the basic facts about scouts. 

- They are the only warriors in tier I that require Silver for training. 

- They have their own Knowledge branch in the Oracle. 

- Scouts only fight other scouts. 

- To find out if somebody is trying to spy on your Town, you need to have your scouts in it. 

- On the Global Map, you can see marches of your own scouts only. 

- These troops have zero capacity, so they cannot transfer resources or capture resource locations. 

- They also cannot participate in Onslaughts. 

- However, scouts are the fastest warriors in Vikings: War of Clans. 

Do you upgrade your scouts and in what situations do you prefer to perform espionage before an attack? 

Jul 9, 2019, 21:1607/09/19
Jul 9, 2019, 21:22(edited)

1. Scouts cannot yield...therefore, scouting RSS plots is free of risk...therefore, you need send only 1 scout to check enemy troop levels in RSS plots. (At some point, the game should include the ability to send scouts along with forces for yielding to prevent this.)

2. As you grow larger, the basic game configuration makes lower level scouts a basis for fodder only. In this case 2 million level 1 scouts will get their azzes kicked by a few thousand level 5/6/7 scouts. So, unlike level 1 fighting troops, it becomes counter productive to use lower level scouts.

3. Two basic things affect scouting...1. The time to scout a player, then change gear to fight that player means you cannot scout active players who are dropping their shield to attack...meaning no sneak scouting with time to change gear to fight mainline troops 2. Since shields are so easily deployed, scouts only become necessary to check for traps and, as mentioned in item 1, for RSS plots.

Hint: Scout from distance (they cannot see) and move close to'll get points for scout attack and if they are not watching, give you time to change into battle gear, move and stomp a mud-hole in their azzes! Also, if attacking, it is well worth it to start a march, then send faster scouts to make sure some azzhat with 1 trillion power and a Repute has not reinforced your target!

4. Scouts are the easiest points for or lose. ALWAYS upgrade scouts to highest level possible...the points are awesome! And, the Scout Tree is the easiest to complete...

PSST...don't forget to create Scout Hero Set, get best Scout Gear, earn Wendla-of-Shadow, and best gear for Shaman Scouting

PSST2...For Training, you'll have to choose between Inga, for greater number of warriors in training...or Wendla, for reduced cost of Scout Training (I opt for Inga)

My assumptions are not sacrosanct...therefore, please feel free to correct anything in error.

Jul 12, 2019, 13:0207/12/19
With the second hero activation, it would make more sense to be able to wear 2 sets of armor.  As well as change gear even if the double is out on a march. 
Jul 12, 2019, 20:2607/12/19
Jul 12, 2019, 20:32(edited)

This topic is about scouts and your post is about a suggestion,so ought to have been posted there instead.

As to the suggestion about double heros, as I had thought about this idea also,  I suspect many others have too.

Question is  do the owners like the idea,and how difficult would it be to program it, and how much memory would it use?

Also, if you were able to have two different sets of equipment, technically it would no longer be a double hero, but two heroes,and which would disappear when the time ran out?

Jul 15, 2019, 11:0207/15/19


This topic is about scouts and your post is about a suggestion,so ought to have been posted there instead.

As to the suggestion about double heros, as I had thought about this idea also,  I suspect many others have too.

Question is  do the owners like the idea,and how difficult would it be to program it, and how much memory would it use?

Also, if you were able to have two different sets of equipment, technically it would no longer be a double hero, but two heroes,and which would disappear when the time ran out?

I agree with the topic placement comment and disagree with the rest.

It would be a relatively simple matter to create a duplicate occurrence of the hero object with its own set of variables and attributes. As to what the owners like or dislike, by past performance, I opine that opinion rests solely with previous implementations that lead to future implementations designed to do one thing, make money. The use of the extra Hero, by virtue of the safety offered by copious amounts of shielding reduces the need for the double hero to fighting invaders, not waging multiple battles.

As to the technical aspects of which hero predominates...that also would be relatively has an inherent time allotment that is clearly stated and would be applicable to whichever hero the player decides to place the time limitation on.

As to memory allotments....if there is enough to provide cut scenes and other gratuitous things such as the Citadel and the other innovations, I think there must be ample room for the hero complexity also.

Jul 15, 2019, 11:3507/15/19
Jul 15, 2019, 11:39(edited)

Wether you agree or not the topic is about scouting, the hero suggestion is nothing to do with scouting, its in the wrong place.

As to the second hero.

As  I am I not a programmer, I have no idea if your supposition about this aspect is accurate or not.

There is mostly no need to fully quote anyone,especially when its a subsequent post.
Jul 15, 2019, 12:2907/15/19

Thank you for all the info on Scouts. As I am about to make my second troop type and was torn between Scouts and Killers. 

Enjoy the day! 

,  Angel
Jul 29, 2019, 02:4507/29/19
Aug 18, 2024, 01:2208/18/24

I am working on the Paladin Cohorts and am nearly out of Increase Scout Troop size 400% boosts.  Can anybody tell me where I can get more of these?  And if there is a better one [750%. 1200%] to be found?